Movie Review Thread: It aint celebrity nudes, but

If you do start a new movie thread I promise not to crap that one up.

Thanks, i appreciate it.

Thats the bad thing about it being in RR, too many possibilities of the thread going sour.

Maybe Dogball could consider starting it again in ChitChat.

I think the idea has potential, can't wager 24/7...Can we??

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."

Truth of the matter is I might be best served by not being associated with the touting here, however that takes form, It will be fine with me, with or without. Accordingly, everyone of your arguments is baseless.

Speaking of the past Irish-

MAterial Non Public Info Sorry

Yes I have a debt of gratitude to THE RX AND KEN, but I sure never kiss ass.

BTW- I do not really believe the things I wrote above, BUT I REALLY believe it is analogous to the crap you write about me. Frustrating when you have to respond to stuff that is so hollow.

Pat- YOu really should not talk about board room matters here since , I will leave it at that. But if you had THE RX"S best interest in mind when you decided to stop posting your plays, You are really demonstrating how much you care about the place now by referring to private matters of the board that you have signed a non disclosure form for

The RX Rules

[This message was edited by dogball on 02-14-03 at 09:08 AM.]

[This message was edited by dogball on 02-14-03 at 09:09 AM.]

[This message was edited by dogball on 02-15-03 at 12:06 AM.]
Glad you enjoyed Uncle B-
I said the exact same thing to my wife about the casting. We definetly think alike.
That culkin brother had good depth also.

The RX Rules

Smells like victory!
Sep 20, 2002
back to movies,

i liked Clay Pidgeons with vince vaughn and tree hugger joaquin phoenix. vince vaughn should have won an award. it also has jeneane garafolo.(not sure of the spelling there)

Another good one is Red Rock West with lara flynn boyl and nicolas cage. It also has one the best character actors there was --- J.T. Walsh.

yall quit whining and talk about movies
This certainly isn't new but if you ever want something to detour you away from drinking, watch Leaving Las Vegas with Nic Cage and Elizabeth Shue. Entertaining in an alcoholic type of way. Made me put down the bottle for a long time. Ok it only lasted a day.

New member
Mar 20, 2002

I agree. Leaving Las Vegas is good. It does reminds me of all the times I drank too much.

By the way, congrats on your one year anniversary of being registered at the RX (2-14 to 2-14). I still have a ways to go.

Pat- YOu really should not talk about board room matters here since , I will leave it at that. But if you had THE RX"S best interest in mind when you decided to stop posting your plays, You are really demonstrating how much you care about the place now by referring to private matters of the board that you have signed a non disclosure form for

Write about board room stuff? LOL. Nice try. Keep working Mr Tout. The day this place makes a decision (like you not being one of the touts selected) you will be long gone looking for "fresh meat" to sucker. You and I both know that. Be out kicking tires at the next used car lot...

"I didn't want to sell, I only came to help out but they BEGGED me to sell them my plays. How could I turn down these good folk?"


PS - I promise not to mess up the next movie thread either. I just hate a con man that thinks he can con all of us.
I am on record above that I dont mind either way If I work something out with THE RX for the proposed TOut Section.

COme visit me anytime in NY and you can see where I sell my used tires from. I am an attorney duly admitted to Practice law in the state of Ny and own my own real estate joint.
Perhaps I will e mail you some articles on transactions I have handled over the years to set you straight.

Say Hi to your card room buddies, I think I just saw a few living on the streets here

The RX Rules
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogball:
I am on record above that I dont mind either way If I work something out with THE RX for the proposed TOut Section.

COme visit me anytime in NY and you can see where I sell my used tires from. I am an attorney duly admitted to Practice law in the state of Ny and own my own real estate joint.
Perhaps I will e mail you some articles on transactions I have handled over the years to set you straight.

Say Hi to your card room buddies, I think I just saw a few living on the streets here


You're a lawyer now too? LOL. Okay man. Must be a bad one if you are here hustling people as well. LOL. Good thing you came along to save these pinheads in the forums by selling your valuable plays......

I'm not surprised by the class you show. A lot of good people got hurt when NAB went down. Yes a lot of them were senior citizens, if you want to make fun of them be my guest sir. I myself lost $7200 of my own money. I suppose this is your way of "punishing" me for telling the truth about you.

I would suggest finding your composure Mr Tout. Have a good day.
Those guys all relied on YOUR word, wonder what silenced you so much since the day you came here crying.
Some Watchdog

Never practiced one day of law in my life. Straight into RE

The RX Rules
I gotcha man. You are a class guy who is going to make people want to send you their money. Laughing at homeless people? Boasting of being a lawyer? LOL. BTW If you don't care if you are selected as an RX tout why not take your name out of consideration? That would make it easy. Make room for your buddies that need the money. I know your buddy Rod would appreciate it. Hell as many of the hundreds of thousands you are up who needs to sell plays? I still don't understand that, why would the worlds best capper be forced to sell his plays? Anyway if you took your name out of the pool maybe your ass kissing of the RX would diminish somewhat. We got it by now, the RX rules!

Anyway let's get back to the thread, we've all had our laughs by now. Anyway how about a movie you like? Maybe Mary Poppins?

I came here to only help people win but they kept BEGGING me to charge them for my valuable plays...... - Dogball 2002
Just rewatched the 2nd best boxing movie ever made.[#1-Raging Bull]Body and Soul.Pretty much every other boxing movie stole from this one.If you haven't seen it,do yourself a favor.Last line is one of the all time greats.Amazing performance by John Garfield.

Do you like my new avatar?
Oct 21, 2002
Really getting sick of skipping over and searching for the writing's that have somthing to do with this thread!

No disrespect, but can you 2 guys open up another thread to argue like little girls? PLEASE!

Your both making yourselves look bad by arguing.

By the way, I'm the orange cat

New member
Mar 20, 2002

I haven't seen Body and Soul. I will add it to my rental list. Thanks.

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