My Personal Experience with Wilheim


your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
wil was ok as long as you agreed with his agenda.he banned many people for personal reasons.i am really glad he is gone.

Unfortnately, I learned firsthand regarding Wil's practice of banning people for personal reasons.

I was banned last year from a couple of the Rx sub-forums and almost permanently alltogether for posting photos lampooning Obama.

Wil is a dyed in the wool Obama supportor, so he was quick to label me a "racist" when I posted photos lampooning Obama.

I never really forgave him for labeling me a "racist." That really hurt me.

Here's the complete email string between Will and I on this distasteful matter. I tried my best to present my case to Wil in a very cogent and intelligent level, but Wil summarily dismissed me and still thought of me being a "racist." I have removed the actual email addresses in deference to the Rx's prohibition against posting email addresses.

I just wanted to let everyone here at the Rx know that Wil was "fair" in many ways, but was totally "uncool" for labeling me a "racist."


From: Wilheim
To: Mr. Incubus
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: Thank You

"It was never my intent to be racist with my anti-Obama pictures. It was not my aim or design to anger you or offend any other Rx member by virtue of them

You failed miserably, at best this sophmoric so called satire is in the poorest of taste. Your protests about not being racist are wasted on me.


WilheimHead ModeratorThe Posting Forum

From: Mr. Incubus
To: Wilheim
Sent: Mon, August 2, 2010 8:12:42 PM
Subject: Thank You
Hello again Wilheim,

Thank you for taking the time to provide me with your reply. I appreciate that you are allowing me to address this serious accusation of your's.

I never in my life intended for any of my posts to be "racist" at the Rx as you perceived them to be. Anti-Obama pictures are bigotry and hatred driven? I'm truly flabbergasted by this notion you proffer. I vehemently oppose Obama's platform and policies, but that doesn't mean I'm a racist. I do not "hate" the man or his wife since I have never met them. I don't hate anyone since it's wasted energy. My method of showing my utter disdain for the Obamas' politics by posting those pictures was in poor taste I can see now. Again, I apologize.

For your information, I am married to an Asian woman originally from Thailand, and I have received my fair share of REAL bigotry and hatred soley because I am married to her. You have absolutely no idea what I have endured by "true" racists in our country of the good 'ole USA. If you had heard what I have over these past several years while I have been with this charming young Thai woman I love with all my heart, then you would see real racism and bigotry in play that I HAVE ENDURED. It has taken every iota of me to show self restraint and not commit misdemeanor/felony crimes against those who have been so callous and ignorant with their vile hate towards my wife or me just because I'm married to her. Just because she's Thai and I'm an American. I must thank my Thai wife and her Buddist ways of peace for providing a positive influence on me. I am grateful to have her in my life.


For you to label me or perceive me as "racist" is the farthest from the truth. I'll be honest and tell you it's extremely hurtful and insulting reading those implied words coming from someone like you, whom I respect greatly. I see the Rx as my "virtual home" and I have shared a great bit of commradery with many members there. Since the Rx is an anonymous internet forum, I don't expect you to understand my situation since you have never met me or my Thai wife in person. I am merely a nameless faceless entity to you. You've chosen to summarily judge me by virtue of several posts. I do not blame you one bit. Not at all. I can only be myself and do my best to express myself right now.

Wilheim, I am appreciative of your military service record for the USA, and laying your life on the line in order to preserve the freedoms Americans currently have under the Constitution. Thank you for telling me this. I am friends with many men and women who were involved in the Vietnam War. I respect each and every one of them for the sacrifices they made in that conflict. One of those rights defended then was the 1st Amendment. Without the Freedom of Speech, what kind of country would this be? The very thought makes me cringe. Currently, cartoonists can still lampoon political figures, including the President, as protected speech under the 1st Amendment. That's where those anti-Obama images come from - lampoonists on media sites. Many politicos are actively seeking to censor this form of free speech and this is very troubling. It should be troubling to every American - domestic and abroad. I, as well as many others, thank you for defending this right.

