Master Tiger Woods Thread - All Tiger Threads Merged into this one.


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Active member
Oct 20, 1999
its a domestic dispute. Tiger flees his home to get away from his wife because she is attacking him with a putter iron.

He gets into his vehicle and she is pounding the windshield wiith the putter.

She breaks the windshield glass and Tiger now cut and in pain drives to get away....but

Hits the fire hydrant and then hits the tree..

Wifey continues to pound on the windshield in beserker mode.

Tigger time for divorce court.

Like me, you nailed this a week before December 1st.................

Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser
Jun 22, 2005
i'd say that above story seems possible...

if she infact hit him in the face with a nine iron , i for one wouldnt want to make the marriage work.

can you imagine finding 2 giant teeth to put back in his mouth...

hilarious...just spit a sip of Jameson onto my laptop

Happy New year WNO
Oct 26, 2003
Everything will return to normal when he wins the Masters....

Fish will be calling him the best ever after that happens..

And his ex-wife will have an affair with Jaspar Parnevik...

I never ever got beat-I just run out of Money
Jun 17, 2007
Everything will return to normal when he wins the Masters....

Fish will be calling him the best ever after that happens..

And his ex-wife will have an affair with Jaspar Parnevik...

Sep 21, 2004

10 things we've learned from the Tiger Woods affair

Last Updated: Sunday, January 3, 2010 | 3:30 PM ET Comments4Recommend35

By Malcolm Kelly, CBC News

Remember when Tiger Woods, here showing love for The Open Championship trophy in 2006, was just an astonishingly talented golfer? If he comes back strong, people may quickly forget who he's been kissing. (Matt Dunham/Associated Press file) Here are 10 things we've learned so far from the Tiger Woods affair.
1. Tiger Woods is a heck of a player
The last time we saw Tiger on the fairways before the 2009 season was at the 2008 United States Open, where he won his 14th major tournament while basically playing on one leg.
After surgery on a torn ACL, Woods came back in 2009 to win six titles, though none of them were in the four majors. He had a second at the PGA and a pair of sixth-place finishes at the U.S. Open and British Open (The Open Championship).
That was still good enough to finish on top of the money rankings with over $10 million US earned, giving him better than $92 million in lifetime purses.
Still the best player on the planet.
2. Tiger Woods is a heck of a player
What we didn't know was that Woods was also racking up the scores elsewhere — allegedly more than a dozen at last count, if you believe the nightly cards being filled out on the entertainment shows.
Of course, Tiger hasn't actually admitted to any specific affair, only that he committed "transgressions."
What we do know, however, is that he's signed the wrong scorecard more than once.
3. A good caddy is like three brass monkeys
Tiger's caddy Steve Williams, after news of Tiger's "transgressions" hit the fan, was approached by a paper in New Zealand, where the bagman lives.
Williams says despite spending more time in private conversation with Tiger than anybody over the last decade, including possibly his wife, he saw nothing, heard nothing and would say nothing.
He also added that if he did know something he'd certainly say so, but there was nothing to say.
Steve Williams has Tiger's back.
4. Race is never far from the discussion in America
Just eight days after the car accident, Jesse Washington, a senior national columnist with The Associated Press, wrote a column headlined "Tiger's troubles widen his distance from blacks."
It might have seemed strange to the racially naive that a man venerated for being the first black man to break all the barriers in the previously lily white golf world might be perceived as having any "distance" at all.
Woods has long since labelled himself as Cablinasian (a combination of Caucasian, black, Indian and Asian — relating to his African American father and Asian mother and their backgrounds).
The point Washington was going for seemed to be that American black women, especially, have been mad at Woods for marrying a white, blond fashion model and now were madder still because a pattern was emerging of him reportedly choosing white, generally blond, mistresses.
His piece ended with this quote from comic Sheryl Underwood:
"The issue comes in when you choose something white because you think it's better," Underwood said. "And then you never date a black woman or a woman of colour or you never sample the greatness of the international buffet of human beings. If you never do that, we got a problem."
Tiger seems to have problems everywhere.
5. Hell hath no fury like a Swedish woman scorned
While many were less shocked Elin Nordegren is reportedly going the divorce route than about how long it took for her to decide, there was another cultural lesson that came by: Don't publicly humiliate a Swedish woman.
There has been a strong, but unproven, rumour that much of Tiger's physical injuries that sent him to the hospital might have come at the hands of his angry wife on that Nov. 27 night. Especially so in Sweden, where the editor in chief of the national daily Aftonbladet wrote in his personal blog: "Swing it again, Elin!"
Britta Svensson, a columnist in the newspaper Expressen, went further: "A week ago, Tiger and Elin were the cutest couple on the globe," Svensson wrote shortly after the reports of numerous mistresses started seeping out.
"Now our Swedish hearts are brimming with pride that our own Elin — not a regular nanny but the daughter of a Social Democratic minister and Swedish Radio journalist — didn't take any [expletive] … Elin is our heroine."
Tiger may want to skip the Scandinavian Masters tournament at Stockholm next July.
6. There's no hiding in the viral world
By the time Tiger hit a hedge, a fire hydrant and a tree while backing out of his driveway that fateful night, word had already leaked out through a tabloid that he'd had an affair.
Tiger's handlers decided the best approach was to deny it all and put out a scolding note on his website asking everyone to respect his privacy and leave his family alone.
Fat chance.
The viral world went crazy trying to work out what really happened and, combined with the ever increasing need for networks to break "news," the Tiger Woods Affair(s) suddenly gained enormous traction.
This story was on the front page of the New York papers more consecutive days than 9/11, for gosh sakes.
By the time Tiger came out to admit to "transgressions" it was too late. That dog would no longer hunt.
7. There's a reason why rich people shouldn't lease or borrow their cars
Tiger's now infamous Cadillac Escalade was apparently given to him as part of an ongoing deal with GM to have the superstar be seen driving around in the product.
So what's to happen with the smashed-up SUV now? Well, it ultimately gets fixed. And then it can be sold through regular auction by the company if it wishes to.
Now there's a conversation opener: "My SUV? Well, yes ... it has quite an interesting history you know ...."
Not quite up there with the limo John F. Kennedy was riding that day in Dallas (now at the Henry Ford Museum), but it's still a big piece of pop culture history.
8. There's a surprisingly thin line between hero and late night punch line
The same talk shows that used to beg Tiger's handlers to have him come on, have turned on him.
From Jay Leno: "And the latest one, there's now 10. This one works at a pancake house. Apparently Tiger likes pancakes. Not as much as he enjoys pigs in a blanket ...."
From Jimmy Fallon: "Today I got the new Tiger Woods advent calendar. It's really cool, each day it reveals a new mistress."
From Jay Leno: "What's the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa? Santa quits after three Hos."
And back to Fallon: "Now there are rumours of an alleged nude photo of Tiger, taken by one of his mistresses. I hear that even though you can't see Tiger's face in the pictures, you can tell it's him by how he grips his club."
Nowhere to hide.
9. Slogan writers should be a little more careful
It's nice to have an advertising slogan that tiptoes down the sexual innuendo line, but Nike's "Just Do It!" and Gatorade's "Is It In You?" are in a completely different context now, aren't they?
10. None of this is going to matter a hill of beans if Tiger comes roaring back
Just before the start of the 2009 baseball season, Alex Rodriguez was forced to admit he used steroids during his biggest years with the Texas Rangers.
Did it matter? Not after he hit 30 homers, added 100 runs batted in during the regular season and then led the New York Yankees to a World Series championship. Hardly anyone talks about the steroids anymore.
If Tiger comes back and wins a couple of majors this season, do you really think he's not going to be back on top of the world?

