Let The People In The Forum Speak.......i Have Been Call Out In The Soccer Forum


Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
its in the RR.no mods will moderate it here.what was said is said and what was done is done.both of you are good at what you do as i have said before.just let it go your not the first two that have a conflict and you wont be the last.good luck everyone.

Sep 20, 2004

You are the best that EVER happened to this forum. Especially in Football. ANYONE who puts you down or calls you out needs a reality check to say the least. It only goes to show you that "HERE" you are only as good as your last pick!! Now I'm being accused of ghosting my own plays,lol. Not a chance and As BUCSFAN to check and their is no way at all this is true. This place has its click of people wjo stay together both themselves and their ghosts. I'm sure that ALL MODS have ghosts but thats OK,lol. HYPOCRITES!!

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
JFS: You're only as good as what you post. And your track record is clouded enough that it doesn't need to be here either.

LakersFan: The mods know what I am speaking of. The public won't understand it unless my email gets posted here....

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
JimFiestSux said:

You are the best that EVER happened to this forum. Especially in Football. ANYONE who puts you down or calls you out needs a reality check to say the least. It only goes to show you that "HERE" you are only as good as your last pick!! Now I'm being accused of ghosting my own plays,lol. Not a chance and As BUCSFAN to check and their is no way at all this is true. This place has its click of people wjo stay together both themselves and their ghosts. I'm sure that ALL MODS have ghosts but thats OK,lol. HYPOCRITES!!

jfs im curious as to y your so bitter?

Sep 20, 2004

At 19 I was busy getting laid 3 or 4 times a day. Get a life and their will be plenty of time to try to pick winners in your life. Wow 19, enjoy your prime in the world. Because your prime sure isn't picking winners, oh maybe lucky ones. Remember as a poster said its easy and anyon e one can go on a 20 game win streak,lol.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
So happens to be my girlfriend lives in Jacksonville thanks... sorry that the one girl I've spent the last 4 and a half years of my life with doesn't go to the same college that I do. I don't need you to tell me how to run my life.... And obviously you have no clue what you're talking about with my AFL picks, so don't go there. I live a very happy life, thanks.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Shouldn't have made the last post. Uncalled for. JFS just frustrated me very quickly.

Carry on with your business JFS. You're less liked on this forum than I am it appears... so just keep it up please.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Look, I'll say it one more time before letting this thread turn into an AFLGuru bashing contest instead of something that started off as informative.

Ace: The fix wasn't in with Russia. The fix wasn't in with that Brazilian team. The fix wasn't in with those England matches. The fix wasn't in with that French match.

The fact that you have a losing record on "fixes" causes due right for concern, and while everyone on this forum, including the moderators, think you're the end all, SOMEONE deserves the right to post your record to show that at this point, you're not.

I think you're a solid capper in football from the maybe 2/3 of the season that I paid attention. I think you do know more than we do, but I think that at times your information is shoddy, and members need to know that before you even insinuate that you know who the winner is of these matches. We watched people drop tons of money on that Russia/Estonia match, and the last thing that the people of this forum needs is a repeat. I do think you're a fraud with soccer. I really do. (And I believe I'm entitled to and have justified that reasoning) But I didn't want to go after your reputation here by saying it. You brought that information here. And for that, you are a prick. Private emails are private emails for a reason.

And since everyone has nothing better to do with their lives than check in with a BS created drama between an ex-bookie and a "19 year old snot-face," before this gets farther away I'm going to bury this issue unless you would like to rebut again Ace... because it's going nowhere but turning into an AFLGuru bashing contest fast. It was buried about 45 posts ago in the soccer forum until you brought a private email into this. Just remember that.

As far as I'm concerned, I said my piece, and I am finished. Please don't bring me back into this Ace. Don't start it again.


Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
Afl Guru

"Look, the fact that I called him out I thought was justified".....

NO it wasn't like I said before...you called ACE a FRAUD and now you are dealing with the repercussions. That in my mind is your biggest mistake. Never call any respected handicapper a FRAUD. Did he call you a fraud, no he used to respect you...he never said anything but good things about you until you called him a FRAUD. Now that you know what your biggest mistake was what are you gonna do about it? Be a man and apoligize and move on. ACE's reaction of posting your e-mail was only a REACTION of what you had done FIRST and although it doesn't make it right....you are WRONG


Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
AFLGuru said:
Look, I'll say it one more time before letting this thread turn into an AFLGuru bashing contest instead of something that started off as informative.

Ace: The fix wasn't in with Russia. The fix wasn't in with that Brazilian team. The fix wasn't in with those England matches. The fix wasn't in with that French match.

The fact that you have a losing record on "fixes" causes due right for concern, and while everyone on this forum, including the moderators, think you're the end all, SOMEONE deserves the right to post your record to show that at this point, you're not.

