Muslims Are Not Our Enemy


Sep 22, 2004
such as building mosques and foot-baths and places for Muslims to wash their asses.<!-- / message -->
Its a growth industry dude, there's zillions of 'em.

Its like with McDonalds, but for muzzie stuff.

You should get in there now, while the franchise cost is low.

George Bush isn't hanging about, he knows the future.


New member
Sep 24, 2006
Since you speak for all Canadians (as well as most of the world), tell me once more who the fuck you Canadians think you are again, and why you feel Americans must prostate themselves before you to be subjected to your judgement. Also, tell us all again why you are so confident of your moral superiority, you one-world, globalist, Islamofacist-sympathizing piece of maggot shit.

whoa!! hold on buddy. read my posts. he sure doesn't speak for me.

New member
Jan 28, 2005
That's why we Canadians and most of the world think you Americans are so ignorant and uneducated. Repeatedly saying muslim this, Muslim that..Muslims aren't terrorists and I don't care that they were all in fact Muslim. When Timmy attacked Oklahoma, did everyone go those white terrorists? Again, keep pissing off those Muslims in your own country and give them more of a reason to turn on the people down there have no hope. Bush has you guys brain washed. They got you buying into everything. Gee, we can't find Osama Bin Laden(that's suspicious, but that's another story) so let's go attack Iraq and hang that lunatic Saddam to distract the ignorant masses of America. Sure enough it worked. Everyone mostly seems to have forgotten that he vowed to capture this guy. Ah..why bother...

Obviously you are a Vichy collaborator. :thumbsup:

How did you get to Canada ? Thru The Rat Line ? :think2:

At least Americans know that they can't count on Canadians for Jack Chit !

Canada , a gateway to terrorists, and a sympathiser. Typical Vichy.

New member
Jan 28, 2005
THE ACT PERPETRATED on The World Trade Center were the act of extreme cowards.

Muslim Cowards who murdered innocent people for their psychotic cause.

MURDERS AND COWARDS and PUNKS were these Muslim Idiots who did that dastardly deed

They are Muslim Extortionist these 9-11 punks.:youmad:

Everything i said above is true....if you want i will interchange the word Muslim with Scumbag...

Scumbag cowards who murdered innocent people for their psychotic cause.

Murderers And Cowards and Punks were these Scumbag Idiots who did that dastardly deed.

They are scumbag extortionists these 9-11 punks.:youmad:

scumbag hijackers...sounds better ?

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
That's why we Canadians and most of the world think you Americans are so ignorant and uneducated. Repeatedly saying muslim this, Muslim that..Muslims aren't terrorists and I don't care that they were all in fact Muslim. When Timmy attacked Oklahoma, did everyone go those white terrorists? Again, keep pissing off those Muslims in your own country and give them more of a reason to turn on the people down there have no hope. Bush has you guys brain washed. They got you buying into everything. Gee, we can't find Osama Bin Laden(that's suspicious, but that's another story) so let's go attack Iraq and hang that lunatic Saddam to distract the ignorant masses of America. Sure enough it worked. Everyone mostly seems to have forgotten that he vowed to capture this guy. Ah..why bother...

Muslims aren't terrorists and I don't care that they were all in fact Muslim.

You sir are a moonbat nincompoop!

You ignore the fact that since 2000, there have been tens of thousands of acts of international terror committed by Muslims while there have been comaparably few by other groups.

Home grown terrorists are a problem that can be dealt with.

The exportation of terror is a tool used by Muslims in their quest for world domination.

You obviously march lockstep to the moonbat mantra, while I gather facts and form an opinion.

Europe and canada is full of fools like you who'd gladly roll over and submit to these murderous fanatics so they can stay on the dole.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
Its a growth industry dude, there's zillions of 'em.

Its like with McDonalds, but for muzzie stuff.

You should get in there now, while the franchise cost is low.

George Bush isn't hanging about, he knows the future.


I think all of have figured out that Bush shows more favor to mexicans and Saudis than he does to American citizens.

The guy is a failure.

The shame is knowing what I know today, I'd still vote for Bush over Kerry and Gore.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
Obviously you are a Vichy collaborator. :thumbsup:

How did you get to Canada ? Thru The Rat Line ? :think2:

At least Americans know that they can't count on Canadians for Jack Chit !