These are certainly trying times for the USA, and the future is very precarious in my opinion. The downward spiriling economy, high unemployment, housing collapse, illegal immigration, lack of international border controls, health care reform, government intervention in the private sector, eroding privacy rights, higher taxes, etc. Unlike many, I do not have faith in the current administration and the direction they are taking our country. Yes, I probably should have conveyed these thoughts in posts with cogent well-written verbiage as opposed to just anti-Obama photos. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have banned me from the POLITICAL FORUM if I had taken this tact in expressing my anti-Obama views on his policies and agenda. May I ask you if I am correct? I genuinely hope so.

I know many who have vowed to stay in the USA and partake in a "revolution" should it come to that. They will have no chance whatsoever of prevailing versus the military state as it is now. I certainly do not want to be here should the implosion ultimately take hold. The state I reside in, California, is crumbling as we speak. It is dire here. Should California go under, the rest of the USA may soon follow since the California economy is one of the top 5 in the WORLD. I'm hopeful I will have successfully migrated to Thailand to be with my wife and her family well before the "other shoe drops" so to speak. That is my exit strategy and goal. I know you are in Costa Rica, so you'll also have a ringside seat to witness what will develop.

But I digress. Wilheim, I can sympathize with your sensitivity on the images I posted. After reading your email, I can see how you would interpret them as such. Again, I'm sorry. It was never my intent to be racist with my anti-Obama pictures. It was not my aim or design to anger you or offend any other Rx member by virtue of them. As I stated before, I have endured true racism first hand by virtue of my involvement with my Thai wife. That is the type of vile behavior I have witnessed in-person. Posting anti-Obama pictures on an anonymous internet forum doesn't seem to be what I experienced numerous times with my wife. Again, this is merely my personal opinion.

Suffice to say, the subject matter of racism is genuinely distasteful. We can certainly agree on this.

Despite of what you think of me now, I assure you that I am an extremely intelligent and thoughtful individual. My friends and relationships are comprised of many men and women from different races, colors and creeds. Much like the rainbow. I am saddened that you have branded me a racist without understanding me or hearing me out fully. Just because of my anti-Obama posts/pictures. There is much more to me than that. I would be telling a lie if I didn't say I am disappointed by all of this.

I understand the Rx is akin to a totalitarian state at times, so I merely ask that you forgive me. I look forward to putting this distasteful matter behind us. I also look forward to contributing to the Rx in a much more positive and beneficial manner from now on. No need to discuss politics, religion, etc. Just like when you're dating a girl. Keep it light, simple and cheerful. The "real" world is tough enough to coexist in without bringing these subjects into the "virtual" world of the Rx.

Again, I'm appreciative of what all you do for us at the Rx.

Have a nice evening.


--- On Mon, 8/2/10, Wilheim wrote:
From: Wilheim
Subject: Re: Hi Again Wilheim, This is Incubus - Question
To: "Mr. Incubus"
Date: Monday, August 2, 2010, 10:43 PM

You are lucky I don't ban you completly for that garbage you posted on our site. I haven't had a chance to find any more but if I do find a single racist post by you from this moment on it will result in a permanent ban.

Forget about ever seeing The Politcs Forum again.

On a personal level I am requesting that you do not email me that trash again. I have no wish to view racist images of our president. I am a Viet Nam vet who went to war for this country and those images almost make me regret fighting for the very freedoms that allow such bigatry and hatred to exist in our country. Beyond description is how I feel about your so called satire. I despise racism of any kind, something you would be well advised to keep in mind when you post any images.

You are on serious thin ice - keep that in mind if you reply to this email..


WilheimHead ModeratorThe Posting Forum

From: Mr. Incubus
Sent: Mon, August 2, 2010 4:05:55 PM
Subject: Hi Again Wilheim, This is Incubus - Question
Greetings, Wilheim!

I see you have just banned me from the POLITICS FORUM at the Rx.

May I ask you why?

I thought the main title POLITICAL SATIRE - MAKE OF IT WHAT YOU WILL was just that. I thought this section of the Rx was where members could express their views, albeit with a lampoonish slant.

