Mac Game....temple


New member
Sep 21, 2004
if a player told me they were gonna fix a game...believe me, nobody would know about keep that shit to myself and cash the ticket

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If you really belive that the game was fixed then you deserve to lose your money, wakeup man. I thought Ace was money, but to say a game is fixed is just stupid, he lost allot of credibility. Such as stupid statement shows that his supposed inside info is CRAP and LIES. No one with a head on their shoulders should have believed him. I didn't drink the Kool Aid. If you like a game then fine, but don't make shit up k Ace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21, 2004
badluck said:
once and for all , THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A F UCKING FIXED GAME!!!!! the amount of variables involved make it nearly impossible for something like that to occur nowadays! anyone who truly believes it is just misinformed and naive and etc etc etc, snap back to reality !!!!!!!
You couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think it happens often nowadays. Maybe once a year or even more infrequently. But there have been plenty of busts, so just think how many times it must have happened, where they guys didn't get caught. Michael Franzese, a former mobster, goes on the Jim Rome Show all the time to talk about his past involvement with sports and gambling. He said that they did a lot of fixes. He also said that when they went to approach kids about fixing a game, not one time did any player turn him down. Not once. Anytime they wanted to fix a game, they could. And they could do it today all the time, if they wanted to. $10K for one game is a shitload of money to college kids. I have the highest ethics of anyone I know, and have never stolen a piece of candy in my life. If I were approached, I would say no. But it would be tempting, especially since they use their sales pitch....."you don't lose the game. You just win by 7 instead of 13. Nobody gets hurt, and you get 10 grand. And we can do it again next month." He said they make it seem absolutely harmless. So to say that it doesn't happen ever is being very naive.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I could not have said the statment you just made better myself. Take care. AD
Sep 21, 2004
For example, I do believe that Toledo bowl game was fixed last year. And I believe there were at least 7 or 8 players involved. I knew what Ace posted about it beforehand, so I watched very closely. QB's hand wasn't 100%, but he obviously proved to the coaches in practice that it was good enough, because the coach stayed with him for the whole half. His passes downfield were 5-10 yards away from the receivers, and were at their feet. His flat passes were bullets right in the chest. He fell down, seemingly on purpose, several times on key 3rd down handoffs. Their special teams gave up a punt return for a TD, where 3 or 4 guys just let the guy run by them while tiptoeing the sideline. Plays that my grandmother could have made to push the guy out of bounds. One a fake punt, they were going to get the first down, but fumbled untouched. So many plays like this, and they were down 30 at half, in a game that they were 4 point favorites. I can't prove it was fixed, because some people just don't want to believe that it happens. But I believe strongly that it was, and if you watch the tape, you would see what I'm talking about. But I do think that Ace is getting some unreliable information, and that fixes are much less frequent than he claims. I didn't bet the game today, and I don't really believe that he is going to know about the next fix. But I know what I saw last December, and I believe he was right on that day, and I will take that to my grave. And it has happened, and will continue to happen occasionally, because there are corrupt people out there.

Respect My Steez
Feb 15, 2005
If the game was really fixed and somebody though enough of this guy to tell him that the fix was in, would he really jeopardize everything by going and posting it on an internet forum for nothing more than to gain respect?
Sep 21, 2004
Poker King Jim said:
If the game was really fixed and somebody though enough of this guy to tell him that the fix was in, would he really jeopardize everything by going and posting it on an internet forum for nothing more than to gain respect?
Look at the guy's posts this past week. He obviously has an emotional need for attention and acceptance. All I'm saying is that for that December game, I think he got good information. And my brother and father watched the game as closely as I did, and they agreed that there was no denying that it was fixed. If other people disagree, that's fine. But I know what I saw on that day. Him posting what he did had no effect on the money coming in. Everyone was on Toledo minus the points. A perfect situation if you were going to fix a game.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The amount of stupidity at the RX is sometimes shocking. I really wonder if many posters are rookie betting college students. People that actually bet money on temple 'cause of ace are simply MORONS. A simple look into the game showed that taking temple was extremely risky because temple is a terrible football team. If you want to take money from the bookie, you gotta bet on teams that actually have a chance to win. Not cover point spreads, but win games.
Ace is not to blame if mental midgets can't recognize when Ace is off. The fact is, Ace didn't apply his line or his stats to making the pick, & that alone made his pick suspect.
Hello people?
Whatever. no matter what method you use to pick games, winning makes you look smart & losing makes you look stupid. Ace is generally a good capper but his inside info plays should be avoided. nuff said.

