My experience with Royal


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
Uh, you really seem to KNOW that people haven't been stiffed. I wonder how a non-shill "customer" would know that. I have money in many books, and if they ever stiffed anyone, I wouldn't ever know about it.

Sorry but I personally know of a person who was given "a deal".

He wasn't paid what he wanted, his rollover was increased, he was only given certain % of what he wanted to withdraw and then the remaining percentage was to be rolled over AGAIN - now that could be "slow pay" in your book, but it is a STIFF JOB in mine.
Basically what i meant was that these complaints seem to be Slow Pays and not players getting stiffed altogether. No I don't know for sure but thats what I have read in these Royal threads in the past.As far as you knowing someone who got a " deal ", We have seen extortion threats in the past with Royal,Why should I believe you, you don't seem to want to take anything I say seriously and I have an account their. So why should anything you say, " here say " from someone that doesn't play or have an account their ?

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
I will say it again in bigger font for people who can't read:

If Royal pays 99 people and stiffs 1 person, that isn't good enough for me.
Apparently you were wearing blindfolds about 8 or 10 momths ago when the RX and all the know it alls like yourself were blasting away at Royal who supposedly stiffed a player. Well, guess what ? It was the player who was pulling the scam ! Yes, the RX looked pretty bad on that one but I think the Shrink was in the middle of that fiasco. The masses follow the leaders and sometimes the leaders are not telling the complete truth. Need I cite some Historical examples ?

New member
Sep 19, 2001
RED EYE said:
Pearson actually paid no one so no one will come in here saying that they did get paid. I do see that their have been some Slow pays at Royal ,but to say people are coming in here posting that they haven't got paid is not telling the truth. I really don't see it as shilling if you have been playing their 5+ years and have had great experiences their. I realize most Posters here want Royal to go down to justify their positions on this matter, but all I can do as always just state the facts on my position their. Sorry if thats a problem

Pearson did play some players. I know that for a fact since I had a friend who got money from Lucky's. It was only for $400 but he did get his money.

Why don't you address the issue of Tej Kohli stiffing players in the past and when you play at Royal you support what he has done to players like yourselves. I find it very ironic that people who have actually being stiffed by rogues like Tej are now supporting him just because he is paying at this time.


New member
Sep 21, 2000
Anyone that sends money to these crooks deserves to lose every penny. If you play at Royal you are a FUKING IDIOT!!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
truthteller said:
Pearson did play some players. I know that for a fact since I had a friend who got money from Lucky's. It was only for $400 but he did get his money.

Why don't you address the issue of Tej Kohli stiffing players in the past and when you play at Royal you support what he has done to players like yourselves. I find it very ironic that people who have actually being stiffed by rogues like Tej are now supporting him just because he is paying at this time.
I've been at Royal for over 5 years, long before he ever showed up. Royal bailed me out of Aces and have had a good relationship their the entire time. From the listed books this Tej was involved with , I didn't have any accounts their

New member
Nov 21, 2000
kermit16 said:
Apparently you were wearing blindfolds about 8 or 10 momths ago when the RX and all the know it alls like yourself were blasting away at Royal who supposedly stiffed a player. Well, guess what ? It was the player who was pulling the scam ! Yes, the RX looked pretty bad on that one but I think the Shrink was in the middle of that fiasco. The masses follow the leaders and sometimes the leaders are not telling the complete truth. Need I cite some Historical examples ?

Yeah, its all Shrink's fault. Next you'll say that he runs SBR too. SBR has a rating for Royal that is a D-.

Royal Sports(SBR rating D-)

Anything less would be an F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Example 1:

Player waiting two weeks for a Fedex tracking number from Royal Sports(SBR rating D-). Royal management assures SBR that the player’s check will be sent on Monday, the 11th business day. To Royal’s credit, they have changed the listed wait time for a tracking number from 3-7 days to 10 days. Recent player feedback suggests that a bank check will take 21 days to be in-hand.

