Being one that has made the majority of their income from gambling the past 14+ years, allow me to shed some reality on this subject.
1. First and formost, there are many that make their living from gambling, but a very high percentage of these individuals could be making much more money if they pursued other careers, myself included. The trait that most all of these people have though, is a passion for what they are doing and love their job of gambling(Iceman and myself would fit this bill).
2. Many of those that gamble for a living will have looooong droughts of no income(nature of the business), so never out grow your bankroll if you pursue this line of work.
3. If you do choose to become a professional gambler, balance your life with other activities........take time for non-gaming vacations(even if they are only one-day excursions), family and friends.
4. Never get to big for your own britches.........this is so important. Stay within your means, both in your lifestyle and your gambling limits.
5. Pay taxes on your winnings. Keep an accurate diary of all your gambling ventures and be organized.
In closing, I don't recommend this to anyone...........because not only does it take superiour know how, but even after one can make a living at it, they would be better off with their lives with other pursuits. This is not to say that many have taken the right path though, as they love with they are doing and are content in their lives.
Professional gamblers are a rare bird, in more ways than one.