My Personal Experience with Wilheim


Jan 15, 2010
I hold no prejudice against anyone. Well, except maybe that ahole and his regime occupying the White House. He's dragging the USA down into the sewer with his agenda.

Again, you and everyone else in the USA who voted Obama in better hope his uses his EXECUTIVE VETO power to snuff out the recent $662 billion defense bill which was just passed in the Senate.

If this bill becomes law, sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will transform the USA into a nightmare.

Wait and see ....... :smoking:[/QUOTE
The Republicans will go down as the one's that paved the way for this kind of nonsense. You won't here any of the Republican candidates be against this. Accept maybe one.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
And it was just a couple months later that he - along with my enthusiastic support - dropped the "Politics" forum down to RubberRoom level.

He himself realized that if that forum was kept up high it would continue to demand constant moderation. And such moderation is very difficult if one has some firm political opinions of their own. He realized that neither he nor I (barman) could reasonably moderate such a forum.

And none of the other RxMod staff at that time had any interest in trying to sort through the dozens (yes DOZENS) of ReportAPost complaints that were being forwarded to RxMod team every week due one or more "controversial" posts in the Politics forum.

Getting rid of the sub-forum all together would have resulted in numerous "Political" Topics being created every day in the Offshore Forum and that certainly wasn't desired.

So by dumping it down to pretty much no-holds-barred RubberRoom status, we saw ReportAPosts drop to almost zero within a few months and that was of course a wonderful thing for all of the rxMod team and the site as well.

Though his quip above from March 2009 was perhaps over personalized on his part, the tenor of the message was very fair. That is - if you (or anyone else) is really so interested in banging out hours of "debate" and "argument" about political matters, there are dozens of much higher traffic web forums devoted specifically to that subject matter. The RxForum exists primarily (99%) for sports, gambling and related friendly social interaction. People who want to "fight" are best served to go elsewhere.

Excellent post through and through!

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I hold no prejudice against anyone. Well, except maybe that ahole and his regime occupying the White House. He's dragging the USA down into the sewer with his agenda.

Again, you and everyone else in the USA who voted Obama in better hope his uses his EXECUTIVE VETO power to snuff out the recent $662 billion defense bill which was just passed in the Senate.

If this bill becomes law, sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) will transform the USA into a nightmare.

Wait and see ....... :smoking:[/QUOTE
The Republicans will go down as the one's that paved the way for this kind of nonsense. You won't here any of the Republican candidates be against this. Accept maybe one.

I concur 100%! Republicans did indeed pave the wave for this, but the Democrats followed in line lock step and all. Both Republicans and Democrats in our Congress are responsible for this nonsense.

The only Republican I trust from the whole bunch is Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, honest money, and a pro-America foreign policy.

Mainstream media unfortunately is controlled by the state, so his chances are slim to none.

I stand in the minority here when I back his views.

New member
May 5, 2011
this countries going down the shitter no matter what. our freedoms that are being fought for are being taken away by our government. when my mother, a naturalized American citizen from Iran, gets "randomly selected" every time were at the airport, i call that bullshit. every time i speak a foreign language they don't understand, i get pulled out of line. hell i spoke armenian in front of a cop and he cuffed me drag my ass to jail for verbal assault.

we, as citizens, have to stand up for our rights.

RX Prophet
Sep 13, 2008
this countries going down the shitter no matter what. our freedoms that are being fought for are being taken away by our government. when my mother, a naturalized American citizen from Iran, gets "randomly selected" every time were at the airport, i call that bullshit. every time i speak a foreign language they don't understand, i get pulled out of line. hell i spoke armenian in front of a cop and he cuffed me drag my ass to jail for verbal assault.

we, as citizens, have to stand up for our rights.
I am completely support the profiling.....or "random selection" you speak of.

Jan 15, 2010
I am completely support the profiling.....or "random selection" you speak of.
I'm in complete support of liberty where ever it stands. Giving up liberty for safety is for cowards. This Marine's going down with the ship.

“Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy.”
― Ron Paul

New member
Sep 4, 2010
Probably not the best idea to post these photos, but I believe you when you say you are not a racist. I do not like Obama in any sense of the word. It has nothing to do with his race. It is the fact we elected a junior senator with no experience whatsoever. The guy is a blooming idiot and proves it everyday.

Now he would like americans to pay more taxes. Hmmm....umemployment is high and the economy is in a recession of sorts (globally anyway) and he wants to raise taxes! I guess we are suppose to just look the other way? I mean he wants to cut spending. Ok....I get it. To save money....right? So he proposes to cut the U.S. Postal Service and defense spending. OHHHH....another bright idea. Americans could lose upwards of 250,000 jobs because of these two moves alone. But hey we could save a $1 but spend $5 in the benefits we have to pay for these layoffs. I thought the President would try to help americans receive jobs.

He is a brilliant guy....let me tell you. Why not just raise corporate taxes? Oh yeah, that's right they will leave the country to run their operations offshore. This moron just does not understand basic principles.

My question is why he is not looking at how we spend the taxes he already receives. Why does every President tip toe around welfare? I have a good friend of my mother explain it this way. She is an african american. She is 26 years old and a single mom of 4 wonderful kids (she has truly done an amazing job. Kids are respectful and smart as whips). She works a full time gov't job and yet her sister who is single mother of two sits at home and makes the same amount of money each month!!!! It is truly an ass backward system. Her sister actually quit her job at CVS to have her 2nd baby. That way the gov't would pay her to have the baby and she would not have to work in the meantime. Once her check increased, she decided she was not going back to work at all. This same lady now has 3 kids and has admitted to only having more kids so she can have the opportunity of increasing her benefits. And my mother's friend has basically been shunned by her family as she disagrees with her. This poor lady is doing the right thing and has lost most of her family over it.

I am self employed. I have a working relationship with the local unemployment office. I have had several people interview for open positions who actually tell me they can not start work until their unemployment benefits have ceased. I have reported this to the office and get the same response each time....silence. And oh yeah, the wonderful man in office passed legislation to provide these benefits longer! I am sick and tired of helping people that do not need help. They just need a kick in the ass instead.

As for Obama and his "change", we have gotten what we wanted. We give him a $1 and he gives us some change in return.

This is still the greatest country in the world imho. But we have to stand up and right the ship. For the most part, we all realize the U.S. is not what it used to be. And to correct this, we elect a JUNIOR SENATOR from Illinois?????? WTF man...that is like hiring a janitor to be the dean at a college.

Oct 2, 2009
prettty sad to see how some things were done in the past, can only hope it is changing for the better.. politics is fair game... no matter what you say about obama, if its negative you will be called a racists. It is so funny to see those defend him but allowed so much to be said about bush. If cain were president and someone put up the same obama pictures comparting to cain, I bet this thread would not exist because it would be fair game as he is a republican. I guess it is what it is..

Oct 4, 2008
If you disagree with someone's position, argue with reason, facts, stats, etc. Goofy pictures and ad hominem doesn't really demonstrate anything subtantive.

Secondly, given the history of white supremacists, and a large percentage of white American culture from time and memorial up until the 1950's, viewing blacks as on par with primates, jungle monkeys, etc., I don't see how a reasonable person can be shocked when they post a picture of a black person next to a monkey and are accused of being a racist.

New member
Sep 11, 2009
he was quick to ban people who didnt agree with him. to ban u from the political forum and calling you a racist is way out of line and that email exchange was ridiculous......ur in the right.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Incubus, FWIW (which ain’t much) you are not alone. I had a similar episode with Wilhelm. I got called a racist by another poster for stating my distaste for BO and his ideologies. When I pointed it out to Wilhelm, his response was “if the shoe fits”.

Several months later I confronted Wil at that years bash. He was a gentleman and apologized. The following Monday I got banned for 30 days, no explanation. I emailed him to inquire why but never received a reply.

I have zero respect for anyone who acts in such a childish manner.