I carefully read the sticky you had posted for this particular forum:

I am being honest when I ask you how any of my posts in the POLITICAL FORUM violated the rules enumerated in the sticky.

I did not wish death threats on Obama or his wife. I posted 3 Obama images - 2 bumper stickers with Obama on them as well as a parody in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Here they are:




With regards to Michelle Obama, I was responding to BillHill's inane comment that Michelle "had a bigger unit" than Barrack. In my 2 reply posts, I merely put 2 pictures of Michelle. No death threats. Just a lampoon on the 1st lady. Here they are:


I do not believe any of these 5 pictures I posted are remotely close to being "pornographic." Unless you have expanded the definition of "pornographic?"
This is where I need your guidance as Head Moderator.

As you're well aware, the previous Bush administration was and is still being lampooned to death. To wit, here are several images very similar to the ones I posted about Barrack and Michelle:


Wilheim, I apologize in advance for upsetting you.

If I upset you personally because of your political affiliation (in that you may have voted and staunchly support Obama), I really am sorry. There was no way for me to know this.

If I can have some guidance on this, it would surely allow me to correct my posting behavior so I won't do it again. I really want to do the right thing and not upset you again at the Rx. This is sincere.

Perhaps you can utilize my experience and the reason you banned me as an "addition" to the sticky. I certainly don't want to see any of my fellow Rx members succumb to the same problem I did.

How long will I be banned from the POLITICAL FORUM?
May I apply for reinstatement sometime in the future?

Once I understand the reasons behind my ban, I can assure you I will not repeat the violation again. I will keep my political views to myself.

I enjoy the Rx thoroughly, and I respect and appreciate the job you do for us all there.

Again, I apologize if I offended your personal political beliefs regarding Obama in any way, shape or form.

Best regards,



your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Classy bunch here - talk shit when a man isn't here to defend Himself.

Sir, if your post is directed at me, I can assure you I am not "talking shit" about Wil.

My post above merely is to show you that while Wil was "very fair" in many ways here at the Rx as Head Moderator, he was also quick to ban someone for expressing political views contrary to his.

The Obama lampoon photos I posted were done so with no racist intent whatsoever.

If you read through the entire email string I've posted, you see that I explained myself in a very intelligent manner.

Despite telling my background and my experiences with my Thai wife regarding true racism I've experienced firsthand, Wil would have none of it.

To this day, Wil thinks I'm a "racist," and for that I am deeply offended.

As the title of my post indicates, this is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good luck to Wil in his future endeavors, and I like everyone else here wants to see the Rx prosper for years to come.

Oct 18, 2008
Unfortnately, I learned firsthand regarding Wil's practice of banning people for personal reasons.

I was banned last year from a couple of the Rx sub-forums and almost permanently alltogether for posting photos lampooning Obama.

Wil is a dyed in the wool Obama supportor, so he was quick to label me a "racist" when I posted photos lampooning Obama.

I never really forgave him for labeling me a "racist." That really hurt me.

Here's the complete email string between Will and I on this distasteful matter. I tried my best to present my case to Wil in a very cogent and intelligent level, but Wil summarily dismissed me and still thought of me being a "racist." I have removed the actual email addresses in deference to the Rx's prohibition against posting email addresses.

I just wanted to let everyone here at the Rx know that Wil was "fair" in many ways, but was totally "uncool" for labeling me a "racist."


From: Wilheim
To: Mr. Incubus
Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: Thank You

"It was never my intent to be racist with my anti-Obama pictures. It was not my aim or design to anger you or offend any other Rx member by virtue of them

You failed miserably, at best this sophmoric so called satire is in the poorest of taste. Your protests about not being racist are wasted on me.


WilheimHead ModeratorThe Posting Forum

From: Mr. Incubus
To: Wilheim
Sent: Mon, August 2, 2010 8:12:42 PM
Subject: Thank You
Hello again Wilheim,

Thank you for taking the time to provide me with your reply. I appreciate that you are allowing me to address this serious accusation of your's.