New member
Nov 21, 2004
so i am to believe that in a game that has 11 offensive players, 11 defensive players and many many more special teams players and a dozen coaches, that giving some pimple faced kid a few k is going to be able to have a team win by 7 instead of 13 huh,? funny ,the officials would have no say in this outcome right or the other NINETY FIVE % of the players on the field! even having a few on the payroll does not guarantee any particular outcome, quite simply the bounce of the ball and the little yellow piece of fabric have so much to do with it, you would need way too many people involved to play with the outcome of a football game! I am a former official that worked the game for 8 years , in todays game , with video and media coverage it is virtually impossible to get away with that sort of stuff. has it happened? i'm sure it's so , but that is the main reason why it's not happening now, because people haver been caught in the past. If your convinced i obviously won't change your mind , but for any one to make these claims for wagering purposes is just ridiculious.:lolBIG:

Undercover Spelling and Grammar Police
Sep 2, 2005
Any of you who are following this guys' plays right now, need to re-read his first post in this thread carefully in this thread

These are the ramblings of someone who is not rowing with both oars in the water, right now.

Then implying a fix in a college football game? 22 different players on offense and defense and that's just the first team. Dozens of coaches, not to mention officials. It's virtually impossible to fix a football game unless you have numerous individuals on the take and be very, very lucky.

How is it that all of these games were fixed and with the exception of a couple spanning years and years, we never hear about it?

Handicapped or alleged fix, I wouldn't play anything this guy puts out based on what I read in that post.
Sep 21, 2004
badluck said:
so i am to believe that in a game that has 11 offensive players, 11 defensive players and many many more special teams players and a dozen coaches, that giving some pimple faced kid a few k is going to be able to have a team win by 7 instead of 13 huh,? funny ,the officials would have no say in this outcome right or the other NINETY FIVE % of the players on the field! even having a few on the payroll does not guarantee any particular outcome, quite simply the bounce of the ball and the little yellow piece of fabric have so much to do with it, you would need way too many people involved to play with the outcome of a football game! I am a former official that worked the game for 8 years , in todays game , with video and media coverage it is virtually impossible to get away with that sort of stuff. has it happened? i'm sure it's so , but that is the main reason why it's not happening now, because people haver been caught in the past. If your convinced i obviously won't change your mind , but for any one to make these claims for wagering purposes is just ridiculious.:lolBIG:
The 7 instead of 13 was a basketball example. Football would probably have to be a larger spread, or an agreement to lose the game. I agree that you have to have quite a few key players, much more than just one or two. And you are right, it's probably hard to pull off. But it has happened before, the mob exists now, and people aren't getting any more ethical. So don't kid yourself. And order a copy of Toledo-UConn from ESPN and watch it for yourself. You may or may not agree, and that's fine, but you will see my point. Even to the point of the QB's face. He looked scared shitless before the game in warmups. And the look of relief on his face in the 2nd half after his "job" was done.

Throwin' Bows
Oct 17, 2005
I love how arguements seem to arise when people are talking about a fix. Some people are so desperate to believe a fix they lay their heart and bankroll on the line and some people are too hopeful there is no such thing they get mad when they read about it. Not that my word is worth a dime around here yet but here is my perspective.

1. There is such a thing as a fix, lets talk Fab 5, Jamaal Tinsley and a few other point shaving incendents and things like that.

