Let The People In The Forum Speak.......i Have Been Call Out In The Soccer Forum


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I don't get what all this fighting is about...

Both these guys deserve respect for sharing tons of info. for free, not to mention winning picks.

If I were AFL, I'd not be too concerned with protecting people from various claims which may or may not be true. There will always be players who look for hype, and of all the hype around, Ace's is way better than average...look at all the touts and scammers out there with absolutely nothing to offer...there's no way you can protect everyone from all of those...

If I were Ace, I'd just try to not let this stuff bother me...

You guys have way too much talent to waste it on fighting...just an observer's opinion.


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Darryl Parsons said:
Both these guys deserve respect for sharing tons of info. for free, not to mention winning picks.


You guys have way too much talent to waste it on fighting...just an observer's opinion.

agree and would like to add no matter who said what to whom or when,

whatever is said in an e-mail should not be posted on a public forum, or maybe better yet- BEWARE what you say in an e-mail because it might get posted on a public forum.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
I warned at the beginning that my "unit" is smaller than most that will play here.

dam you guys like talking about his unit

your record speaks volumes (both of you guys )

carry on

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
i dont get the insanity of all this. i know for a fact ace gets info the rest of us dont. hes connected very well globally. hes here to impart crucial info to help everyone. its not aces responsibility to warn new posters of anything. charles barkley said once hes not your kids parent and hes no role model. were all responsible for ourselves. guru your concern for the newbys is nice,but this goes beyond thier protection. its deeply personal for you. if its not maybe the shrink can make you the chief moderator in the newbys forum and you can warn them of ace-ace all day long.keep giving what you have ace its valued as i know where it comes from.fixes do happen. more than we want to know.the proof is all thru the college basketball forum! run a search on jimfeistsux and follow the final 10 days of march madness then come back here and tell me fixes dont happen. many MANY posters here cleaned up on ace ace and jfs plays. ~RG

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Death Eats a Cracker said:
Oh...that's hilarious. AFLGuru is responsible for moving lines with his $10 wagers!!

Little boy, ONE investment bet by ACE is more than you've won the whole year in the AFL.

You remind me a lot of The Unabomber in your long, rambling, repetitive, incoherent posts. And aren't you the guy who would have entire threads where you were exchanging posts with two others who actually turned out to be your trolls? LOL!! Jesus, I bet you spend more money on keyboards than you've won so far this year.

You're a motherfvcking mental case. Go the hell away.

Yes, and I can't fathom dropping 5 dimes on a game. $500 to me is enough money to pay rent, put gas in the car, and have enough spending money left over. As a college kid, I'm pretty sure I don't need much more than that. When my time comes, yes, I intend on gambling more money. But the principals are exactly the same. 1 unit = 1% of the bankroll... It's called money management, and I believe that because Ace's bets are astronomical in relation to mine is still irrelevent. My bankroll began at $1000. Thanks to baseball scalping and AFL wagering, it's over doubled... I think that anyone would enjoy to double their bankroll over a 3-4 month period. So please, don't start bringing the kid thing up again. You were probably a college student at one time... and how much were you gambling on a game? $1000? I think not.

Trust me, ScottW, TommyB, Rosey, Daringly and all of the other folks that read what I have to say aren't my little "trolls" as you would call them. But I'm sure they'd appreciate knowing that that's how you think of them. Tell you what buddy. You come down to the AFL thread tomorrow afternoon. Pinny opens up the AFL lines at 1:30 EST. I'll be posted by 1:45, and the lines will have already moved 4+ points and will move at least a point and a half on anything I post by an hour after I post them. Then come back Wednesday morning and check what has happened to those same lines and tell me that I carry no influence.

I'm also not apologizing for stating simple facts about Ace's record. It should be noted, as should all of the cappers' marks on here IMO. However, I will apologize for making this a pissing match, though I'm pretty sure that I didn't have anything to do with this until a private email was posted on the forum and a couple not-so-innocent bystanders had to put in their two cents.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
ACE-ACE said:
you are the one that started it

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>AFLGuru<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1906959", true); </SCRIPT>

RX "Kid"

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Tallahassee, FL
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</TD><TD class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Big time Serie A matches are certainly not rigged. Italy, much like France, produces a lower scoring form of soccer. That can very well explain 2 goals in however many games at halftime. I decent percentage of Serie A games will end 0-0, and there's nothing corrupt about it. I'm tired of this "matches are fixed" deal on therx, because there almost can't be as many fixes as we see here, and that's proven by the amount of "fixes" that end up "losers". So just watch yourself here acw. Lots of BS floating around especially in the soccer threads

cant you stop saying bad word......(bs) (prick) and now a$$hole....