I never in my life intended for any of my posts to be "racist" at the Rx as you perceived them to be. Anti-Obama pictures are bigotry and hatred driven? I'm truly flabbergasted by this notion you proffer. I vehemently oppose Obama's platform and policies, but that doesn't mean I'm a racist. I do not "hate" the man or his wife since I have never met them. I don't hate anyone since it's wasted energy. My method of showing my utter disdain for the Obamas' politics by posting those pictures was in poor taste I can see now. Again, I apologize.

For your information, I am married to an Asian woman originally from Thailand, and I have received my fair share of REAL bigotry and hatred soley because I am married to her. You have absolutely no idea what I have endured by "true" racists in our country of the good 'ole USA. If you had heard what I have over these past several years while I have been with this charming young Thai woman I love with all my heart, then you would see real racism and bigotry in play that I HAVE ENDURED. It has taken every iota of me to show self restraint and not commit misdemeanor/felony crimes against those who have been so callous and ignorant with their vile hate towards my wife or me just because I'm married to her. Just because she's Thai and I'm an American. I must thank my Thai wife and her Buddist ways of peace for providing a positive influence on me. I am grateful to have her in my life.


For you to label me or perceive me as "racist" is the farthest from the truth. I'll be honest and tell you it's extremely hurtful and insulting reading those implied words coming from someone like you, whom I respect greatly. I see the Rx as my "virtual home" and I have shared a great bit of commradery with many members there. Since the Rx is an anonymous internet forum, I don't expect you to understand my situation since you have never met me or my Thai wife in person. I am merely a nameless faceless entity to you. You've chosen to summarily judge me by virtue of several posts. I do not blame you one bit. Not at all. I can only be myself and do my best to express myself right now.

Wilheim, I am appreciative of your military service record for the USA, and laying your life on the line in order to preserve the freedoms Americans currently have under the Constitution. Thank you for telling me this. I am friends with many men and women who were involved in the Vietnam War. I respect each and every one of them for the sacrifices they made in that conflict. One of those rights defended then was the 1st Amendment. Without the Freedom of Speech, what kind of country would this be? The very thought makes me cringe. Currently, cartoonists can still lampoon political figures, including the President, as protected speech under the 1st Amendment. That's where those anti-Obama images come from - lampoonists on media sites. Many politicos are actively seeking to censor this form of free speech and this is very troubling. It should be troubling to every American - domestic and abroad. I, as well as many others, thank you for defending this right.

These are certainly trying times for the USA, and the future is very precarious in my opinion. The downward spiriling economy, high unemployment, housing collapse, illegal immigration, lack of international border controls, health care reform, government intervention in the private sector, eroding privacy rights, higher taxes, etc. Unlike many, I do not have faith in the current administration and the direction they are taking our country. Yes, I probably should have conveyed these thoughts in posts with cogent well-written verbiage as opposed to just anti-Obama photos. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have banned me from the POLITICAL FORUM if I had taken this tact in expressing my anti-Obama views on his policies and agenda. May I ask you if I am correct? I genuinely hope so.

I know many who have vowed to stay in the USA and partake in a "revolution" should it come to that. They will have no chance whatsoever of prevailing versus the military state as it is now. I certainly do not want to be here should the implosion ultimately take hold. The state I reside in, California, is crumbling as we speak. It is dire here. Should California go under, the rest of the USA may soon follow since the California economy is one of the top 5 in the WORLD. I'm hopeful I will have successfully migrated to Thailand to be with my wife and her family well before the "other shoe drops" so to speak. That is my exit strategy and goal. I know you are in Costa Rica, so you'll also have a ringside seat to witness what will develop.

But I digress. Wilheim, I can sympathize with your sensitivity on the images I posted. After reading your email, I can see how you would interpret them as such. Again, I'm sorry. It was never my intent to be racist with my anti-Obama pictures. It was not my aim or design to anger you or offend any other Rx member by virtue of them. As I stated before, I have endured true racism first hand by virtue of my involvement with my Thai wife. That is the type of vile behavior I have witnessed in-person. Posting anti-Obama pictures on an anonymous internet forum doesn't seem to be what I experienced numerous times with my wife. Again, this is merely my personal opinion.

