Mar-a-Lago Raided.....Deep State has completely lost control of their narrative and desperation reaches peak levels


Dec 13, 2007
Mr. Garland did not address a subpoena during his appearance on Thursday, but said that “where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means,” indicating that other measures were tried before a search took place.
Two people briefed on the classified documents that investigators believed remained at Mar-a-Lago indicated that they were so sensitive, and related to national security, that the Justice Department had to act.
The subpoena was first disclosed by John Solomon, a conservative journalist who has also been designated by Mr. Trump as one of his representatives to the National Archives.
The existence of the subpoena is being used by allies of Mr. Trump to make a case that the former president and his team were cooperating with the department in identifying and returning the documents in question and that the search was unjustified.
Christina Bobb, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, did not respond to messages. It is not clear what precise materials the subpoena sought or what documents the former president might have provided in response.
The subpoena factored into a visit that Jay Bratt, the Justice Department’s top counterintelligence official, made with a small group of other federal officials to Mar-a-Lago in early June, one of the people said.
The officials met with Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Evan Corcoran. Mr. Trump, who likes to play host and has a long history of trying to charm officials inquiring about his practices, also made an appearance. During the visit, the officials examined a basement storage area where the former president had stowed material that had come with him from the White House.
A few days after the visit, Mr. Bratt emailed Mr. Corcoran and told him to further secure the remaining documents, which were kept in the storage area with a stronger padlock, one of the people said. The email was reported earlier by The Wall Street Journal.
Then, they subpoenaed surveillance footage from the club, which could have given officials a glimpse of who was coming in and out of the storage area, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. They received footage specifically from areas of the club where they believed the documents might have been stored, the person said.
During the same period, investigators were in contact with a number of Mr. Trump’s aides who had some visibility into how he stored and moved documents around the White House and who still worked for him, three people familiar with the events said.
Among those whom investigators reached out to was Molly Michael, Mr. Trump’s assistant in the outer Oval Office who also went to work for him at Mar-a-Lago, three people familiar with the outreach said.
Investigators have also reached out to Derek Lyons, the former White House staff secretary, whose last day was Dec. 18, 2020, and no longer works for Mr. Trump, with questions about the process for handling documents, according to a person familiar with the outreach.
Federal officials came to believe that Mr. Trump had not relinquished all the material that left the White House with him at the end of his term, according to three people familiar with the investigation.
Less than two months later after Mr. Bratt and the other officials visited Mr. Trump’s home, about two dozen F.B.I. agents, intentionally not wearing the blue wind breakers emblazoned with the agency’s logo usually worn during searches, appeared at Mar-a-Lago with a warrant.
The club was closed; Mr. Trump was in the New York area; the F.B.I. startled a crew fixing a large fountain, a maid who was dusting and a handful of Secret Service agents who guard the complex.
The search warrant was broad, allowing the agents to investigate all areas of the club where classified materials might have been stored. They went through the basement, Mr. Trump’s office and at least part of his residence at the club.
After hours of searching, they left with several boxes that were not filled to the brim and in some cases simply contained sealed envelopes of material that the agents took, one person familiar with the search said.

The person said the F.B.I. left behind a two-page manifest of what was taken. If the manifest is made public, it is likely to be heavily redacted to shield any classified material.
Some senior Republicans have been warned by allies of Mr. Trump not to continue to be aggressive in criticizing the Justice Department and the F.B.I. over the matter because it is possible that more damaging information related to the search will become public.
When Mr. Trump left the White House, he took with him boxes containing a mishmash of papers, along with items like a raincoat and golf balls, according to people briefed on the contents. The National Archives tried for months after Mr. Trump left office to retrieve the material, engaging in lengthy discussions with his representatives to acquire what should have been properly stored by the archives under the Presidential Records Act.
When archivists recovered 15 boxes this year, they discovered several pages of classified material and referred the matter to the Justice Department. Officials later came to believe that additional classified material remained at Mar-a-Lago.
During his appearance on Thursday, Mr. Garland, a former midlevel prosecutor, went out of his way to counter claims by Mr. Trump and his supporters that agents with the bureau or Justice Department lawyers were motivated by politics or behaved inappropriately in the course of requesting and executing the search warrant.
“I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked,” Mr. Garland said.
Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, said in an internal email earlier in the day that he would adjust the bureau’s “security posture” as needed. He also defended the work of the agents involved in the Trump case.
“We don’t cut corners,” he wrote. “We don’t play favorites.”

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This guy is the new meme for ALL the ignorant LIBS on RX..Bozo, TdS, Dirt, KingShit,Wilbutt, DingDong

nyc clueless lib.png

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
"At the end of his presidency...Obama trucked 30M pages of his admin's records to Chicago, promising to digitize...and eventually put them online...More than 5 years after O's presidency...the National Archives webpage reveals...0 pgs have been digitized"

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“Trump called Merrick Garland and the corporate media's bluff and demanded that ALL THE DOCUMENTS from the Mar-a-Lago raid be immediately released.”

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Hillary is a true psychopath but you guys gotta give her some credit. The week that Trump gets raided for an overdue library book she starts selling hats reminding everyone she kept an unsecured server in her bathroom with thousands of classified documents and emails on it. She doesn't need gender reassignment surgery as she's already got the biggest swinging prick in the country. She is one serious boss bitch

Hillary Clinton

Every “But her emails” hat or shirt sold helps @onwardtogether partners defend democracy, build a progressive bench, and fight for our values. Just saying!