Can someone please point out to me what was so confrontational about this?... aside from Ace's boy Death Eats a Cracker....

New member
Feb 5, 2005
FWIW, Ace has always tried to help everyone, especially in football season. He brings a lot of knowledge to the forum. He is above being"called out". Anyone who has read these forums for a long period of time knows that. You don't have to post here to have been a follower. one9

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
One... I TOTALLY agree about Ace in football season. He was money all year, and as I mentioned before, I rode with him all season. This had nothing specifically with Ace as a capper, but rather as a "fixed match specialist" in soccer. And when the chance comes next NFL season, I'll be right on his tail once again. I don't doubt that Ace has all good intentions or hasn't contributed... I know he has and will continue to. I also made mention several times that I believe he can turn it around with these soccer plays into good numbers. I really believe that. But I now know that IMO he can't be trusted after getting a private conversation posted on a public forum. Not asking anyone to leave or anyone to bash anyone else... that's the one reason I'm ticked about this. A private email of mine got out to the public, where it was no one's business, and Ace went off on me in this forum without me taking a shot at him. It seemed uncalled for then, and still seems uncalled for. I know exactly where this turned into a mess, but no one else will say it or admit it... thus I'll just keep it to myself because it's irrelevent.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
AFLGuru said:
One... I TOTALLY agree about Ace in football season. He was money all year, and as I mentioned before, I rode with him all season. This had nothing specifically with Ace as a capper, but rather as a "fixed match specialist" in soccer. And when the chance comes next NFL season, I'll be right on his tail once again. I don't doubt that Ace has all good intentions or hasn't contributed... I know he has and will continue to. I also made mention several times that I believe he can turn it around with these soccer plays into good numbers. I really believe that. But I now know that IMO he can't be trusted after getting a private conversation posted on a public forum. Not asking anyone to leave or anyone to bash anyone else... that's the one reason I'm ticked about this. A private email of mine got out to the public, where it was no one's business, and Ace went off on me in this forum without me taking a shot at him. It seemed uncalled for then, and still seems uncalled for. I know exactly where this turned into a mess, but no one else will say it or admit it... thus I'll just keep it to myself because it's irrelevent.
i do believe ace-ace should apologize for the posted email. that went a bit far.however anyone would lose thier good judgement if they were called a FRAUD especially when that person has such great credibility. so you both need to apologize then be done with each other for no friendship can possibly thrive after this.so ace say you were wrong for posting the email and guru you apologize for calling ace a fraud. fixed soccer matches and misled newbys are no longer the issue now.

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
both of u are good at what you do.both have always been helpful.just a matter of opinions and thats a side of this hobby or whatever it is you call the gambling world.if there was no disagreement's in sports we would all be 100% and rich.just chalk it up as that and have many more good days.good luck to both of you.

Oct 20, 2003

FROM AFLGURU:You come down to the AFL thread tomorrow afternoon. Pinny opens up the AFL lines at 1:30 EST. I'll be posted by 1:45, and the lines will have already moved 4+ points and will move at least a point and a half on anything I post by an hour after I post them. Then come back Wednesday morning and check what has happened to those same lines and tell me that I carry no influence.






You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Ace, you hardly know where to begin. You're WAY off on this one. You don't know everything about my life now, do you?

Yes, I know EXACTLY how line movement works. So go ahead Ace... Please, go ahead. C'mon down this afternoon in about 4 and a half hours or so. Lines will open up. I will go first. I will keep some other people I am close with (you're certainly not the only one with friends around here) informed of what to hit, and then I will post here. Yes, my little $40 bet isn't going to make a bit of difference, but I assure you... and I promise this on my life... ASSURE you, that the rest of the money going in before therx gets the information will move lines. Guarantee it. And if you'd like to watch this in action, please come down this afternoon.

