LeBron won't play if Sterling refuses to sell


New member
Aug 24, 2013
Why is it so commonplace all the sudden for the poly forum losers to bring their trash up here? Using sports-related threads that have racial overtones to springboard into another 30 page dissertation on who is dumber than whom.

Please leave us alone up here, we're a peaceful, reasonable folk.

I totally agree...... these endless flame wars are just idiotic. Not a single substantive thing is ever discussed. 10+ pages of arguing over semantics and name calling that has nothing whatsoever to do with thread topic.

New member
Sep 19, 2005
You are FOS, Casper. You stalk the poor kid even when he's not around, posting YouTube Videos he made 6 years ago, which a sick, obsessed stalker like you went digging for. You are a sick, obsessed birther/stalker who has to make up ghost accounts when you get banned.
Great Job exposing LYING Ace in here guys. He lies, doubles/triples down. NEVER retracts when proven wrong. It's what he is, who he is. Ask him how many times that sick Nazi Killer in KC, Frazier Glenn Miller ran as a Democrat. He LIED about it, was shown State Election Records PROVING he was lying, and still maintained the lie, just to try and push his partisan hack agenda. There are many people down in that hellhole known as the Poly Forum who Lie quite often. Ace is the most blatant, continuous, shameless, of them all, and has surpassed all his competition.

I can only imagine the YouTube video made by akphidelt.

Sep 21, 2004
I can only imagine the YouTube video made by akphidelt.

Haven't watched it, but what is EXTREMELY sick and creepy is that Casper would go on Youtube, search for a forum users name, and then post a 6 year old video by said poster. That's straight jacket behavior.

Sep 21, 2004
See I told y'all this guys an idiot. Why the hell would LeBron care about boycottng when the situation is being handled fine and Sterling pretty much put the dirt on his grave in the CNN interview.

Roger Mason Jr ‏@MoneyMase 3h

My bad if I was not clear.LBJ never said anything about boycotting.He's a friend and I would never want to imply something he didn't say
Roger Mason Jr ‏@MoneyMase 3h

The bottom line is that our commissioner,team owners,fans, players, and the world all agree that there is no place for racism in our league.

This should have ended the thread. Would have saved some folks lots of embarrassment.

New member
Aug 24, 2013
At this point I think a couple of things are pretty clear...... one is that the owners will vote to force Sterling out...... and the other that Sterling and his wife will fight it in the courts for a very long time. The only person I have ever heard say this will be resolved quickly and easily is our resident anti-trust and corporate law expert akphidelt. Unfortunately for him (and even more so for the rest of us) he actually has no godly idea what the fuck he talking about. He has not even gone to the trouble to coherently argue his assertions and instead just pronounces over and over that he is correct and says everyone who disagrees is obviously a racist.

I am not sure on what playground these types of tactics actually impress anyone.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"Willie and I use to be cordial outside the poly forum and even wish each other luck in the sports betting forums. But he obviously broke that pact and has some beef with me."

Fratfraud spends day after day and over 100 posts trying to convince the forum I'm racist, misrepresents what I said, changes the words I used and then calls them "my quotes", and he doesn't understand why I have a beef with him?

This is how a really smart person rolls?

I even made it clear in one of the threads he was calling me racist, I told him he's "scum", I always thought he was silly and naive and a horrible debater, but now I think worse of him, I think he's "scum".

I'm treating the lying scum the way lying scum deserves to be treated, like lying scum.

I do apologize to the rest of the forum for bringing this stuff into the main forum, but this is where the lying scum brought his incredible ignorance for all to see.

PS: it all started when I said the Clippers should not let the words of an ignorant man ruin their lives. In the world of the lying scum, that's racist

you just can't make shit this stupid up

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

which also begs the question, why would anyone be "cordial" with a man he thinks is "racist", but I digress

Jul 4, 2012
At this point I think a couple of things are pretty clear...... one is that the owners will vote to force Sterling out...... and the other that Sterling and his wife will fight it in the courts for a very long time. The only person I have ever heard say this will be resolved quickly and easily is our resident anti-trust and corporate law expert akphidelt. Unfortunately for him (and even more so for the rest of us) he actually has no godly idea what the fuck he talking about. He has not even gone to the trouble to coherently argue his assertions and instead just pronounces over and over that he is correct and says everyone who disagrees is obviously a racist.

I am not sure on what playground these types of tactics actually impress anyone.

100% correct.

I was just enjoying this:

[h=1]Can Donald Sterling sue the NBA? It's complicated[/h]

Jul 4, 2012
Most of those studies determine that by whether you have 6 months worth of paychecks in savings. By those standards I live paycheck to paycheck.

Yet despite making soooooooo much money (You're on record saying "You would faint if you saw my W2") you don't have 6 months pay in cash.


