You can take your KkK bullshit and put that squarely on the south and southern democrats and ideals, those ideals are not the same now. I don't like people who think they are entitled either. Programs were started for the right reason but have taken on a whole new agenda. Welfare, EPA, PETA, even the NRA etc are needed organizations but they all have gone over the top.
Your thinking that liberals are all the same way is absurd and you want to talk about stupidity of a voting base...., what did Trump say about the republican voting base years ago? That's right he called them stupid and hinted that they were gullible.
I'm waiting for a good republican to come to the scene who isn't an absolute joke. Give us a plan, have a platform. The Republican Party disappoints me with the candidates they have had past 20 years or so. Can't they do better? Now we are going to be stuck with Hillary because of a failed Republican Party
Uhhh, no they weren't!
Just like JDeuce said, your liberty-destroying socialist ideology is evil...pure fucking evil. Not to mention totally anti-American.
And any conservative who refuses to call a spade a spade by giving liberals the benefit the doubt that "they mean well" is part of the problem rather than the solution.
Your ideology isn't "compassion," it's theft.