LeBron won't play if Sterling refuses to sell

Jan 24, 2012
I was referring to Mantis' friends... not yours. Just a joke towards Mantis who always backs people like Willie, Sheriff Joe, Acebb, and other clowns. Had nothing to do with you. Sorry for the confusion.

Ha, whatever man. I back what I agree with. You may not see it that way, but that's the truth. I concern myself with what is being said/posted, not who is saying/posting it. At times I agree with those guys, at times I don't.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ha, whatever man. I back what I agree with. You may not see it that way, but that's the truth. I concern myself with what is being said/posted, not who is saying/posting it. At times I agree with those guys, at times I don't.

Even you have to admit after spending some time around these guys, they are kind of insane. I know you hate my arguing style with them, but when you are outnumbered 10 to 1 with some real life psychos, you have to play ball. I'm sorry if I'm not respectful to people like Willie, Acebb, Sheriff Joe, Seymour, festeringZit, Dave, Russ, Loomis, etc. Until they show respect, I will not respect them. Look at StevieRay, we said some mean things to each other, then fishing, seafood, and weather was brought up and no insults. I don't hold grudges. You show respect to me, I will respect you. You are just catching me talking to some very pathetic people and translating that in to how I treat everyone.
Sep 21, 2004
Even you have to admit after spending some time around these guys, they are kind of insane. I know you hate my arguing style with them, but when you are outnumbered 10 to 1 with some real life psychos, you have to play ball. I'm sorry if I'm not respectful to people like Willie, Acebb, Sheriff Joe, Seymour, festeringZit, Dave, Russ, Loomis, etc. Until they show respect, I will not respect them. Look at StevieRay, we said some mean things to each other, then fishing, seafood, and weather was brought up and no insults. I don't hold grudges. You show respect to me, I will respect you. You are just catching me talking to some very pathetic people and translating that in to how I treat everyone.

As if you've ever showed anyone who isn't a fringe leftist political ideologue respect in here. There's a reason why there is a very long list of people in here that think you're the scum of the earth, because you've pissed them off by posting/trolling like a fucking ass-clown for months on end.

Maybe if you grow up and start acting like an adult in here, people will respect you. Until then, don't even talk about respect.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
As if you've ever showed anyone who isn't a fringe leftist political ideologue respect in here. There's a reason why there is a very long list of people in here that think you're the scum of the earth, because you've pissed them off by posting/trolling like a fucking ass-clown for months on end.

Maybe if you grow up and start acting like an adult in here, people will respect you. Until then, don't even talk about respect.

Oh please, you've been trolling my posts for years. You're one of the least respectful people I know. You refuse to acknowledge when your friends make blatant false statements, lies, racist statements, etc. But every post you'll come in with "Obama was the epitome of perfection", or "I am a moderate". That's pretty much all you do laced with all sorts of insults. So you are the last person who should be talking about respect. If anyone at any time wants to tone down the hatred talk, I'm more than willing. Gas Man and I made that pact, we still talk some shit too eachother, but we have left the personal attacks aside and just mess around with politics.

Willie and I use to be cordial outside the poly forum and even wish each other luck in the sports betting forums. But he obviously broke that pact and has some beef with me.

I even offered Sheriff Joe a deal to never speak too each other again... which he won't agree to. I like to argue not going to lie, but I take each argument for what it is worth and leave it there. You are one of the biggest trolls I know towards me. You don't even argue points, you just troll. Acebb and Sheriff Joe even try to argue points, but they are psychos that become way too obsessed.
Sep 21, 2004
Oh please, you've been trolling my posts for years. You're one of the least respectful people I know. You refuse to acknowledge when your friends make blatant false statements, lies, racist statements, etc. But every post you'll come in with "Obama was the epitome of perfection", or "I am a moderate". That's pretty much all you do laced with all sorts of insults. So you are the last person who should be talking about respect. If anyone at any time wants to tone down the hatred talk, I'm more than willing. Gas Man and I made that pact, we still talk some shit too eachother, but we have left the personal attacks aside and just mess around with politics.