Jul 4, 2012

which also begs the question, why would anyone be "cordial" with a man he thinks is "racist", but I digress

[Raises hand]

Because when lying is who you are and what you do, it is tough to keep track of all the lies and contradictory statements?
May 8, 2014
This is stupid. Would Lebron play? Yes, he will always play because that is his only skill on Earth. If Market is $10 a game, he will play, if $20 a game he will play. Your pay is based on your skill set compared to others....He will always be paid above market value. They should lower market but because of Democrats, that doesnt happen.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
At this point I think a couple of things are pretty clear...... one is that the owners will vote to force Sterling out...... and the other that Sterling and his wife will fight it in the courts for a very long time. The only person I have ever heard say this will be resolved quickly and easily is our resident anti-trust and corporate law expert akphidelt. Unfortunately for him (and even more so for the rest of us) he actually has no godly idea what the fuck he talking about. He has not even gone to the trouble to coherently argue his assertions and instead just pronounces over and over that he is correct and says everyone who disagrees is obviously a racist.

I am not sure on what playground these types of tactics actually impress anyone.

Actually Sterling himself said he wouldn't fight it. Also many legal experts have come out since the NBA Constitution was revealed and said he has no real legal recourse to the owners decision. They even came out and said the wife has no say whatsoever if the owners vote Sterling out since he is the primary owner.

You must not be informed on what has been going on. Just let me know, I'll inform you.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yet despite making soooooooo much money (You're on record saying "You would faint if you saw my W2") you don't have 6 months pay in cash.


You don't even know what liquidate means or the difference between bonds and bills and you are still trying to lecture people on personal finance? Lmao. And no, I do not and probably will never hold 6 months worth of expenses in a savings account or cash. Remember you thought mutual funds couldn't be liquidated, so you really should not be commenting on this stuff, hahahahahaha.


Jul 4, 2012
. And no, I do not and probably will never hold 6 months worth of expenses in a savings account or cash.

Yet everyone would "faint" if they saw your W2!!!!

Don't worry dummy, when you'e a liar it is tough to keep all the silly boasting straight.

PS: You're poor.

Sep 20, 2006
Actually Sterling himself said he wouldn't fight it. Also many legal experts have come out since the NBA Constitution was revealed and said he has no real legal recourse to the owners decision. They even came out and said the wife has no say whatsoever if the owners vote Sterling out since he is the primary owner.

You must not be informed on what has been going on. Just let me know, I'll inform you.
Lester Munson an attorney that works for ESPN stated that a Vote to oust him can happen quickly, but forcing him to sell quickly will NOT happen and can be drawn out for awhile.
This could get ugly especially if Sterling has "Dirt" on other owners.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
"Willie and I use to be cordial outside the poly forum and even wish each other luck in the sports betting forums. But he obviously broke that pact and has some beef with me."

Fratfraud spends day after day and over 100 posts trying to convince the forum I'm racist, misrepresents what I said, changes the words I used and then calls them "my quotes", and he doesn't understand why I have a beef with him?

This is how a really smart person rolls?

I even made it clear in one of the threads he was calling me racist, I told him he's "scum", I always thought he was silly and naive and a horrible debater, but now I think worse of him, I think he's "scum".

I'm treating the lying scum the way lying scum deserves to be treated, like lying scum.

I do apologize to the rest of the forum for bringing this stuff into the main forum, but this is where the lying scum brought his incredible ignorance for all to see.

PS: it all started when I said the Clippers should not let the words of an ignorant man ruin their lives. In the world of the lying scum, that's racist

you just can't make shit this stupid up

You are a racist. And you should be apologizing to the forum for you despicable words not for bringing me in to show them all what kind of scum you really are. You still have yet to explain why you made those comments. I know why though...

#1) You're too cowardly to admit you made some comments that you want to take back
#2) You're too much of a racist, lying, fraud to admit that is how you feel

I tried to keep sports betting out of it. You went on a long silly rant and brought it in to the mix. That's your bad mister 0-6. Lmao!!!! Fade City!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yet everyone would "faint" if they saw your W2!!!!

Don't worry dummy, when you'e a liar it is tough to keep all the silly boasting straight.

PS: You're poor.

You don't even know what it means to liquidate an asset, lmao!!! And you don't know the difference between bills and bonds. You don't know division, you don't know statistics, you don't know law, economics, etc.

Maybe you should realize whatever you say is wrong... lol.

And I made that comment to Sheriff Joe to piss him off, I'm glad it now means I said that to everyone. What an obsessed loser you have become.

Care to tell me how I can't liquidate a mutual fund? Hahahahahahaha

Jul 4, 2012
And I made that comment to Sheriff Joe to piss him off, I'm glad it now means I said that to everyone.

Actually, you posted what was laughably supposed to be a fake pays stub and a phony W2 in what were rather pathetic attempts to show you "make $120K!"

Because when lying is who you are and what you do.

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