Sep 21, 2004

Woman Claims to Have Sex Tape of Tiger Woods

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January 06, 2010 04:27:18 GMT

Vivid Entertainment, which was approached with the talked-about video, is still trying to identify the man in the tape. <HR class=hr_dashccc itxtvisited="1">

© Dean Kirkland/PR Photos
More bad news are getting on Tiger Woods' way with the latest claim of a sex tape. The pro golfer who is in the middle of a marital problem following alleged affairs with several women is claimed to have an explicit video of him engaging in sex with an unidentified woman.

The first to get the hand on the sex video is Vivid Entertainment's Steven Hirsch who told TMZ that the woman approached him in December to tell him about the tape. Hirsch's people have watched 30 seconds of the video but could not confirm that it was indeed Tiger in action. Hirsch is still trying to verify the man in the tape which the woman said was shot approximately two years ago.

Before the sex tape claim, Tiger Woods has been hit with a rumor of his leaked nude photos. Playgirl which was the magazine offered the publishing right, turned down the chance because it was "impossible to 100 percent verify".

On another report, Tiger allegedly consumed illegal drug with computer technician Susie Ogran. "One of his friends said, 'I've got some Ecstasy - let's roll,' and produced little white pills, smaller than aspirin," Susie said as quoted by National Enquirer. "Tiger and I did one pill each. I'm sure Tiger was hoping it would turn me on so he could get me into bed, and he took the pill so casually that it seemed to me he was used to doing it."