Example 2:

SBR confirms payments for some players at BetRoyal(SBR rated D-) After a rash of slow pay complaints and even a player who was physically threatened, speculation intensified that Royal Sports(SBR rated D-) may be ready to close. News of payments and partial payments are a welcome sign. (you can read about it here:

I think you guys should realize that every shill thread you try to open will do more harm than good. If you had hoped that people would post up with Royal because of this thread, I am trying my best to make sure that people will not.

New member
Sep 19, 2001
RED EYE said:
I've been at Royal for over 5 years, long before he ever showed up. Royal bailed me out of Aces and have had a good relationship their the entire time. From the listed books this Tej was involved with , I didn't have any accounts their

So I guess if Jeff Pearson took over Royal today you will still play there, right?

New member
Nov 21, 2000
truthteller said:
So I guess if Jeff Pearson took over Royal today you will still play there, right?

That is besides the point. These guys are shills.

Just watch out - they might even threaten you.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
truthteller said:
So I guess if Jeff Pearson took over Royal today you will still play there, right?
I would take my money out of their because I was dealing with him. Difference is , I was with Luckys for a month and got robbed for 4k, I have been at Royal for 5 years big difference.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
Yeah, its all Shrink's fault. Next you'll say that he runs SBR too. SBR has a rating for Royal that is a D-.

Royal Sports(SBR rating D-)

Anything less would be an F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Example 1:

Player waiting two weeks for a Fedex tracking number from Royal Sports(SBR rating D-). Royal management assures SBR that the player’s check will be sent on Monday, the 11th business day. To Royal’s credit, they have changed the listed wait time for a tracking number from 3-7 days to 10 days. Recent player feedback suggests that a bank check will take 21 days to be in-hand.

Example 2:

SBR confirms payments for some players at BetRoyal(SBR rated D-) After a rash of slow pay complaints and even a player who was physically threatened, speculation intensified that Royal Sports(SBR rated D-) may be ready to close. News of payments and partial payments are a welcome sign. (you can read about it here:

I think you guys should realize that every shill thread you try to open will do more harm than good. If you had hoped that people would post up with Royal because of this thread, I am trying my best to make sure that people will not.
One thing wrong with your post and its a very important point. I have never told anyone to post up their or any other shop. Look thru my Posts if you want to waste your time.People can make up their own mind on what they want to do. I just report the facts on my relationship their, plain and simple

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
That is besides the point. These guys are shills.

Just watch out - they might even threaten you.
Good thing your hiding somehwere behind your computer because if you said that to my face I would do something about it, thats a guarentee

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
Yeah, its all Shrink's fault. Next you'll say that he runs SBR too. SBR has a rating for Royal that is a D-.

Royal Sports(SBR rating D-)

Anything less would be an F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Example 1:

Player waiting two weeks for a Fedex tracking number from Royal Sports(SBR rating D-). Royal management assures SBR that the player’s check will be sent on Monday, the 11th business day. To Royal’s credit, they have changed the listed wait time for a tracking number from 3-7 days to 10 days. Recent player feedback suggests that a bank check will take 21 days to be in-hand.

Example 2:

SBR confirms payments for some players at BetRoyal(SBR rated D-) After a rash of slow pay complaints and even a player who was physically threatened, speculation intensified that Royal Sports(SBR rated D-) may be ready to close. News of payments and partial payments are a welcome sign. (you can read about it here:

I think you guys should realize that every shill thread you try to open will do more harm than good. If you had hoped that people would post up with Royal because of this thread, I am trying my best to make sure that people will not.
People that count here know me and I'm not a Shill for anyone ! You are one of the know it alls that I predicted when I started this thread that would come out of the woodwork and blast away at something they know nothing about ! You have already stated that you never had an account there !

New member
Sep 19, 2001
RED EYE said:
I would take my money out of their because I was dealing with him. Difference is , I was with Luckys for a month and got robbed for 4k, I have been at Royal for 5 years big difference.

