While I find it amusing that you have started to post fake plays under my sports investment firm's name, Oskeim Sports Consulting, LLC, I also find it disturbing that you would continue to post false and misleading information. What possesses you to make up stuff like this? I had one game today for my private clients, St. Louis/Milwaukee 'under' 7.5 runs. Plus, I rate my baseball plays by units, not by stars as you have posted above.
If you were posting my real selections, I would commence suit immediately for, among other things, copyright infringement and a violation of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA). However, you are merely posting false and misleading information so I will leave it alone. I protect my private clients and that is why you don't find my real selections posted on consensus forums.
I finished ranked #1 in the NBA for the 2008-2009 Regular Season at The Sports Monitor of Oklahoma and I am currently ranked in the Top 10 in MLB. I don't achieve that success by releasing a 4-5 plays per day as you suggest in your fraudulent posts.
Have a great Memorial Day and thank you to all of our members of the armed services who have sacrificed life and limb for our great country.
Best Regards,
Jeff Keim
Oskeim Sports Consulting, LLC