Suffice to say, the subject matter of racism is genuinely distasteful. We can certainly agree on this.

Despite of what you think of me now, I assure you that I am an extremely intelligent and thoughtful individual. My friends and relationships are comprised of many men and women from different races, colors and creeds. Much like the rainbow. I am saddened that you have branded me a racist without understanding me or hearing me out fully. Just because of my anti-Obama posts/pictures. There is much more to me than that. I would be telling a lie if I didn't say I am disappointed by all of this.

I understand the Rx is akin to a totalitarian state at times, so I merely ask that you forgive me. I look forward to putting this distasteful matter behind us. I also look forward to contributing to the Rx in a much more positive and beneficial manner from now on. No need to discuss politics, religion, etc. Just like when you're dating a girl. Keep it light, simple and cheerful. The "real" world is tough enough to coexist in without bringing these subjects into the "virtual" world of the Rx.

Again, I'm appreciative of what all you do for us at the Rx.

Have a nice evening.


--- On Mon, 8/2/10, Wilheim wrote:
From: Wilheim
Subject: Re: Hi Again Wilheim, This is Incubus - Question
To: "Mr. Incubus"
Date: Monday, August 2, 2010, 10:43 PM

You are lucky I don't ban you completly for that garbage you posted on our site. I haven't had a chance to find any more but if I do find a single racist post by you from this moment on it will result in a permanent ban.

Forget about ever seeing The Politcs Forum again.

On a personal level I am requesting that you do not email me that trash again. I have no wish to view racist images of our president. I am a Viet Nam vet who went to war for this country and those images almost make me regret fighting for the very freedoms that allow such bigatry and hatred to exist in our country. Beyond description is how I feel about your so called satire. I despise racism of any kind, something you would be well advised to keep in mind when you post any images.

You are on serious thin ice - keep that in mind if you reply to this email..


WilheimHead ModeratorThe Posting Forum

From: Mr. Incubus
Sent: Mon, August 2, 2010 4:05:55 PM
Subject: Hi Again Wilheim, This is Incubus - Question
Greetings, Wilheim!

I see you have just banned me from the POLITICS FORUM at the Rx.

May I ask you why?

I thought the main title POLITICAL SATIRE - MAKE OF IT WHAT YOU WILL was just that. I thought this section of the Rx was where members could express their views, albeit with a lampoonish slant.

I carefully read the sticky you had posted for this particular forum:

I am being honest when I ask you how any of my posts in the POLITICAL FORUM violated the rules enumerated in the sticky.

I did not wish death threats on Obama or his wife. I posted 3 Obama images - 2 bumper stickers with Obama on them as well as a parody in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Here they are:




With regards to Michelle Obama, I was responding to BillHill's inane comment that Michelle "had a bigger unit" than Barrack. In my 2 reply posts, I merely put 2 pictures of Michelle. No death threats. Just a lampoon on the 1st lady. Here they are:


I do not believe any of these 5 pictures I posted are remotely close to being "pornographic." Unless you have expanded the definition of "pornographic?"
This is where I need your guidance as Head Moderator.

As you're well aware, the previous Bush administration was and is still being lampooned to death. To wit, here are several images very similar to the ones I posted about Barrack and Michelle:


Wilheim, I apologize in advance for upsetting you.

If I upset you personally because of your political affiliation (in that you may have voted and staunchly support Obama), I really am sorry. There was no way for me to know this.

If I can have some guidance on this, it would surely allow me to correct my posting behavior so I won't do it again. I really want to do the right thing and not upset you again at the Rx. This is sincere.

Perhaps you can utilize my experience and the reason you banned me as an "addition" to the sticky. I certainly don't want to see any of my fellow Rx members succumb to the same problem I did.

How long will I be banned from the POLITICAL FORUM?
May I apply for reinstatement sometime in the future?

Once I understand the reasons behind my ban, I can assure you I will not repeat the violation again. I will keep my political views to myself.

I enjoy the Rx thoroughly, and I respect and appreciate the job you do for us all there.

Again, I apologize if I offended your personal political beliefs regarding Obama in any way, shape or form.

