Not angered, just admit this is a sham.
Why all the hostility. Have you ever been to college where the whole point of a project wasn't the end result but how you tackled a problem and tried to find a solution?
If you have ever gone to a good university or college like MIT, you would understand that this could very well be a serious project.
In fact, on NPR last year they did an interview with a group of students that made a computer program that was supposed to pick the NCAAB playoff results as part of their class. The program was aweful, but it was the experience and the way that they handled building a solution to a problem that counted...
Which wouldn't necessarily mean picking winners. Instead, the student would receive a grade not necessarily on the winning % but the thought that went into the model. What tipped me off that this isn't real is that these guys need winners for their grade. This wouldn't be the case at an institution like MIT.
when I said this it wasnt like they would get an A or B depending on how the system works but that maybe the more successful it was the better the grade...listen you have the right to ur opinions...this is a forum; but from the beginning I wanted this kept private because the friend of mine didnt think I would be posting these on a gambling forum...which is bad of me i admit but for you to actually try and contact the school or whatever is really low
its not like anyone is following the plays...they are of luck
keep sniffing that ku klux klan crotch.....
What happened to a civil toned discussion on this week's selections?
Good luck with your plays, but are you really taking Miami (OH) +29 over Cincinnati to spite the good Doctor? :think2: That may be hazardous to your health. Cincy looks like a legit squad capable of laying a woodshed beatdown on those stooges. Miami(OH)? @)