OK, I get it now. It's all about you getting paid. IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT THE CURRENT OWNER OF ROYAL STIFFED PLAYERS OUT OF THOUSANDS. As long you are getting paid by him you will come on these forums and praise him for paying YOU!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
There is no doubt in my mind that they have an asterik next to your names denoting you two as active Rx posters. God help the poor soul who never heard of the forums.

People who only get paid after a watchdog intervention were stiffed and THEN slow paid. If it wasn't for the watchdog intervention, they would still be stiffed.

Roberto met with them and they admitted they are for all purposes broke. Tej the Midget sweeps the accounts daily and they are at his mercy to distribute the money when they need it. Players are at the mercy of a convicted swindler. They are a glorified ponzi scheme. The reason they send out so much spam with too good to be true offers is to keep the cash flowing. That's their business, running their giant pyramid, not booking.

When you play with Royal you spit in the face of everyone who has been robbed by TEJ the MIDGET in the past. Plus, you put your cash at risk. Perhaps your risk is lower than others since you are a long term player and known poster, but nevertheless at risk.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
truthteller said:
OK, I get it now. It's all about you getting paid. It' doesn't matter that the owner of Royal stiffed hundreds of players. As long you are getting paid by him you will come on these forums and praise him for paying YOU!
Their hasn't been hundreds of players stiffed at royal, where did that come from. No I have praised Royal for bailing me and alot of players out of Aces, for having good props, 1/2 point fridays, and good futures. Why is it a problem to let Posters know that i got paid. Did you ever think that a Poster that reads this and was seeing that Hey Red Eye got paid, might not even have tried to get to get paid because of Posters like you, that might now go request a withdrawl. And spare me this " all i care about is myself routine " what is your agaenda to warn everyone here because you care about everyone on this forum. Just spare me that BS

New member
Nov 21, 2000
RED EYE said:
Good thing your hiding somehwere behind your computer because if you said that to my face I would do something about it, thats a guarentee

You can give your address to a mod and I will give my address to a mod. They can verify both addresses and then they can send you my address (I don't need yours).

After you get my address, you are welcome to try anything you want. I don't hide, Redeye - that isn't a problem with me. Not my style.

Up for it?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Jay C said:
There is no doubt in my mind that they have an asterik next to your names denoting you two as active Rx posters. God help the poor soul who never heard of the forums.

People who only get paid after a watchdog intervention were stiffed and THEN slow paid. If it wasn't for the watchdog intervention, they would still be stiffed.

Roberto met with them and they admitted they are for all purposes broke. Tej the Midget sweeps the accounts daily and they are at his mercy to distribute the money when they need it. Players are at the mercy of a convicted swindler. They are a glorified ponzi scheme. The reason they send out so much spam with too good to be true offers is to keep the cash flowing. That's their business, running their giant pyramid, not booking.

When you play with Royal you spit in the face of everyone who has been robbed by TEJ the MIDGET in the past. Plus, you put your cash at risk. Perhaps your risk is lower than others since you are a long term player and known poster, but nevertheless at risk.
So what are we suppose to do go hide in a closet somewhwere and not report what happens

New member
Sep 20, 2004
No, that's not what I am saying. I believe what you say.

I think what you are supposed to do is not play there and support a convicted swindler and a well known stiff in this very industry.

But, you're an adult and you are free to do business with whoever you choose. I just don't understand why, knowing what you know, with the plethora of choices you would choose them.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
What a disgraceful shill job kermit16. You're on their list as a poster you JACKASS!!! The other 99.9% have to put up with lies, stall payouts and eventual stiff job. The owner is a convicted swindler who got his money by robbing people.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
cincy_ said:
You can give your address to a mod and I will give my address to a mod. They can verify both addresses and then they can send you my address (I don't need yours).

After you get my address, you are welcome to try anything you want. I don't hide, Redeye - that isn't a problem with me. Not my style.

Up for it?
I tell you what you do, come to the RX Bash this year and tell me in front of everyone their that i'm a shill for Royal and that I will threaten people and I guarentee it will be on. I don't want your address,I have read your earlier quotes on what you have said, this is my response, now are you up for it ?

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