I think you're a solid capper in football from the maybe 2/3 of the season that I paid attention. I think you do know more than we do, but I think that at times your information is shoddy, and members need to know that before you even insinuate that you know who the winner is of these matches. We watched people drop tons of money on that Russia/Estonia match, and the last thing that the people of this forum needs is a repeat. I do think you're a fraud with soccer. I really do. (And I believe I'm entitled to and have justified that reasoning) But I didn't want to go after your reputation here by saying it. You brought that information here. And for that, you are a prick. Private emails are private emails for a reason.

And since everyone has nothing better to do with their lives than check in with a BS created drama between an ex-bookie and a "19 year old snot-face," before this gets farther away I'm going to bury this issue unless you would like to rebut again Ace... because it's going nowhere but turning into an AFLGuru bashing contest fast. It was buried about 45 posts ago in the soccer forum until you brought a private email into this. Just remember that.

As far as I'm concerned, I said my piece, and I am finished. Please don't bring me back into this Ace. Don't start it again.


10,000 more words. How the hell do you not have carpal tunnel?

Do a search on Ace's record in College Basketball, fool.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
College basketball isn't soccer.

4 words... ya happy?

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
You're too stupid to get it.

Almost all of Ace's CBB bets were on MAC games, which he claims is dirty. His record supports the fact that he knows something, so your comment that he has a losing record on fixes is washed up.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004

Losing records on SOCCER fixes. Now you feel better? In case you forgot, THAT was the point the whole time. I never went after the Mac games in NCAAF or NCAAB. I told you and will say it again. I think he's got more info that the common man does, but I don't think it's very good in soccer, and certainly isn't based on the record.

Where do you post plays at Death Eats a Cracker? Just curious if you're giving anything back to this forum.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
AFLGuru said:

Losing records on SOCCER fixes. Now you feel better? In case you forgot, THAT was the point the whole time. I never went after the Mac games in NCAAF or NCAAB. I told you and will say it again. I think he's got more info that the common man does, but I don't think it's very good in soccer, and certainly isn't based on the record.

Where do you post plays at Death Eats a Cracker? Just curious if you're giving anything back to this forum.

Nice red herring. Stop trying to divert attention from this ass kicking that you brought on yourself.

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
double post

joelatti said:
"Look, the fact that I called him out I thought was justified".....

NO it wasn't like I said before...you called ACE a FRAUD and now you are dealing with the repercussions. That in my mind is your biggest mistake. Never call any respected handicapper a FRAUD. Did he call you a fraud, no he used to respect you...he never said anything but good things about you until you called him a FRAUD. Now that you know what your biggest mistake was what are you gonna do about it? Be a man and apoligize and move on. ACE's reaction of posting your e-mail was only a REACTION of what you had done FIRST and although it doesn't make it right....you are WRONG
sorry about that

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Uh-huh... clown with nothing to give to this forum capping wise comes after me... Funny, I've seen you in several other threads doing nothing but bashing... Guess it should be expected. Please continue. Between your childish antics and the poor spelling and grammar of Ace-Ace, I'm having a great time reading. Great leisure activity to break the monotony of studying for final exams... How unfortunate that I'm going to have to leave for awhile to go win money on the opening AFL lines...

See you around folks!

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
AFLGuru said:
Uh-huh... clown with nothing to give to this forum capping wise comes after me... Funny, I've seen you in several other threads doing nothing but bashing... Guess it should be expected. Please continue. Between your childish antics and the poor spelling and grammar of Ace-Ace, I'm having a great time reading. Great leisure activity to break the monotony of studying for final exams... How unfortunate that I'm going to have to leave for awhile to go win money on the opening AFL lines...

See you around folks!

The only time I bash is in situations like this. My greatest pet peeve is when reputable cappers are attacked. I challenge you to provide a link to me bashing ANYONE that wasn't in defense of someone who was attacked unprovoked.

Let's see it, puss.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
AFLGuru said:

Where should I start... with the part where you told the guy to shut his ******* hole, where you called him a dolt, or this lovely quote... "Perhaps you should just keep your big yapper shut and sit in your quiet little corner of the cantina hiding from Greedo."

All for a guy that made a mistake... an honest mistake.

ROFL!!! What is wrong with you? I'll say it again so you understand: I only bash people who attack reputable people unprovoked. Read the thread, clown.

Look at what mos eyesly wrote before he edited his post:

No, someone has to straighten you out, Death Eats A Cracker. Were you really congratulating Bucsfan for thr Bos.-n.y. UNDER 9.5? The play LOST! You haven't seen enough games yet not to count anything until the final out? What a jackass you are.

After he admitted his mistake and apologized, I wrote:

Death Eats a Cracker said:
Well done, mos eyesly. It takes a big man to apologize.

Stay out of that cantina!!

Nice try, putz. All you acomplished was making yourself looking like a bigger ass than you already are. You are your worst enemy.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Contribute something... anything positive to the forum and I'll listen... but you haven't at least to my knowledge, thus making you someone, in this case especially, looking to create trouble.

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