Mar-a-Lago Raided.....Deep State has completely lost control of their narrative and desperation reaches peak levels


Dec 13, 2007

Why delay?

Could the Trump documents be released? Here’s how it might play out.

There are several ways the day could play out.

If former President Donald J. Trump reverses what he said late Thursday about encouraging the release of the search warrant executed at his Mar-a-Lago residence, and decides to object, the document and the redacted inventory of items taken from his home are unlikely to come out on Friday.

If Mr. Trump maintains no objection to the Justice Department’s move to make the documents public, Judge Bruce Reinhart, the federal magistrate judge who approved the warrant, could issue an order unsealing them. Judge Reinhart has given the Justice Department a 3 p.m. Eastern deadline to report back with Mr. Trump’s position.
If the judge orders the documents unsealed, they might first become available on the court’s online docket system, known as Pacer. If court officials are slow to docket the materials after an order to unseal, it is possible that the Justice Department could post the documents on its website or send them to reporters in an emailed news release.
And there is an important wild card: Mr. Trump has been free all along to release the documents without any redactions. But so far he has been choosing not to do so, despite the fact that he called for their disclosure.
“Release the documents now!” he wrote on his social media site, Truth Social, on Thursday night.
That means Mr. Trump could release the documents via a news release of his own or by posting them for his followers on Truth Social.

May 15, 2022
Keep holding your dick in your hand like you have been for the last 6 years squeaky .

Day 2,030 of the walls are closing in .

Now he’s declassifying material almost two years after he left office according to BOZO .

You said Nunes was killing everyone. He left in shame. Lmao. Every prediction you’ve had has been wrong. Just like Canadian Joe!!

Dec 13, 2007
That was quick.

The latest FBI anonymous leak to the Washington Post had a short shelf life. The nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago tale was even more desperate than usual.

It lasted less than 12 hours.

President Trump debunked it this morning.


The Deep State-Fake News cabal needs to work harder on their conspiracies.

Scott Adams, the cartoonist and author behind the Dilbert comic strip, posted a list of the most prominent deep state-fake news lies and conspiracies attacking President Donald Trump.

News?????? JFC
Bahahhaabahhabab Trump and the Dilbert cartoonist...Are you okay Dude?

Nov 23, 2004
Ding Donger the Welch believes ALL of these and then some..

"It's in the court documents"
A Republican-led Senate Intel panel determined conclusively that Russia interfered with our election.

Eat shit you Canadian socialist!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You said Nunes was killing everyone. He left in shame. Lmao. Every prediction you’ve had has been wrong. Just like Canadian Joe!!

Right squeaky . Left in shame to become the CEO of a social media platform you fat headed shut in . You really are a special kind of stupid .


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
You mean the election night videos showing people doing their job? LOL

you dumbfucks will believe anything you read on the internet

And you idiots wont believe your own eyes if your masters say otherwise...

also was not referring to THOSE videos of cheating by Ruby , Wandera and others....Im talking about the international vote trafficking/vote switching that was happening throught he machines and monitored by CyberComm/SpaceForce on election night. Trump and Co. saw it all and they have it all!!!

May 15, 2022
Right squeaky . Left in shame to become the CEO of a social media platform you fat headed shut in . You really are a special kind of stupid .

Lmao!! CEO of a failed social media disgrace or a high ranking senator. Lmao. His days were numbered and he took off. Another clown you mushed. Nice job fatty!!

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Newt Gingrich;

"We are watching the American left methodically destroy the Constitution and the rule of law.

The Washington establishment is deeply hostile toward former President Donald Trump. It has contempt for at least half of the American people. And it adamantly opposes the idea of reforming the deep-state bureaucracies. All too many conservatives don’t fully understand this.

For several generations, the right has grumbled while allowing the left to take over more and more of the American system.

Conservatives in general have insisted on pretending that our opponents are reasonable people operating within ground rules that President Dwight Eisenhower and the World War II generation would have understood.

While I was being interviewed on a TV show immediately after 30 FBI agents occupied the private home of Donald Trump, a former (and probably future) president of the United States, it hit me: Many people who should be enraged are calmly asking the FBI to explain what it is doing.

But the modern FBI isn’t going to tell them the truth.

We know the FBI lied to judges about the fake Russian Dossier. We know the FBI has had two years to follow up on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and hasn’t. When Hillary Clinton had more than 100 emails containing classified information on the server in her home, the FBI did not raid her house. When Hillary Clinton deleted 31,000 emails, used BleachBit software to wipe her system, and had her staff use a hammer to literally destroy a hard drive, she faced no legal consequences.

Even further back, when former Clinton administration National Security Advisor Sandy Berger went into the National Archives and was caught literally stuffing secret documents about 9/11 down his pants, he was given a slap on the wrist (a $50,000 fine and a temporary revocation of his security clearance).

As we learn more about the raid on Mar-a-Lago, the situation becomes sicker.

The FBI went judge shopping to get its warrant signed. Agents found a judge who had twice donated to Barack Obama – and had defended Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted pedophile and purportedly close friend of former President Bill Clinton. This judge would have agreed to sign anything designed to hurt Trump.

And the recent outrages extend beyond Trump.

A day after the raid on Mar-a-Lago, FBI agents tracked down Pennsylvania Rep. Scott Perry and confiscated his cellphone, which contained legislative material, private messages, and other information which the executive branch has no right to acquire.

This fits with a report that the FBI agents opened a letter from outgoing President Barack Obama to incoming President Trump and read it. This is a confidential document between the two highest elected officials in America.

The arrogance, aggressiveness, and dishonesty of the FBI has turned it into the left-wing secret police. It is far from the traditional American vision of law enforcement, truth-seeking, and equal justice.

And the problem is not only within the FBI.

When Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer stood in front of the U.S. Supreme Court at a pro-abortion rally and said Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh had "released the whirlwind," and would "pay the price" for their court decisions, he was undermining the Constitution and committing a felony (since it is illegal to threaten a federal judge about a case).

When the White House Press Secretary says the 87,000 new IRS agents the Democrats want to hire will only audit big corporations and the incredibly wealthy, she is clearly lying.

Across America, left-wing district attorneys are refusing to enforce the law. Murders, rapes, carjackings, and robberies are skyrocketing as a result. Their refusal to enforce the law – which they are sworn to uphold – is a further step toward undermining the Constitution and the rule of law.

Every American should understand how direct and serious the threat is.

Then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan warned us that: "Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.

Now it is our time to stand in the breach, defend freedom, and insist the Constitution and the rule of law be upheld. It is our job to arouse the American people and get every citizen who loves America to vote this November.

We still have the right to insist on Abraham Lincoln’s "government of the people, by the people, for the people." If we do not act, the forces that are threatening us will establish government of the deep state, by the deep state, and for the deep state.

That would be the end of the American dream. "

It is that serious.
Everyone , and I mean everyone, should be voicing against what is happening

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