<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 5490732" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Darryl Parsons</TD><TD class=alt2>Doc, I know how avg. people behave. That's what I mean. They don't need to be coerced to watch American Idol and to buy the products on the commercials. They do it all voluntarily. That's the fuel that keeps the power mongers in business. Yin and yang. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Go back and read my 1st kook story. It was about the Elite declaring a SILENT WAR on us. Rockefeller is on audiotape as thanking the Media for never printing anything about it "Thank you (telivision - newspapers- magazines (TIME/WARNER) for without your help we could never have done it."
This is no time for self-blame for anything these people have brought about. It sickens me to see Americans with a misplaced sense of pride and honor wasting it on these cretins such as housing lenders -CC's- the advertising corporations.
"I am too proud to declare bankruptcy". It was my fault etc. Forget it- theyve won on all fronts- theyve fleeced you- and theyve got you blaming yourself- that was practically their greatest psych job of the war- second only to (with the help of the MSM) you never knowing that someone was at war with you.
Not now - the cats out of the bag- its too late to be nice to us- and never again.
You know what their credit rating is? ZERO.
They had it down to a science.
Dumb down the people with no education guidelines.
Keep wars going.
Slowly strangle the purchasing power of the average American (middle class.)
Get people addicted to buying things they dont need.
Keep cigarettes companies from having to admit they are part of the plan (until the truth came out that they were targeting and increasing the nicotine levels which led to the deathshead label but by then people were too addicted to stop)
Create racial tensions or keep them simmering whenever possible. MLK MX
Make the cost of food- gas- and housing a paycheck to paycheck game.
Make sure that the majority of people have less than $1000 in their savings acounts (thats if people even have saving accounts anymore)
Take the sons and send them to fight so dad has no help as breadwinner if he gets sick.
This is what the end is supposed to look like. Funny its starting to look just like that around here. A global corporate empire now controls everything psychologically. You see only what they want you to see- here- feel -taste- think -do.
Once they get the CHIP in you and turn you into the automaton with purchasing/debtor power they desire their victory will be complete and irreversible.