Best regards,


All this proves is that you are racist and Wil barred you from the poli forum because of it

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
All this proves is that you are racist and Wil barred you from the poli forum because of it

How so? :think2: The images I posted were taken directly from mainstream websites.

If I don't agree with the Obama's political views and express this position with photos lampooning him, I'm labeled a racist? :ohno: Posting similar photos lampooning Bush would be OK in your book I see. That certainly wouldn't be racist, right?

Oct 16, 2008
white people arent often referred to as monkeys, so posting a image of a black person in reference to a monkey is racist, it doesnt bother me as racial jokes are funny to me most of the time, but i see where some consider it racist

those photos are making fun of bushes intelligence, not his race. since monkey is a put down for a black person, if u want to make fun of obama's intelligence or views, you should probably skip the one that looks of racial issues and stick with ones on intelligence.

Oct 18, 2008
How so? :think2: The images I posted were taken directly from mainstream websites.

If I don't agree with the Obama's political views and express this position with photos lampooning him, I'm labeled a racist? :ohno: Posting similar photos lampooning Bush would be OK in your book I see. That certainly wouldn't be racist, right?

Posting those pictures isn't disagreeing with his political views. I don't understand how posting a picture of Bush as a monkey would be racist because white people are not compared to monkeys? It would make no sense but it is tough to argue with racists so i guess you will next tell me your best friend in highschool was black?

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
white people arent often referred to as monkeys, so posting a image of a black person in reference to a monkey is racist, it doesnt bother me as racial jokes are funny to me most of the time, but i see where some consider it racist

Thanks for your take, Kidman. I always appreciate reading your posts and replies.

In my email message, I posted various examples where Bush was compared to a monkey.

Actually, if you go back in history, I'd bet EVERY USA President has been compared to a monkey.

Anyway, for the record I'm not racist. That was not my intent in posting the Obama lampoon photos. I'm married to a Thai woman. That's what they call an "interracial" marriage.

Again, thanks for your take. :toast:

Oct 16, 2008
i feel ya, incubus, but we have only had 1 black president, saying all before him were compared to monkeys doesnt really help.

i think lots of people only voted for obama because hes black and lots of people didnt vote for him because hes black. both groups are equally stupid to me.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
Posting those pictures isn't disagreeing with his political views. I don't understand how posting a picture of Bush as a monkey would be racist because white people are not compared to monkeys? It would make no sense but it is tough to argue with racists so i guess you will next tell me your best friend in highschool was black?

Jstack, please look in the mirror when you make these baseless accusations. You're making a character assination virtually, and it really shows your lack of understanding. I have experienced racism firsthand by virtue of my marriage to my Thai wife. Ugly stuff in the "real" world and not on some anonymous forum.

My intent in posting the Obama lampoon photos definitely was my way of expressing my heartfelt disdain for that no good bumbler in the White House hellbent on destroying the USA. Nothing else.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
i feel ya, incubus, but we have only had 1 black president, saying all before him were compared to monkeys doesnt really help.

i think lots of people only voted for obama because hes black and lots of people didnt vote for him because hes black. both groups are equally stupid to me.

OK, I see your point. As I explained to Wil in my email string, I agreed my Obama lampoon photos were in poor taste. Poor taste does NOT mean I'm a racist. I'm far from it.

Again, thanks for your take. I just didn't like the fact that Wil banned me and labeled me a "racist" for an error in judgement, and wouldn't see my intent was not malevolent like he thought it was.

New member
May 20, 2007
Sir, if your post is directed at me, I can assure you I am not "talking shit" about Wil.

My post above merely is to show you that while Wil was "very fair" in many ways here at the Rx as Head Moderator, he was also quick to ban someone for expressing political views contrary to his.

The Obama lampoon photos I posted were done so with no racist intent whatsoever.

If you read through the entire email string I've posted, you see that I explained myself in a very intelligent manner.

Despite telling my background and my experiences with my Thai wife regarding true racism I've experienced firsthand, Wil would have none of it.

To this day, Wil thinks I'm a "racist," and for that I am deeply offended.

