My Personal Experience with Wilheim


Active member
Oct 20, 1999


May 27, 2007
If you don't like the one black president in our history and post monkey pictures about him, the perception will be that you're a racist whether you are or not.

Perception usually is reality.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
If you don't like the one black president in our history and post monkey pictures about him, the perception will be that you're a racist whether you are or not.

Perception usually is reality.

Actually, Obama's ethnicity is multiracial. His father was a black African from Kenya, and his mother was a caucasian from Kansas, USA. So I would have to conclude Obama is the only one "multiracial" president we've had in USA history.

However, I get your point of the reply you made. People will think what they will even for a incident of poor judgement. I concur perception is powerful, but not necessarily always "reality." Anyway, people will think what they will of me. No biggie. It's a virtual anonymous posting forum afterall.

I just pray to God for you people in the USA, Obama is not reelected in 2012. If he is, you're all in store for a serious world of hurt.

I'll sit back here in Bangkok thousands of miles from the USA and watch the show as it unfolds!


Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
If you have so much disdain for the Pres, & this Country that you sit in some 3rd world country to hurl your "sage" remarks best of luck. You & all the guys that reside in these places have your own reasons. IMO one is you're too chickenshit to compete here in ALL aspects of life, including courtships. You & VJ and all the rest, usually the 1st thing mentioned is the availability of subserviant females. NOT the strong, resourceful, INDEPENDENT ladies here. Sort of like going to a market and buying fish, rather than the challenge of catching them yourself. You lost your right to criticize, when you chose to get out of the "kitchen". Afraid of the heat?? Stay there pal, been there, done that.
Oct 26, 2003
Actually, Obama's ethnicity is multiracial. His father was a black African from Kenya, and his mother was a caucasian from Kansas, USA. So I would have to conclude Obama is the only one "multiracial" president we've had in USA history.

However, I get your point of the reply you made. People will think what they will even for a incident of poor judgement. I concur perception is powerful, but not necessarily always "reality." Anyway, people will think what they will of me. No biggie. It's a virtual anonymous posting forum afterall.

I just pray to God for you people in the USA, Obama is not reelected in 2012. If he is, you're all in store for a serious world of hurt.

I'll sit back here in Bangkok thousands of miles from the USA and watch the show as it unfolds!


If you ever get to my neck of the woods (Pattaya Beach) send me a PM....

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
If you have so much disdain for the Pres, & this Country that you sit in some 3rd world country to hurl your "sage" remarks best of luck. You & all the guys that reside in these places have your own reasons. IMO one is you're too chickenshit to compete here in ALL aspects of life, including courtships. You & VJ and all the rest, usually the 1st thing mentioned is the availability of subserviant females. NOT the strong, resourceful, INDEPENDENT ladies here. Sort of like going to a market and buying fish, rather than the challenge of catching them yourself. You lost your right to criticize, when you chose to get out of the "kitchen". Afraid of the heat?? Stay there pal, been there, done that.

If you have so much disdain for the Pres, & this Country that you sit in some 3rd world country to hurl your "sage" remarks best of luck.

:lolBIG: I love the USA. Unlike you, I choose not to embrace the current direction the nation is heading. You support our so called unvetted President. Everyone with a brain can see the USA is heading towards the crapper in a hurry! I chose to escape the USA recently because I will not be subject to the current mob's policies in Congress and White House! The laws coming down the pike will affect the entire nation and accelerate the transformation of a once great nation into becoming a totalitarian place I choose not to be involved with.

I call you an ostrich unwilling to stick his head out of the sand to see you're getting worked over. My standard of life here in Thailand is awesome compared to the majority of Americans living in the USA.


IMO one is you're too chickenshit to compete here in ALL aspects of life, including courtships.


Chickenshit to compete? The USA is such a regulatory nightmare, it's literally chasing companies to move overseas. Again, you support the current mob's policies. I don't. The only guarantee that comes from keeping your nose to the grindstone and working long hours is that you will get old. I have a couple of businesses I own with my Thai wife here in Thailand. I won't be getting rich, but I will live comfortably. I sure as hell won't be subject to what you are in the USA!

Reality isn’t the way you wish things to be, or the way they appear to be, but the way they actually are. You either acknowledge reality and use it to your benefit, or it will automatically work against you.

You're the typical Mr. Magoo who can't see an inch in front of him.


You & VJ and all the rest, usually the 1st thing mentioned is the availability of subservientfemales. NOT the strong, resourceful, INDEPENDENT ladies here.

:lolBIG: again!

I'm married to a Thai lady. You really know squat about the Thai culture, don't you? It's extremely matriarchal! Know what that means? In a matriarchy, power lies with the women of a community. Thai women by nature are very strong, resourceful and INDEPENDENT!

We just subscribe to opposite views on how to live life. I believe in maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. You don't. I believe in free will. You don't.

I've wasted enough time dealing with you. Enjoy your "paradise" in the USA under Obama, while I enjoy mine here in Thailand. :howdy:

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
I'm so very happy for you! I won't get into the difference between you, Wil & myself. But, I can. Just one Q. IF you're so proud to be involved in that culture, that's fine, but the last time I was there (before you were born) I NEVER saw a natural blonde asian lady. Could be you miss the USA after all?:):)

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
BTW, other than whine about OUR lack of a future, what if anything have you done to defend her?