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“Executing a warrant against ex-POTUS is dangerous. The apparent political weaponization of DOJ/FBI is shameful. AG must explain why 250 yrs of practice was upended w/ this raid. I served on Benghazi Com where we proved Hilliary possessed classified info. We didn’t raid her home”

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Dude batting .000 on all matters concerning Trump, still talks shit as he attacks a strawman

They just don't have "it"

Time will do it's thing, yet again, and genetics will keep him a pawn

Dec 13, 2007
Hillary is a true psychopath but you guys gotta give her some credit. The week that Trump gets raided for an overdue library book she starts selling hats reminding everyone she kept an unsecured server in her bathroom with thousands of classified documents and emails on it. She doesn't need gender reassignment surgery as she's already got the biggest swinging prick in the country. She is one serious boss bitch

Hillary Clinton

Every “But her emails” hat or shirt sold helps @onwardtogether partners defend democracy, build a progressive bench, and fight for our values. Just saying!

View attachment 41332
Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours about Benghazi. Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment, over and over again, to avoid answering a question... remember only criminals or the mob take the fifth

Dec 13, 2007
Dude batting .000 on all matters concerning Trump, still talks shit as he attacks a strawman

They just don't have "it"

Time will do it's thing, yet again, and genetics will keep him a pawn
Hahhaha..Pawn? you count other peoples money for a living I'll remind's not rocket science Mr superior genetics. You'd think you'd be spending less time here and more time using your skills..but no you count beans for others and run contests for a pat on the back..well done.

thanks for playing genius ....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I work hard to play hard, you should try it sometime


Now the time for you to gloat, before the facts come out. Because then you lose, although you're too stupid to know it. You say silly stuff like 32 people were arrested because of Russian Collusion, when in reality not one person was charged with Russian Collusion

They beat you like a drum

Dec 13, 2007
Great life...
I work hard to play hard, you should try it sometime

sure you do party boy posting here from vacations in hotel rooms..your also the guy who calls his wife a "bitch" here on the RX..
Loser bro just a sad loser..with a wife you dislike and most likely deserve ..enjoy MAGA goofball.

Nov 23, 2004
"At the end of his presidency...Obama trucked 30M pages of his admin's records to Chicago, promising to digitize...and eventually put them online...More than 5 years after O's presidency...the National Archives webpage reveals...0 pgs have been digitized"
How many of them were marked classified?

How many of them did the DOJ request be returned to which Obama ignored that request?

Nov 23, 2004
Hillary is a true psychopath but you guys gotta give her some credit. The week that Trump gets raided for an overdue library book she starts selling hats reminding everyone she kept an unsecured server in her bathroom with thousands of classified documents and emails on it. She doesn't need gender reassignment surgery as she's already got the biggest swinging prick in the country. She is one serious boss bitch

Hillary Clinton

Every “But her emails” hat or shirt sold helps @onwardtogether partners defend democracy, build a progressive bench, and fight for our values. Just saying!

View attachment 41332
Both Clinton and Trump belong in jail

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
remember only criminals or the mob take the fifth

(you just make this so easy Claw Space)

Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times​

CNN Updated 8:56 PM EDT, Wed June 22, 2016

Washington (CNN) —
A former employee for Hillary Clinton invoked the 5th Amendment about 125 consecutive times in a deposition. The spokeswoman for Judicial Watch said Bryan Pagliano, a Clinton IT aide, declined to answer questions when subpoenaed by the group. Pagliano was involved in setting up and maintaining Clinton’s private email server and accepted an immunity deal with the FBI earlier this year in their investigation into the server.

“The fact Hillary Clinton’s former IT staffer pleaded the Fifth an astounding 125 times is another reminder of how much she has to hide and how serious the FBI’s criminal investigation really is,” chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.

Pagliano, who was hired by the State Department after a stint as IT director for Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, and was paid separately by the Clintons to perform work on the server, located at their home in Chappaqua, New York.


Durham: Five Hillary Clinton Associates Are Taking the Fifth in Russia Hoax Prosecution​

The revelation emerged in a motion filed by Durham to oppose the efforts of defendant Michael Sussmann and the Clinton campaign to withhold some documents from evidence by asserting attorney-client privilege.

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI in 2016 when he informed the FBI about a fraudulent link between then-candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government via Alfa Bank. Sussmann allegedly presented himself as a concerned citizen, and hid the fact that he was working for the Clinton campaign.

In the filing, Durham noted that while one witness, identified as “Researcher-2,” was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for testimony, “at least five other witnesses who conducted work relating to the Russian Bank-1 allegations invoked (or indicated their intent to invoke) their right against self-incrimination.”


Dec 13, 2007
I work hard to play hard, you should try it sometime


Now the time for you to gloat, before the facts come out. Because then you lose, although you're too stupid to know it. You say silly stuff like 32 people were arrested because of Russian Collusion, when in reality not one person was charged with Russian Collusion

They beat you like a drum
I believe we've covered stupid this AM describing your very basic job and your life partner choices .

MAGA goofball..just stop before I make you look more pathetic and sad.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours about Benghazi. Donald Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment, over and over again, to avoid answering a question... remember only criminals or the mob take the fifth

Benghazi? What the fuck does Benghazi have to do with the type of cheese the moon is made of. Damn that's obtuse

We all know the democrats lied about Benghazi, the whole world knows, well the whole world excluding pawns. Your stupid asses would impeach Trump over a Benghazi

Of course if anyone is talking about Hillary avoiding justice because of recent events, it's because of

1) Her and / or her campaign's involvement in the fraudulent Russian Collusion story they're responsible for

2) Having confidential emails on an unsecure server

3) Literally destroying evidence, laptops, emails

And there were no Gestapo like raids at 6 AM

Another pawn bites the dust

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