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I don't generally favor the broad in a divorce case, but Cheetah/ Lion Woods was pretty blatant here.

Was there a pre-nup ? If not, I'd say split everything, no and simple, both get enough to live like royalty for forever.

Not much difference between 50 million and 500 million, its a zero on a statement, really....

Do you drive a nicer car, eat better food, drink finer wine, stay at better hotels when you have 500M instead of only 50M ?

Surely your wife/GF doesn't look any better, That extra zero doesn't make the gold digger any hotter.

A private jet might be out of reach ( 25 Million + ????) for the 50 M guy, but Ok for the 500M guy.

I wouldn't want to be defined by my the geezer with Anna Nicole Smith.

Spend it, don't flaunt it. Traveling 1st class is one thing, a 25 Million dollar private jet is another thing.

I could handle wealth no problem, and a powerball win isn't private jet type of money.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I think it's that personal jet thing that really makes you as the Billionaire playboy dude !

However broads top out at about 10. Take the last 100 Playboy centerfolds, not too different really in 8+ years.

Generally 20 -35 YO

mainly white, a few others

big tits, fake OK

attractive, of course

they are all the same !

Vote on the last hundred (for a night of sex), no Playboy Bimbo would get 5% of the vote....using a field of the last 100

There's a limit to how HOT you can be.

A man shouldn't have enough money to buy a private jet either,....unless he somehow earned it, the Google and Microsoft guys, OK....not really A-Rod, ShaQ, Lebron, Jeter, etc.

A jock doesn't deserve it, nobody needs a jet of their own. ! Maybe if you're Mick Jagger ? I love Mick, but he's not important to the world .

Sep 21, 2004
This is forgot about now by most. Tiger is Kobe of 2010

Aug 6, 2006
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Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
now it appears that tiger can be called the greatest GAY golfer of alltime..

another mistress ( new and pretty hot i might add ) says she saw tiger engage in gay sex acts.

never thought i'd hear about tiger playing with some else's clubs......

I never ever got beat-I just run out of Money
Jun 17, 2007
This is getting ridiculous now, these people just trying to get their 15 min. of fame with all this B.S.

I think I will get my 2 sister's to call the local television stations here and come out and say they both have fucked Tiger Woods.

Hell let's all go out in public and see how many women we can get to lie and say they all fucked Tiger Woods. If we can get enough women to go for it I believe he can break Wilt C.-Gene Simmons record of most women ever slept with oh and don't forget ding dong daddy Hugh Heffner.

Sep 21, 2004

Report: Elin Found Tiger's Phone, Text Messages to Uchitel

<ABBR class="published updated" sizset="83" sizcache="14">1/25/2010 4:00 PM ET By Ryan Wilson</ABBR>

Here's what we know: Tiger Woods and/or his stunt double are currently on the premises at Mississippi's Pine Grove Treatment Facility.

That's it. Everything else is anonymous sources, speculation, educated guesses, and made-up internet rumors. Just something to keep in mind as you read the latest from Daily Beast's Gerald Posner:
Two sources who know Tiger's wife, Elin Nordegren, and have discussed various details of the [details from before and after the golfer's Thanksgiving night car crash] with her, have corroborated a minute-by-minute account that answers the majority of the questions surrounding what might be the most expensive car crash in history.​
The highlights:

- Elin confirmed her suspicions about her husband's transgressions by pretending to be Tiger and texting Rachel Uchitel.

- Tiger had taken Ambien to sleep and was was groggy when his wife woke him up to confront him about Uchitel.

- He hastily texted Uchitel that Elin had discovered the affair and implied that he would be getting divorced. Posner adds: "Elin quickly found this text as well, which precipitated her chasing him out of the house with a golf club."

Posner also writes that in the days before the National Enquirer story broke, and after Elin had already grown suspicious of her husband, Tiger convinced Uchitel to talk on the phone with his wife for a half-hour to convince her that the relationship was strictly platonic.

It worked ... until the Enquirer account was published and Elin learned more details into the alleged affair. Then, after Woods fell asleep, she went through his cell phone and found Uchitel's number -- listed in the address book under her real name (really, Tiger?) -- and a text to Uchitel that read, "You are the only one I've loved."

(Smash cut to Woods sprinting out of the house, ducking flying golf clubs, hopping into the Escalade and promptly using a fire hydrant as a speed bump before crashing into a tree.)

Silver lining: Mel Gibson has Tiger's back (via Out of Bounds): "Sometimes the most difficult part is being able to forgive yourself, which is hard when everyone else is beating on you," Gibson said of Woods on Good Morning America. "I just want to see him play golf."

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