Willie and I use to be cordial outside the poly forum and even wish each other luck in the sports betting forums. But he obviously broke that pact and has some beef with me.

I even offered Sheriff Joe a deal to never speak too each other again... which he won't agree to. I like to argue not going to lie, but I take each argument for what it is worth and leave it there. You are one of the biggest trolls I know towards me. You don't even argue points, you just troll. Acebb and Sheriff Joe even try to argue points, but they are psychos that become way too obsessed.

I don't argue points with trolls (i.e. don't feed the troll).

Stop acting like a total ass-clown in here, and maybe you'll get some respect.

As far as not acknowledging when "friends" make stupid statements, that's complete horse-shit and you know it. Ask Guesser, I was the only one on the right to call out Dave for the whole ricin thing, and Guesser congratulated me on it.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I don't argue points with trolls (i.e. don't feed the troll).

Stop acting like a total ass-clown in here, and maybe you'll get some respect.

As far as not acknowledging when "friends" make stupid statements, that's complete horse-shit and you know it. Ask Guesser, I was the only one on the right to call out Dave for the whole ricin thing, and Guesser congratulated me on it.

I don't have a problem with you in general, I've never have. You just attack me all the time and I respond back and include you with Sheriff Joe, Acebb, Russ, etc... because when I'm arguing with them you chime in against me all the time. I would have absolutely no problem making amends with you and not hating each other so much. But you have to be smart enough to understand that I'm going against some very difficult people who attack me at every level and legitimately hate me. It's your choice... because I honestly have nothing against you, I will just continue talking about you and responding to your posts if you continuing attacking me all the time. But I will promise you that I will not stop attacking people I think are racists, vile human beings like Seymour, Sheriff Joe, Dave, and Willie. I'll leave Russ out because I don't think he's a bad person, just crazy.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Don't even think about it, FZ.

Remember when Scott L held out the olive branch and the punk made him regret every minute of it.

fratfraud is lower than whale shit. You can't negotiate, trust and reason with someone like that.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Don't even think about it, FZ.

Remember when Scott L held out the olive branch and the punk made him regret every minute of it.

fratfraud is lower than whale shit. You can't negotiate, trust and reason with someone like that.

Like I said man, if you don't like me, I'm more than willing to agree to never respond to any post you ever make if you agree to it also.

You need me in your life, which is sick... not the other way around.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Like I said man, if you don't like me, I'm more than willing to agree to never respond to any post you ever make if you agree to it also.

You need me in your life, which is sick... not the other way around.


When you're not around, everyone is civil toward one another.

So don't even think about making 'pacts' with other posters, because as long as you continue to be, well, yourself, you will get it from all sides.

Don't like it? Grow up!

"money is created not borrowed"

"I'm an economist"

"smart people think like me"

"you'd faint right now if you saw my W-2"


Sep 21, 2004

When you're not around, everyone is civil toward one another.

So don't even think about making 'pacts' with other posters, because as long as you continue to be, well, yourself, you will get it from all sides.

Don't like it? Grow up!

"money is created not borrowed"

"I'm an economist"

"smart people think like me"

"you'd faint right now if you saw my W-2"


