So we're going to veer this insipid global warming topic into a debate about what is a racist statement and who is a racist? OK then, at least there I have an opinion. It's about ..... INTENT! For the most part anyway. The INTENT of Schiff posting "red-faced alki" or whatever he scribbled is to taunt, or bait another poster about his ethnicity. Therefore it is racist, due to its intent. Contrarily, Willie's statements about who votes for whom and why in what locale are certainly NOT racist. Whether Willie's conclusions are correct or not they are based upon his conclusions about events, and are certainly not INTENDed to bait another poster.
Scott, I'd understand your point if those were real numbers but his statement...
Did you know?
Romney actually won the working class vote (read non inner-city) by the same majority Reagan did, 20 points.
there was just a larger working class vote in 1980, 88% vs 72%, thus Ronnie won in a blow out
poor Jimmy, must be thinking "timing" is everything
Romney nor Reagan won the working class vote by 20 points. The working class vote was not 88% in 1980 and it was not 72% in 2012. Those figures he is using is the white vote numbers. Not actual working class numbers and his implication is that the white vote is the working class and the non-white vote is the non-working inner-city class. That's why he says "poor Jimmy"... because he's implying he was unlucky that there were not more non-working minorities in 1980.
It's pretty much a very racist statement and he did this multiple times knowing full well what he was implying.