I had long since forgotten about it until I read the thread by Coldweather in the Poli Forum asking what happened.

All I can say is, what goes around, comes around.



New member
Oct 17, 2011
A gambling forum should not have a poltiical section. RX is not the first with this problem and won't be the last.
People talk politics in the gambling forum, then they start a political section, then it becomes a problem, gets moved, gets halted, repeat.

With that said Incubus, you are missing an important point of the racism discussion.
Most racism is neither 100% nor is it necessarily even understood by the person committing the act.
Racism is not graded though and if something appears racist it is deemed racist, like it or not.

Let me repeat one point from above -- When a racist comment of any sort occurs, it usually is not even understood to be racist.
You can argue with me until the cows come home, but posting a picture of a black person next to a monkey, or gorilla, is in and of itself a racist act or gesture.
Not because you meant it that way. Not because you are a racist. Because you are not being sensitive enough to recognize why it was wrong.

There are what 1million ways to insult an asian person, right? And there are things that Americans, or Westerners do to people of asian ancestry that is racist and insulting all the time. And again, most of the time the people doing it are unaware of what they are doing, because they do not understand the culture or know enough about the people to recognize what is considered "uncool" or "unacceptable" or outright "ugly racism" by that culture.

Again, Wil is was out of bounds worrying about politics in a gambling forum, and to be honest my first guess would be that he is black because he takes such offense to the monkey and gorilla postings.

Here is a sports analogy for you --

Back when Patrick Ewing was just getting started:,1759284

Banana peels (ape), signs, etc.
These were cases of people who knew and understood what racism was INTENTIONALLY antagonizing someone. Imagine being an NBA quality player and having banana peels thrown at your feet at a game.

There is a difference between intentional racism (malicious) and unintentional racism (ignorance). In my opinion your picutre postings were unintentionally racist, and do not make you a racist. But it shows you lack some sensitivity to a culture that you choose not to understand as well as you could.

You have become very sensitive to asian and Thai prejudice, it would serve you well to better understand racism against blacks so you are not again mistaken for someone who intends to hurt someone else.

it's a minefield man, it's not easy in this world to learn not to offend others and everybody makes mistakes. Wil was an idiot for going after you for this, and likewise imo you were pretty stupid to not realize what you were doing.

And if by chance you did realize what you were doing, then shame on you sir. Otherwise, let's gamble, OK?

New member
Mar 2, 2006
if that shit happened to you every fuckin time you go to the airport you wouldn't be so supportive of it..

I used to get stopped before 9/11 and get stopped every time post 9/11.

Doesn't bother me one bit. It is what it is. I am not even Middle Eastern. I am of Indian decent.
Oct 26, 2003
Silver...I respect your views but where I live is where I want to in a condo overlooking the beach, 25-30 golf courses that I have a choice to play, and the night life that I choose to engage in...I deserve the life that I want to involve myself in my later years...and notice I said night life last...LOL

Hospitals and Dental offices are just as good as the States, maybe even better...if you are sick, you don't have to take out a loan to get well...all drugs and prescriptions are way cheaper here...

It has definitely nothing to do with competing or surviving life in the good old USA...I enjoy life as well as you do in Minnesota...

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Silver...I respect your views but where I live is where I want to in a condo overlooking the beach, 25-30 golf courses that I have a choice to play, and the night life that I choose to engage in...I deserve the life that I want to involve myself in my later years...and notice I said night life last...LOL

VJ, likewise. My hyperbole on some matters at times goes overboard. Having been in "3rd world" places in less than ideal circumstances, perhaps has distorted my views. Sue me, I HATE hot humid weather & don't really mind "seasons". Having said that, when I was younger I guess my lifetime choice would have been somewhere on the WC. BOL BTW I don't golf, but I DO ice fish. Come join me.:):)

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
If you asked 100 normal people if they considered photos of Obama as a monkey to be racist, you honestly think more would say not its racist than would consider it to be racist?????

If you say your not racist, fine.

If you say no to the question above, you are simply not very intelligent or you are lying.

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