As the title of my post indicates, this is MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good luck to Wil in his future endeavors, and I like everyone else here wants to see the Rx prosper for years to come.

My post was directed at anyone who is talking shit. Seemed pretty clear. I echo the last sentence of your post.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
My post was directed at anyone who is talking shit. Seemed pretty clear. I echo the last sentence of your post.

I apologize for my misperception of your post.

Let's hope the Rx continues to be a forum we all love to frequent. This is a "virtual" home for me, and I really enjoy the banter and commradery here.

Oct 18, 2008
Jstack, please look in the mirror when you make these baseless accusations. You're making a character assination virtually, and it really shows your lack of understanding. I have experienced racism firsthand by virtue of my marriage to my Thai wife. Ugly stuff in the "real" world and not on some anonymous forum.

My intent in posting the Obama lampoon photos definitely was my way of expressing my heartfelt disdain for that no good bumbler in the White House hellbent on destroying the USA. Nothing else.

No one is making a character assassination, I just called you a racist because i knew you would flip out. It was childish of me and had no real purpose but i knew you would over react and go a bit crazy from the way you reacted to Wil. But just to let you know, just because you have experienced racism against you, it doesn't mean you can not be racist

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
those photos are making fun of bushes intelligence, not his race. since monkey is a put down for a black person, if u want to make fun of obama's intelligence or views, you should probably skip the one that looks of racial issues and stick with ones on intelligence.

I just read this part of your reply which you added after I originally replied.

Thank you for your sage advice. Will take it to heart.

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
No one is making a character assassination, I just called you a racist because i knew you would flip out. It was childish of me and had no real purpose but i knew you would over react and go a bit crazy from the way you reacted to Wil. But just to let you know, just because you have experienced racism against you, it doesn't mean you can not be racist

Jstack, I certainly did not "flip out" with my replies to you in this thread. "Flipping out" would entail F bombs being hurled and the usual banal petty insults and barbs being thrown. I didn't do that. I was just commenting that you were wrong to label me a racist. I really do not believe any of my emails to Wil depicted me as "flipping out" or "overreacting." They were civil, calm and cogent. I guess some people don't care if they're called a racist. I do and was merely trying to defend myself in an intelligent fashion. I admitted to Wil and everyone that my posting of the Obama lampoon photos was in "poor taste," but in no way whatsover was my "intent" to be racist. Also, my marrying a Thai woman (e.g., interracial marriage) and experiencing racism at a tangible level from my fellow caucasian USA country men and women because of it has really left an indelible impression on me. I appreciate the fact you are defending Wil. I just didn't like the "racist" label. Thanks for your take.

Oct 18, 2008
Jstack, I certainly did not "flip out" with my replies to you in this thread. "Flipping out" would entail F bombs being hurled and the usual banal petty insults and barbs being thrown. I didn't do that. I was just commenting that you were wrong to label me a racist. I really do not believe any of my emails to Wil depicted me as "flipping out" or "overreacting." They were civil, calm and cogent. I guess some people don't care if they're called a racist. I do and was merely trying to defend myself in an intelligent fashion. I admitted to Wil and everyone that my posting of the Obama lampoon photos was in "poor taste," but in no way whatsover was my "intent" to be racist. Also, my marrying a Thai woman (e.g., interracial marriage) and experiencing racism at a tangible level from my fellow caucasian USA country men and women because of it has really left an indelible impression on me. I appreciate the fact you are defending Wil. I just didn't like the "racist" label. Thanks for your take.

I consider flipping out as getting super defensive and taking extreme offense to what i said. I actually don't know anything about Wil. Never had any problems with him but never had any negative or positive interaction with him one on one

your worst nightmare
Dec 22, 2008
I consider flipping out as getting super defensive and taking extreme offense to what i said. I actually don't know anything about Wil. Never had any problems with him but never had any negative or positive interaction with him one on one

No big deal. Everything's cool. Glad you had a vanilla neutral relationship with Wil.

Like I said before, I wish him the best in his post Rx days in the future. Let's all hope the Rx continues to prosper in his absense. :grandmais

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