Canada , a gateway to terrorists, and a sympathiser. Typical Vichy.

i agree..sumdays fucked. what minority is this guy?? a muslim also?? i don't hope it happens, but i think it's only a matter of time before one of our cities get attacked. like i said previously..250 thousand+ immigrants pouring in here per think they check them all ?? fukken doubt it. they got fucks here that commit crimes...send them the fuck back home on their banana boats. too many ass kissers in this country and it all starts at the top.

Rx. Junior
Jan 28, 2007
ok that last post of yours was comical but still..

You shithead anti-American Canadians better remember that because you have the U.S. as an ally, you've been able to demilitarize, going from 1 million active duty at the end of WWII to under 50,000 present day, allowing your country to shift resources to other worthwhile things, such as building mosques and foot-baths and places for Muslims to wash their asses.

going around attacking other countries without just cause and causing turmoil isn't going to help anything either. You didn't even find the person responsible for 9/11 and you already go after Iraq, Afghan, etc..I mean I'm not against America, I love America and want the best for the country obviously, but man, you guys just make a lot of bad decisions and piss too many people off..Now you are effectively uniting muslims terrorists and "raising" new terrorists by basically waging war on Islam. Hate to say it, but you aren't winning the war it's just getting a whole lot tougher you'll see. Home grown terrorism will just rise because of indifference to muslims or them feeling for their relatives being killed back home, terrorists will regroup and plan more attacks, you can't ever stop that. I'd say you people need to stop fighting fire with fire, or at least focus the fire in a better way. like spending the money and resources finding bin laden instead of attacking easier more convenient "foes" where you know you can find them...
Jul 30, 2006
going around attacking other countries without just cause and causing turmoil isn't going to help anything either. You didn't even find the person responsible for 9/11 and you already go after Iraq, Afghan, etc..I mean I'm not against America, I love America and want the best for the country obviously, but man, you guys just make a lot of bad decisions and piss too many people off..Now you are effectively uniting muslims terrorists and "raising" new terrorists by basically waging war on Islam. Hate to say it, but you aren't winning the war it's just getting a whole lot tougher you'll see. Home grown terrorism will just rise because of indifference to muslims or them feeling for their relatives being killed back home, terrorists will regroup and plan more attacks, you can't ever stop that. I'd say you people need to stop fighting fire with fire, or at least focus the fire in a better way. like spending the money and resources finding bin laden instead of attacking easier more convenient "foes" where you know you can find them...

What does your piece of shit anthem say.........something about......"standing on gaurd for thee?" I laugh my fucking ass off when I hear the word Canada and "stand on gaurd for thee" Your fucking worthless piece of shit border agents can't even carry weapons. Standing on gaurd for thee with what? Butter knives and forks? If Canada wasn't such a worthless piece of shit hole crap we'd have taken over that mess of land too. Then we'd have to feed all your worthless piece of shit asses.:thumbsup:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
They stand on guard, but then they ask God to keep their land glorious and free. I guess they figure if God's gonna take care of it, then they don't need guns.

Rx. Junior
Jan 28, 2007
truth be told i'd rather live in America anyways

What does your piece of shit anthem say.........something about......"standing on gaurd for thee?" I laugh my fucking ass off when I hear the word Canada and "stand on gaurd for thee" Your fucking worthless piece of shit border agents can't even carry weapons. Standing on gaurd for thee with what? Butter knives and forks? If Canada wasn't such a worthless piece of shit hole crap we'd have taken over that mess of land too. Then we'd have to feed all your worthless piece of shit asses.:thumbsup:

what did you say eh?

New member
Mar 16, 2006
what did you say eh?

Your American border agents are armed and i bet there have beeen 10x as many of them killed, but you'll be happy to know thanks to American pressure agents are being armed starting in the next few months.

New member
Aug 17, 2006
I think all of have figured out that Bush shows more favor to mexicans and Saudis than he does to American citizens.

The guy is a failure.

The shame is knowing what I know today, I'd still vote for Bush over Kerry and Gore.

You call people foolish, moonbats, etc. and knowing what you know you would still vote for W? Any respect I had for you went out the window. You are just a partisan blowhard.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
You call people foolish, moonbats, etc. and knowing what you know you would still vote for W? Any respect I had for you went out the window. You are just a partisan blowhard.

I'm a conservative partisan blowhard.

If you knew anything about Kerry, you'd understand why I'd still vote for Bush.

Bush is a failure, Kerry is a traitor - a failure is the lesser of the two evils.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Forget 'em, BB. They're not worth your time.

The only thing the Left cares about is using this war as a hammer to hit our President over the head. That's all they care about, and we both know it.