This one YOU don't get Ace. Just because I'm not even 20 yet doesn't mean that I don't understand how the one game that I cap works. Anyone who's watched it in succession with Pinnacle's active lines knows exactly what I mean. I will post on therx and a good sum of money will come in on these games. I happen to know by trial and error that even when these lines are set after Wednesday morning, EXACTLY how much money it takes to move a line, and know that it is DIRECTLY proportional to the amount of money coming in on the games before I post on therx. Even after that, when I post on therx, the lines move, and it's got nothing to do with me and my $40 Ace (and before anyone wise cracks on "oh, now it's a $40 unit, eh?" $40 is a 4 unit play).

I'm also not the only AFL capper. I am very glad I'm not the only AFL capper. I'm not right all the time Ace. I understand that. But based on the statistics that are shown from my season, I certainly know what I'm talking about. 66% of a bankroll increase ain't bad in 12 weeks of anything.

I'm sorry that you're used to betting NFL where a 1.5 point swing is incredible. You are dealing with a sport that many more amateurs bet and many more people have brought in much more money. This makes a very difficult proportionately to move a line with so much money on one side. In the Arena League, I literally get the lines as they open, and essentially, the Pinnacle linesmaker is finding out what's gonna move based on what I bet. There are terrible lines set there every week, and I guarantee you'll see at least 3 more hidious lines this week that will be corrected within an hour of people pounding it. And that's with a maximum wager of $1000 to a game my friend. Don't play this game with me Ace. I know my domain. I've done all of my homework. You may think I am making myself look foolish, but there are plenty of folks out there that know that I am right.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
And to test this, why don't you go ahead and drop the maximum wager on a game or two against me today at 1:30 EST and see what the line movement does. You'll move the line 2 or 4 cents worth of juice unless the number is on 7. Then you'll move is 2 cents only. Guaranteed. Since $1000 is an "action play" to you, this shouldn't be a problem.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
AFLGuru said:
Ace, you hardly know where to begin. You're WAY off on this one. You don't know everything about my life now, do you?

Yes, I know EXACTLY how line movement works. So go ahead Ace... Please, go ahead. C'mon down this afternoon in about 4 and a half hours or so. Lines will open up. I will go first. I will keep some other people I am close with (you're certainly not the only one with friends around here) informed of what to hit, and then I will post here. Yes, my little $40 bet isn't going to make a bit of difference, but I assure you... and I promise this on my life... ASSURE you, that the rest of the money going in before therx gets the information will move lines. Guarantee it. And if you'd like to watch this in action, please come down this afternoon.

This one YOU don't get Ace. Just because I'm not even 20 yet doesn't mean that I don't understand how the one game that I cap works. Anyone who's watched it in succession with Pinnacle's active lines knows exactly what I mean. I will post on therx and a good sum of money will come in on these games. I happen to know by trial and error that even when these lines are set after Wednesday morning, EXACTLY how much money it takes to move a line, and know that it is DIRECTLY proportional to the amount of money coming in on the games before I post on therx. Even after that, when I post on therx, the lines move, and it's got nothing to do with me and my $40 Ace (and before anyone wise cracks on "oh, now it's a $40 unit, eh?" $40 is a 4 unit play).

I'm also not the only AFL capper. I am very glad I'm not the only AFL capper. I'm not right all the time Ace. I understand that. But based on the statistics that are shown from my season, I certainly know what I'm talking about. 66% of a bankroll increase ain't bad in 12 weeks of anything.

I'm sorry that you're used to betting NFL where a 1.5 point swing is incredible. You are dealing with a sport that many more amateurs bet and many more people have brought in much more money. This makes a very difficult proportionately to move a line with so much money on one side. In the Arena League, I literally get the lines as they open, and essentially, the Pinnacle linesmaker is finding out what's gonna move based on what I bet. There are terrible lines set there every week, and I guarantee you'll see at least 3 more hidious lines this week that will be corrected within an hour of people pounding it. And that's with a maximum wager of $1000 to a game my friend. Don't play this game with me Ace. I know my domain. I've done all of my homework. You may think I am making myself look foolish, but there are plenty of folks out there that know that I am right.

Another 10,000 word dissertation...and you didn't say ANYTHING.

