thank you bronco, today's STL is a classic example, i know you bet the same amount on all plays, but if it is a play at -200 or more, do you think it is safer to put 50% on ML and 50% on RL?
Bronco...what are the odds for White Sox to beat the RL-1.5?
I know its not a "pick" for you, but I was just curious because I'm taking them RL anyway most likely. Just wondering if you could tell me since I don't have access to Accuscore. No big deal though. Keep up the good work man, seems like many are benefitting from this.
Bronco, i have a pretty nice excel spreadsheet set up to follow accuscore. If your interested i could get it out to you. I will be tracking it all year. Do you have an e-mail or something i could send it to you?
Hopefully you'll find some value in it.