2. If you do beleive in a fix this is really for you: If a game is fixed, you will NEVER KNOW ABOUT IT! No one on this forum is important enough to get in on a fix, no one here knows anyone important enough to even get on the scent of a fixed game. Fixed games are for Mobsters.

3. if you DO NOT believe in a fixed game then you should not believe the Mafia and other organized crime is still around. if you do, you are just dense for believing in one and not the other.

Those are my thoughts, take them for what they are worth, probably not much as everyone here seems to "Know for a fact" that there is a fix or "know for a fact" there are fexes. Anyone, enough useless rambling for one night. Its time to get drunk, burn one and hit the sack!

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
HinesWard86 said:
The Pied Piper leads people astray again. Whenever ACE-ACE pulls something like this, you fade. He's only won one of his "fixes". Some people treat him like a God, he's a fraud. Thanks ACE-ACE, you always when me money with your big-money plays. Always great fades :toast: Cheers and thanks for a winning day

Did you fade his MAC college basketball picks last year when he hit 66%?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WOW! I have never seen 1 guy take so much bashing over 1 play!!!!! Ace has made these claims before and has hit the game as mentioned in a previous post,so why is it that you bust his balls when 1 doesn't come in! In case most of you bashers have forgotten .....this is called GAMBLING and there are no " For SURE Bets" in GAMBLING!

Anyone......and i mean anyone who thinks there is...... won't be around here very long anyways!!!! The guy puts his picks out there because he truly believes they will win, simply follow if you agree, if not.........F****** move on to the next thread. I think that most would agree that Ace has alot to offer this site...given what he has attributed thus far!

Still plenty of season left guys, that means alot more W's out there to take from the man! I for one would rather work on that ...than all of the negative bashing! Just my 2 cents!! :suomi:

Sep 21, 2004
Well....ACE-ACE.....if you're reading these least you know who your true friends are......

Get'm next time.......



New member
Jun 22, 2005
phantom888 said:
Well....ACE-ACE.....if you're reading these least you know who your true friends are......

Get'm next time.......



I am just a bystander in this fiasco.....

But Ace Ace deserves some of the blame...Granted he never puts a gun to any ones head...

Threads like that are dangerous and burn many many people every week...(We have seen two consecutive ones from brock landers type cappers)

There is no need to bait people like that into a play..Whether or not Ace Ace believe in what he was saying he broke so many cardinal rules)

Most important rule being never unload on any one game (never ever indicate to any one that you are doing so, and if you do so, keep it to yourself and dont tell a soul until the game wins)

Why doesnt Ace Ace simply post his play in for example Pops POW of the week thread?

Why does he have to come out with these magnificent claims for fixes and "insider info" why cant he just say

my pick is temple+22.5 and leave it at that!!!!

Like i said i am only an intrigued bystander watching the carnage and i am of the opinion that Ace Ace deserves what he is getting in this case!!!

There is no need to bait people like that into games...I dont see why he doesnt post his plays without all the extra curricular qualifications..

On that note, if you read his post and unloaded on this game, you deserve to have lost every single penny and more!!!!

We always try to tell people to play even money, never unload on games, do your handicapping and dont follow any one like a stupid sheep!!!!

If you lost money on this one well :lolBIG:

get out the ky jelly baby, the bookie is coming to do this to you!!!!!



Oct 29, 2005
First Post..

have been lurking for 2 yrs ( post elsewhere). i 'm not new to these forums.
a couple of things, before i get bashed
if u take what that man said (ACE- ACE).on his info info
3.inside info is at best just that
4.NO ONE. and I me NO ONE..can be 100% correct on any play
5.i did play the other way(easy to say after the fact,but i did)
6.i think he brings some GOOD insight to capping
7.i cant believe this group has to bash (him or anyone)
8.u win u lose....U POST THOSE PICS....AT LEAST YOU POST
9.AGAIN. im not a big ACE FAN..but some here need to look in the mirror.


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