You are FOS, Casper. You stalk the poor kid even when he's not around, posting YouTube Videos he made 6 years ago, which a sick, obsessed stalker like you went digging for. You are a sick, obsessed birther/stalker who has to make up ghost accounts when you get banned.
Great Job exposing LYING Ace in here guys. He lies, doubles/triples down. NEVER retracts when proven wrong. It's what he is, who he is. Ask him how many times that sick Nazi Killer in KC, Frazier Glenn Miller ran as a Democrat. He LIED about it, was shown State Election Records PROVING he was lying, and still maintained the lie, just to try and push his partisan hack agenda. There are many people down in that hellhole known as the Poly Forum who Lie quite often. Ace is the most blatant, continuous, shameless, of them all, and has surpassed all his competition.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You are FOS, Casper. You stalk the poor kid even when he's not around, posting YouTube Videos he made 6 years ago, which a sick, obsessed stalker like you went digging for. You are a sick, obsessed birther/stalker who has to make up ghost accounts when you get banned.
Great Job exposing LYING Ace in here guys. He lies, doubles/triples down. NEVER retracts when proven wrong. It's what he is, who he is. Ask him how many times that sick Nazi Killer in KC, Frazier Glenn Miller ran as a Democrat. He LIED about it, was shown State Election Records PROVING he was lying, and still maintained the lie, just to try and push his partisan hack agenda. There are many people down in that hellhole known as the Poly Forum who Lie quite often. Ace is the most blatant, continuous, shameless, of them all, and has surpassed all his competition.


EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Why is it so commonplace all the sudden for the poly forum losers to bring their trash up here? Using sports-related threads that have racial overtones to springboard into another 30 page dissertation on who is dumber than whom.

Please leave us alone up here, we're a peaceful, reasonable folk.

New member
Oct 19, 2007

When you're not around, everyone is civil toward one another.

So don't even think about making 'pacts' with other posters, because as long as you continue to be, well, yourself, you will get it from all sides.

Don't like it? Grow up!

"money is created not borrowed"

"I'm an economist"

"smart people think like me"

"you'd faint right now if you saw my W-2"


Anytime you want. Let's make an agreement. You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. Your obsession with me is even carrying over to other parts of the forum and it's annoying. I left the poly forum to come here because of how obsessive you are. Just take a breather man. Let's do this. I will never respond or acknowledge your existence the rest of your life if you do the same. Anyone who breaks that will be banned for life from this forum?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anytime you want. Let's make an agreement. You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. Your obsession with me is even carrying over to other parts of the forum and it's annoying. I left the poly forum to come here because of how obsessive you are. Just take a breather man. Let's do this. I will never respond or acknowledge your existence the rest of your life if you do the same. Anyone who breaks that will be banned for life from this forum?



New member
Oct 19, 2007

Everyone can see this and know if I break the pact I am done for in the forum. You're an obsessive, creepy stalker dude. It's pretty intense how far you are willing to take your obsession with me. Just accept the deal. It will be hard at first for you, but in the end, it will be better for your sanity.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Everyone can see this and know if I break the pact I am done for in the forum. You're an obsessive, creepy stalker dude. It's pretty intense how far you are willing to take your obsession with me. Just accept the deal. It will be hard at first for you, but in the end, it will be better for your sanity.

You simply don't get it.

The only way things change is if you change. If you want other people to respect you, you have to earn it, which sadly for someone with your abysmal track record, will take a lot longer than a couple days.

"Smart people" understand a tiger never changes his stripes.

Sep 21, 2004
Anytime you want. Let's make an agreement. You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. Your obsession with me is even carrying over to other parts of the forum and it's annoying. I left the poly forum to come here because of how obsessive you are. Just take a breather man. Let's do this. I will never respond or acknowledge your existence the rest of your life if you do the same. Anyone who breaks that will be banned for life from this forum?


Casper has been banned Multiple times from this forum when he was Joe Contrarian. Banning him is meaningless, he is a Professional Ghost as well as stalker. Even so, he's too gutless to accept your deal because he knows it will further expose him for what he is, with the few lemmings he has left.
To Harry Caray. You're right, normally I like to keep my responses to the hellhole down there. But the lies got too big, and it spilled over. Apologies.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You simply don't get it.

The only way things change is if you change. If you want other people to respect you, you have to earn it, which sadly for someone with your abysmal track record, will take a lot longer than a couple days.

"Smart people" understand a tiger never changes his stripes.

I don't want you or your people to respect me. You guys are the kind of people that disgust me. If you guys respected me, I would have to reconsider my thought process. Let's agree to this deal. You'll be fine.

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