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Incubus I salute you sir...You manage to make a thoughtful and coherent response to some very simple minded posters who are attempting to bring you down into a mud slinging contest. And I happen to agree with you about the direction of the USA and I think it takes tremendous courage to pack up and leave in protest rather then just sit behind a computer and be an armchair activitst.

And before some simpletons start attacking me just remember I did pick up a rifle and defend the USA. I do love this country. But we are headed into the toilet fast. And nothing any of us do here can change it. Just look at the Congress. Its a joke and we are all being laughed at.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I'm so very happy for you! I won't get into the difference between you, Wil & myself. But, I can. Just one Q. IF you're so proud to be involved in that culture, that's fine, but the last time I was there (before you were born) I NEVER saw a natural blonde asian lady. Could be you miss the USA after all?:):)


I never said my wife was a "natural" blonde! If you've ever been married to or dated ANY woman, you know the old saying, "Changing her mind is a woman's perogative." So is changing her hair color and style. That photo of her was of several years ago. Her hair is now back to her natural state of black and styled short.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
BTW, other than whine about OUR lack of a future, what if anything have you done to defend her?

Whine about the lack of a future of the USA?:think2: I am merely exposing my views and thoughts to the forum on why I think escaping the USA was the "right" thing to do ... for ME!

I was too young to fight in the earlier wars (Korea, Vietnam), and too old to serve in the Middle East on all conflicts there.

You and everyone else in the USA who voted Obama in better his uses his EXECUTIVE VETO power to snuff out the recent $662 billion defense bill which was just passed in the Senate.

If this bill becomes law, sections 1031 and 1032 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would:

(1) Explicitly authorize the federal government to indefinitely imprison without charge or trial American citizens and others picked up inside and outside the United States;

(2) Mandate military detention of some civilians who would otherwise be outside of military control, including civilians picked up within the United States itself; and

(3) Transfer to the Department of Defense core prosecutorial, investigative, law enforcement, penal, and custodial authority and responsibility now held by the Department of Justice.

These provisions would dramatically change broad counterterrorism efforts by requiring law enforcement officials to step aside and ask the Department of Defense to take on a new role they are not fully equipped for and do not want! In essence, the legislation would make the military "police, judge and jailer!"

You're willing to just give the government your freedoms as long as they promise it is to keep you safe from invisible bad guys? Many men and women have sacrificed their lives trying to protect your freedoms, and then you just hand the freedoms away when you hear a bump in the night. Pathetic.

Doesn't the direction the USA is taking frighten you? Or are you only concerned with last night's football game? :think2: Then again, you choose not pull your head out of the sand and you're so near sighted to see the big picture. I can see the handwriting CLEARLY on the wall. You can't. When you finally do, it could be too late .... for YOU! :ohno:
Good luck to you and your's! :)!/

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Incubus I salute you sir...You manage to make a thoughtful and coherent response to some very simple minded posters who are attempting to bring you down into a mud slinging contest. And I happen to agree with you about the direction of the USA and I think it takes tremendous courage to pack up and leave in protest rather then just sit behind a computer and be an armchair activitst.

And before some simpletons start attacking me just remember I did pick up a rifle and defend the USA. I do love this country. But we are headed into the toilet fast. And nothing any of us do here can change it. Just look at the Congress. Its a joke and we are all being laughed at.

No, sir, I salute YOU for the sacrifice YOU have made on behalf of the USA and the nation.:toast:

I am happy to know several here (such as yourself) understand the grave and dire situation we're in as a nation. These are historical times. The USA is at the crossroads. I'm usually an optimist, but I really can't see any reverse in the negative downward spiral happening right now.

Yes, it wasn't easy to leave the USA for Thailand. I left family and friends behind. But I really do not think there was a better alternative for me, and I'm embracing my new life here to the fullest.
Dec 11, 2006
Hey Incubus,

Just want to say that I read through that e-mail exchange you had with Will. I support your position totally. The person being driven by bias in that exchange is Wil. The act of labeling someone "racist" when it is untrue and uncalled for should be offensive to anyone who wants to get beyond race.

Best of luck in your new environment. I often wonder where I will turn when the "takers" eventually implode the country that our forefathers fought for.

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
i feel ya, incubus, but we have only had 1 black president, saying all before him were compared to monkeys doesnt really help.

i think lots of people only voted for obama because hes black and lots of people didnt vote for him because hes black. both groups are equally stupid to me.

Lots of emotions involved in this thread but somehow Kidman comes forward with a calm statement of fact.
The fact that Incubus has made the statement that He acknowledges his photo was " in poor taste " is good enough for me to not consider him a " Racist ". Peace ! BTW His avatar scares me !

May 27, 2007
Hey Incubus,

Just want to say that I read through that e-mail exchange you had with Will. I support your position totally. The person being driven by bias in that exchange is Wil. The act of labeling someone "racist" when it is untrue and uncalled for should be offensive to anyone who wants to get beyond race.

Best of luck in your new environment. I often wonder where I will turn when the "takers" eventually implode the country that our forefathers fought for.

How do you know it's not true?
Dec 11, 2006
Because I'm a rational, thinking, human being. Did you read the e-mail exchange? Tell me what Incubus must say to convince you that he is not racist. He convinced me.

May 27, 2007
Because I'm a rational, thinking, human being. Did you read the e-mail exchange? Tell me what Incubus must say to convince you that he is not racist. He convinced me.

I understand what you're saying however people that aren't racists don't post photos like that if they don't have racism in them in some form or fashion IMO.

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