They can't hide who they really are anymore. The progressive guise of doing all this for the "little guy" can only go on for so long. They don't give a shit about anything but maintaining control over the populace. I mean...who the fuck do these pizza shop owners think they are to dare have a different opinion than what we demand from them? That's why a CNN anchor flipped out that Mike Krzyzewski wouldn't comment on the issue. How dare he not show outrage over this "discriminatory" Indiana law? Yes, that was actually a news story.
They've been throwing bombs toward Christianity for years. But you're right that this is probably their first open declaration of war. We're reliving a number of historic events. I'm starting to think the end won't be a pretty one. Anyone up for Civil War 2.0?
Btw, $325k and counting for Memories. Almost hard to believe. Hell, will it reach $1M by Easter?
They are one Hannity appearance away from half a million. Well played pizza thumping bigotry pays off in a big way. Wish I thought of it.
Guesser you really think this 16 year old girl saw dollar signs when she said they don't believe in gay marriage? Doubt she is that savvy.
Don't mean any offense but what's the purpose here? To change my mind, to start an argument or just to point out that you're right and I'm wrong? I mean it's fairly well established you like Guesser and agree with what he has to say while I am not fond of him and think most of what he has to say is overly dramatic BS. Probably not worth battling it out considering each of us is unlikely to change how we see him.
They didn't get railraoded. They were asked a question about the new law in Indiana by a reporter. They answered it. Did that reporter threaten to beat them up if they didn't answer? Did she lie about their answer? I hope they are giving her a small cut from their bounty from the suckers.Whatever gullibility is being taken advantage of with people donating in droves isn't really their fault though. They did get railroaded for no good reason. They said they had no problems serving gay people, just wouldn't serve a gay wedding which had 0.0% chance of happening anyway.
I do agree that anyone who eats at a pizza place or eats chik-fil-a because of a political issue is out of their mind. I would never eat chik-fil-a. I'm a foodie.
HALF??? That's easy stuff A Greta appearance will surpass that. Kelly 1 Mill, Hannity 1.5 Mill, Bull O 2 Mill. The suckers have deep pockets, and as long as these pizza bigots are painted as the victims, the giving won't stop. It's the George Zimmerman Business model. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American Extreme right because you will always be proven wrong. The stupidity and hatred is unlimited.
All the dude said was he wouldn't serve their pizza at a gay wedding, who cares? This likely would never ever comeup because even in rural Indiana they don't have pizza at weddings.
If you REALLY believed that in the slightest, you would accept my bet and make sure I'm not posting here in 18 months. Of course you're a fake, phony, fraud who doesn't believe it, and lacks the guts to accept a bet where you are put at risk.Should Ted Cruz win the R nomination and go on to win the presidency, this is a preview of what Guesser's posts will look like about 18 months from now.
"I can't believe it! Americans are just...SO STUPID!"
Dims are baffled and becoming unglued about the silent majority pouring out their support for Memories. I hope this is just the beginning of the backlash that shoves these vermin back where they belong.
The fund just reached $400k. Keep it rolling.
If you REALLY believed that in the slightest, you would accept my bet and make sure I'm not posting here in 18 months. Of course you're a fake, phony, fraud who doesn't believe it, and lacks the guts to accept a bet where you are put at risk.
Baffled?? I called this one in my first post in the thread, while idiots like you were crying about them being put out of business. By nasty Yelp reviews. In one day.
Yeah and then after they answered a loud minority proceeded to give death threats, leave hate on their facebook page, on yelp and generally try to make their lives miserable.
I don't think they deserve to be rich but it is probably poetic justice that they are about to be. Of all the people to harass about not supporting gay rights, a pizza place owner in rural Indiana that answered a gotcha question incorrectly probably shouldn't be too high on the list.
Just makes people look petty to go after folks like this with that much wrath.
Yeah and then after they answered a loud minority proceeded to give death threats, leave hate on their facebook page, on yelp and generally try to make their lives miserable.
I don't think they deserve to be rich but it is probably poetic justice that they are about to be. Of all the people to harass about not supporting gay rights, a pizza place owner in rural Indiana that answered a gotcha question incorrectly probably shouldn't be too high on the list.
Just makes people look petty to go after folks like this with that much wrath.
If you REALLY had third-grade level reading comprehension skills, you'd understand why I think Cruz has a lot of obstacles in his way.
Show me exactly where I said Memories closed solely because of Yelp reviews.
If you REALLY had third-grade level reading comprehension skills, you'd understand why I think Cruz has a lot of obstacles in his way.
Show me exactly where I said Memories closed solely because of Yelp reviews.
While there are many idiots that went overboard on stupid ass comments.....I have no doubt that some were right wing plants. They pull that shit all the time......just so they can make it seem like more people than it is.....they play the victim card to a tee while accusing others of doing it. The entire thing is pretty stupid