So don't try to give me some obscure definition of 'caring,' because you assholes don't. Your only interest in this war is that it serves as a tool for you and your favored party to gain politically. That's why you MUST have a defeat; without a defeat, your party has nothing to run. Your party is so invested in a defeat for America at the hands of the's disgusting. Without this war...without this opportunity to beat down the Republicans, you have next to nothing for a platform. Just the usual tired, monotonous drivel that has seen your party fall to historic lows.

This is why I hate, despise, and detest the left in this country (I wouldn't expect the retarded 'enlightened' Euros or Canadians to understand). You Jane Fonda homos have in the past, you want to in the present, and you will in the future sell the USA out for political gain.

Don't tell me you care about the troops. I know better.

I See Through You
Nov 9, 2005
Here here! JD I think that is a perfect reflection of the Democrat's view and interests at a Real Politick level.

However I think just as little of the GOP at this point. I think if you look deep down you will see it too. Look at it at a Real Politick view. No BS. This addy has been a failure in almost every way you can imagine; excepting perhaps fiscally and that's debateable long run. You know what peaves me? Alot. Bush is a loser. I actually voted for him last run around. He had the lot, the full run. Judicial & Legislative in his pocket. What did our leaders do I ask? Could have done anything everything to make this country better, faster, safer, stronger. What did the Hill do? What did President Bush do? No I am serious. What has he done? We know he's good to his buddy's and contributors. He has failed as a warleader. He's a loser. He didn't do it the right way, and has dishonored our military by giving them an untenable position in the strategic and tactical sense. That region has swallowed better men than ours throughout recorded history. Americans go in, kick ass, make love and flowers with the locals, and then return home. Unless there are nukes this how we do it. We should have had 300,000 troops, and ideally neighboring national support if not international; then we could have succeeded. We failed to create a political vaccuum with our troops. Oops. The whole country is an insurgency, we cannot win without generational occupation, and with larger forces than are currently there. It's FUBAR, and it's Bush's fault. Afghanistan too FUBAR. In Afghanistan we fail because the final hammer blow failed to fall, we pulled it. Oops. The spearhead went to Iraq. Now all shit has broken loose. Drugs, tribes, enemy gets away, it's no good. Now we are occupying Afghanistan. You know that was Russia's Vietnam? Plus you've got the black bag prisons and domestic survellance of citizens legalized to throw at the door. AND he did a Reggie Bush aboard the aircraft carrier. He lost, we lost, it ain't gonna happen. Are you ready for 50 years worth of ME? Time to call it a ball game and meet at the ranch. It sucks, but it's true. We don't need the oil. There are better safer domestic production ways. Not to mention his bent on letting the illegals call it even, and this whole NAU thing.

I'm not wishing you had voted for Kerry. However, I think it is clear that faced with the same choice of Bush or Kerry again that peaceful revolt is the only option. (Vote every incumbent out, citizen petition?. Term limits in the house, total election reform...are my suggestions)

Seriously now. They were both skull and bones, both Yale, both blue bloods of the first order. Man. No bueno. I'm from Texas. No man from Texas has a beach house, "in Kennebunkport." Bush couldn't handle the Rangers, and used our governorship as a spring board to the white house. Stuck us with that ass Perry. Silver spoon screwup who bought a seat in the white house through old money, used daddy's political capital, and recruited the CIA Darth Vader for his VP.

The world turned up side down. We used to have common sense. My grandad told me so.

New member
Sep 24, 2006
You'd rather live in the US than living in Winnipeg uh yeah thats a no brainer...

well lots of cities have problems, but Winnipeg has to be the most fukken worthless shithole to live in. I just read they're the crime capital of Canada. Don't drive to Winnipeg, odds are good they will steal your vehicle, if not they will vandalize it. Way, way ahead of any province in vehicle theft. They also have 1 of the pis poorest governing partys' in the NDP. TAX..TAX, AND MORE TAX. nothing ever happens in Winnipeg, oh yeah, i forgot crime happens. They got a new slogan last year.. called "spirited energy". Wasted tons of money on it. I believe I read they used to be 4th in total population, but will soon be in 9th. No one wants to live in that toilet. ok, I forgot, the criminals and all the lawyers and judges. the criminals because nothing ever happens to them...Winnipeg must have the most bleeding heart, ass kissing politicians in all of Canada. The lawyers and judges because they are in cahoots with each other to keep padding their pockets from the losers going in and out of jail. I f you're gonna travel right thru that cesspool they call Winnipeg.

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