Though, this did cause me to bust a gut laughing:

In the Arena League, I literally get the lines as they open, and essentially, the Pinnacle linesmaker is finding out what's gonna move based on what I bet.

You've got to be fvcking kidding me with this. Talk about an over-inflated sense of self-importance. You're nothing but a snot-nosed punk who apparently is starving for attention. I guess your mom didn't hug you enough because she was busy out drinking and blowing random strangers and now you're trying to compensate by pretending that Vegas gives a flying fvck what you bet out of all the millions of dollars wagered on the AFL.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
man alive.im deeply dissapointed in both of you guys. this will go on forever.this is so girlish its kinda funny. well good luck moving those afl lines today im sure its very special.my best to you both.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Alright, short and sweet... You wanna try this little experiment today too Death Eats a Cracker? Let me know what game you want to try this with. I'll post my side. You drop the maximum wager on the other. I'll guarantee you that you move the line 2-4 cents. I really don't care where these lines close at, though I want to see everyone that bets on my side win.

And please, you're humoring me with your extremely childish speak here. Yes, I'm sure my mother didn't hug me enough because she was too busy out drinking and blowing random strangers. Snot-nosed punk? Hilarious. You're uselessly fueling a fire Death Eats a Cracker. Very uselessly.

Roxy, I've said my point and I'm trying to leave it at this... but for some reason, the madness won't stop. Once again, I look like the bad guy because Ace has this grand reputation here, and that's fine. I'll continue doing what I'm doing in the AFL and making money that way, whether you all believe me or not.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
AFLGuru said:
Alright, short and sweet... You wanna try this little experiment today too Death Eats a Cracker? Let me know what game you want to try this with. I'll post my side. You drop the maximum wager on the other. I'll guarantee you that you move the line 2-4 cents. I really don't care where these lines close at, though I want to see everyone that bets on my side win.

And please, you're humoring me with your extremely childish speak here. Yes, I'm sure my mother didn't hug me enough because she was too busy out drinking and blowing random strangers. Snot-nosed punk? Hilarious. You're uselessly fueling a fire Death Eats a Cracker. Very uselessly.

Roxy, I've said my point and I'm trying to leave it at this... but for some reason, the madness won't stop. Once again, I look like the bad guy because Ace has this grand reputation here, and that's fine. I'll continue doing what I'm doing in the AFL and making money that way, whether you all believe me or not.
sweety this is hard cuz i respect both of you. you both bring huge value to this site. but its not about your afl capping skills or aces rep any more. ace is everywhere and respected immensly. i dont understand why you took him on and called him a fraud. theres at least 1500 others who rotate in and out of the rx who know better.as far as i can figure this out calling ace ace a fraud was your greatest gaff. and ace ace posting your email was his. sweety apologies have to be made. cant you see your being attacked relentlessly now because of this? end it both of you. please.

You play... to win... the game
Dec 3, 2004
Look, the fact that I called him out I thought was justified. The fact that I had two emails posted on a public forum certainly is not. If he wanted to say "he called me a fraud" that's one thing. But he didn't. I'm being attacked relentlessly because I am 19 and have been posting here about 4 months, and Ace has been here for years. I tried stopping this on several instances, and if Ace had just stopped it, especially before he went ahead and posted a private email in a public forum, none of this would have blown up... hell it wouldn't have had to come to the rubber room. Stopping is just fine with me, but the relentless attacking is going to stop. I know my game and people are telling me that I don't. It's pretty funny to be honest with you, because I don't know where Death Eats a Cracker caps games and I don't have an honest record anywhere of Ace-Ace, and those are really the two dissenting voices amongst all of this. At this point, it's Ace-Ace and gang going out of their way to try to make me look very bad, and yes, I'm taking offense to it. If I meant so little to this forum, Ace would have let this roll of his back BEFORE I said anything to him in a private email.

But a message to the mods here: Thanks. Thanks a lot. You've showed me a lot about what you think of Ace Ace and my stance in this forum. If you want me to go away, why didn't you just tell me so? I would have listened and gone elsewhere... but you let it blow up into this and I really don't appreciate it.

Roxy... at least you've been a relatively calming voice amongst all of this. It's appreciated. The mods certainly aren't moderating this, so at least someone is.

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