LeBron won't play if Sterling refuses to sell


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Tiger to the PGA vs LeBron to the NBA isn't even close.

Sure tiger brings more relatively but Lebron is the global face of the NBA. He's a pretty big commodity. They estimated the Cavs lost over $250 million+ in value just because he left. The NBA is entertainment, people like Lebron make the game.
Jan 24, 2012
Sure tiger brings more relatively but Lebron is the global face of the NBA. He's a pretty big commodity. They estimated the Cavs lost over $250 million+ in value just because he left. The NBA is entertainment, people like Lebron make the game.

Not saying LeBron isn't valuable but look at the PGA without Tiger. Lowest Players Championship ratings in 15 years, lowest Masters ratings since 2004. The NBA has guys like Durant, and prior to this year Kobe, that can still bring viewers. The PGA doesn't have that luxury.

Oct 16, 2004
Golf is an individual sport. The NBA is a team sport. There is no comparison between the two when it comes to the importance of individual sports figures. Tiger wins going away for being the most important figure to his sport.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Not saying LeBron isn't valuable but look at the PGA without Tiger. Lowest Players Championship ratings in 15 years, lowest Masters ratings since 2004. The NBA has guys like Durant, and prior to this year Kobe, that can still bring viewers. The PGA doesn't have that luxury.

I agree with tiger being much more important to the PGA. I'm just using Lebron as an example of how the players boycotting can effect the league. People are saying it would go on as normal, that other players would give in, etc. I think the players would follow Lebron and players like Chris Paul than fight against them because those players are what allows some bench warmer to make $1.2 mil a year. They make the NBA. These guys act like the NBA could play d league games and make the same amount of money.
Jan 24, 2012
I agree with tiger being much more important to the PGA. I'm just using Lebron as an example of how the players boycotting can effect the league. People are saying it would go on as normal, that other players would give in, etc. I think the players would follow Lebron and players like Chris Paul than fight against them because those players are what allows some bench warmer to make $1.2 mil a year. They make the NBA. These guys act like the NBA could play d league games and make the same amount of money.

I agree with you, the league would suffer without LeBron, CP3, etc., however, mid level NBA guys generally can't afford to miss game checks. Most live paycheck to paycheck. That makes a united front difficult. LeBron could miss a season worth of checks and survive, most guys couldn't miss a month. A boycott would hurt the league, no doubt, but I'm not sure the players could boycott for any substantial length of time.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I agree with you, the league would suffer without LeBron, CP3, etc., however, mid level NBA guys generally can't afford to miss game checks. Most live paycheck to paycheck. That makes a united front difficult. LeBron could miss a season worth of checks and survive, most guys couldn't miss a month. A boycott would hurt the league, no doubt, but I'm not sure the players could boycott for any substantial length of time.

They did it just 3 years ago. And where are people getting this most live paycheck to paycheck nonsense from? I'd like to see that study. Most of those studies determine that by whether you have 6 months worth of paychecks in savings. By those standards I live paycheck to paycheck. But doesn't mean I couldn't afford to live an extended period of time by liquidating assets. I simply do not buy that argument. I could be wrong because I've never researched it. I just would like to see the criteria they are using to determine NBA players making $800k to $20 mil living paycheck to paycheck.
Jan 24, 2012
They did it just 3 years ago. And where are people getting this most live paycheck to paycheck nonsense from? I'd like to see that study. Most of those studies determine that by whether you have 6 months worth of paychecks in savings. By those standards I live paycheck to paycheck. But doesn't mean I couldn't afford to live an extended period of time by liquidating assets. I simply do not buy that argument. I could be wrong because I've never researched it. I just would like to see the criteria they are using to determine NBA players making $800k to $20 mil living paycheck to paycheck.

Van Gundy said it in an interview a while back. Pretty sure Simmons has mentioned it, as well. Haven't seen an actual study. Maybe it's not true, but I have no reason not to listen to Van Gundy.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Van Gundy said it in an interview a while back. Pretty sure Simmons has mentioned it, as well. Haven't seen an actual study. Maybe it's not true, but I have no reason not to listen to Van Gundy.

Well if it is or isn't, I still think the players union would decide to boycott. I don't think it would be individual players (are individual players even allowed to boycott?)
Jan 24, 2012
Well if it is or isn't, I still think the players union would decide to boycott. I don't think it would be individual players (are individual players even allowed to boycott?)

I would assume it'd be the union that boycotts. Doubt it's going to matter though, my guess is Sterling will be gone.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yeah, Lebron is gonna be lending everyone money - Gary Neal, Tiaggo Spltter, Norris Cole, Michael Carter Williams, etc. - theyre all gonna be reimbursed by Lebron -this AK is the the dumbest fuck I have ever seen on these forums bar none - no one is even remotely close

Sep 21, 2004
Yeah, Lebron is gonna be lending everyone money - Gary Neal, Tiaggo Spltter, Norris Cole, Michael Carter Williams, etc. - theyre all gonna be reimbursed by Lebron - this AK is the the dumbest fuck I have ever seen on these forums bar none - no one is even remotely close

There's a reason why akphidonk got voted the dumbest poster in the political forum, the guy is a complete idiot, on top of being a troll and a pathological liar.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
There's a reason why akphidonk got voted the dumbest poster in the political forum, the guy is a complete idiot, on top of being a troll and a pathological liar.

You sure do know how to pick them. Seymour is a bigger racist than Willie, lol. But I guess defending racists and people who think like Cliven Bundy is your thing. Carry on, you seem very educated, lol.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
I completely disagree. The owners and the NBA would fold before the players. The players are represented by a union. We've already see how far they will go over couple % points of revenue.

Pure nonsense. During WWII the superstars like Williams, DiMaggio, Feller, Greenberg & Big John Mize from 43 to 45 were off to war.
At peak 340 Major leaguers were in the service along with 3000 minor league players. The rosters were filled with old timers, 4F's, and variety of drunks & rogue castoffs & in one case a castoff from the Army itself.

Still with league quality so diminished with the stars gone the fans came out as never before. It was the game itself the people wanted to see.
2 of the 16 teams reached all time attendance records during this period Detroit Tigers & NY Giants. 7 other teams reached
attendance figures not approached in 10 years or more.

Now that if Lebron & those of his ilk decided to strike, others would gladly take there place and the owners would still prosper.
Basketball is the only game I've never payed a dime to see of the major sports so for me it's 'who cares' but those who love the game
would still be enthralled with it and buy tickets at scalpers prices come playoff time, Lebron or not.

Nov 29, 2004
Sure tiger brings more relatively but Lebron is the global face of the NBA. He's a pretty big commodity. They estimated the Cavs lost over $250 million+ in value just because he left. The NBA is entertainment, people like Lebron make the game.

May 8, 2014
This is stupid. Lebron would play for $100 a game and that is what these fools should be making. If they disagree, find someone else that will. What else would he really do in life? He can take his GHD that he would have if he didn't play basketball and go work at Kroger. Why pay someone 10 million a year when in normal life they would never make more than 50K a year, Not just Lebron but 95% of them. Most would be stealing from the govt. now via Medicaid and welfare.

Jul 4, 2012
I completely disagree. The owners and the NBA would fold before the players. The players are represented by a union. We've already see how far they will go over couple % points of revenue.

Uh, the players folded in the lockout, and lost to top it off, idiot

The league wanted an overhaul of its $4-billion-a-year enterprise, and it got it, with a nearly $300 million annual reduction in player salaries and a matrix of new restrictions on contracts and team payrolls. The changes mean a $3 billion gain for the owners over the life of the 10-year deal.


As was pointed out, you are the dumbest person posting here. It isn't even close.

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