Lebron James THREATENS Police Officer Then DELETES Tweet


Jul 23, 2020
Nobody in this thread would be saying stuff like “he developed into a good man”

I for one, think that's ridiculous. Nobody here knew the man. He improved his public persona. But none of us really knew him. So to judge that based on public perception is dumb IMO.

Jul 23, 2020
I don’t understand why the cops even intervene. Just let them kill each other and move on.

Cops are in the crossfire of a much bigger agenda here. It doesn't matter what they do. How they respond. They will be criticized whenever possible by the evil left.

IMO the larger agenda here is to eventually abolish local police and have it replaced with a national police with uniform standards/policies/procedures across the board. That will answer to the Federal level. Which will of course make it much easier to control the population when they abolish the 2nd amendment and things like that.

Jul 14, 2007
I for one, think that's ridiculous. Nobody here knew the man. He improved his public persona. But none of us really knew him. So to judge that based on public perception is dumb IMO.

He would be woke, saying woke shit, people in a thread of right-wing people would not be lauding him in comparison to LeBron. What is so hard to understand about this, lol.


This was 2017, when all this newfound wisdom was still in its relative infancy. If he's 1 of the best players in the NBA/global bball icon in 2021, that rhetoric is getting escalated

Thus my post about "timing"

Who cares if he is smarter than LeBron? So is your dog (if you have 1), that isn't remotely the discussion

Jul 14, 2007
Bryant was asked on The Hollywood Reporter's 'Awards Chatter' podcast what he would do before a game — in light of the current political statements being made in the sports world — if he were still lacing it up.
"Kneel," Bryant boldly said.

Maybe he's kneeling in heaven right now? Who knows?


Bryant also answered a question about what he would say to President Donald Trump, saying he'd tell him to "focus on serving, not leading."

HOW PROFOUND!.....Dude was a Rhodes Scholar.
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Jul 23, 2020
Who cares if he is smarter than LeBron? So is your dog (if you have 1), that isn't remotely the discussion

I quoted a specific part of your post for a reason. Because that's the part I disagreed with. For the most part, I agree with your sentiment. Just took exception to the Kobe "would be as dumb/insufferable" as Lebron if he we around today part. And as far as that statement goes, comparing intelligence levels of the two is definitely important to the discussion/debate.

But whatever. This debate is getting way off track and approaching levels of dumb. So let's all get back to roasting LeBron for being an idiot, POS racist.

Jul 14, 2007
Enfuego, is that you?

C'mon bro, you get the point that was being made and it was clearly a salient one. Taking 1 little part and taking it 100% literally is tacky. No one is talking measuring their IQ.

"I'd kneel" "Focus on serving, not leading"....Now multiply that, sounds pretty dumb/insufferable, fucking christ man. C'mon bro, don't be an EF.

Jul 23, 2020
Enfuego, is that you?

C'mon bro, you get the point that was being made and it was clearly a salient one. Taking 1 little part and taking it 100% literally is tacky. No one is talking measuring their IQ.

Haha. Touche.

But to be fair, if I was in top Enfuego form, I would have come back with more arguments to back my stance. And would have had to get the last word of the argument in. Instead of admitting how dumb the back and forth was getting.

But whatever. This debate is getting way off track and approaching levels of dumb. So let's all get back to roasting LeBron for being an idiot, POS racist.
Sep 21, 2004
He would be woke, saying woke shit, people in a thread of right-wing people would not be lauding him in comparison to LeBron. What is so hard to understand about this, lol.


This was 2017, when all this newfound wisdom was still in its relative infancy. If he's 1 of the best players in the NBA/global bball icon in 2021, that rhetoric is getting escalated

Thus my post about "timing"

Who cares if he is smarter than LeBron? So is your dog (if you have 1), that isn't remotely the discussion

I laughed out loud.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Haha. Touche.

But to be fair, if I was in top Enfuego form, I would have come back with more arguments to back my stance. And would have had to get the last word of the argument in. Instead of admitting how dumb the back and forth was getting.

Followed by insistence that you are a normal guy, someone who would just "have a beer with anyone on the forum and be cool about it".

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I don't think Kobe would ever be a political activist the way LeBitch is, who is in his own category of foot in mouth disease.

Would Kobe kneel? Of course, but then so does every other player in the NBA and NFL. Doesn't make them activists, it makes them sheep.

How many actual NBA players are voicing their opinions? Virtually none. Only one jackass is making all the headlines, and apparently determined to bring down the league built by greats like Michael and Kobe.

Kobe? Outspoken political activist leading the charge for BLM? Nah, don't see it.

Just like the GOAT, Kobe was smart and knew Republicans buy sneakers too.

Jul 14, 2007
Tons of NBA players voice their opinions when this stuff is the hot button topic. They don't do anything quite as inflammatory as LeBron did but obviously tons do.

And being considered an advocate for "social justice" is part of LeBron's brand just like it would be for Kobe.

Obviously it isn't gonna help the 8th man (or even a guy that is merely an all-star) as much as it would someone that is a leagues gatekeeper.

I mean, the guy said he would kneel and has praised Kaep and that was 4 years ago (back when LeBron didn't even speak up much) Not sure what more evidence people need.

As for Jordan, he bankrolls Bubba Smollett Wallace, lol. That's worse than anything LeBron has ever done until 28 hours ago...All these guys will do anything for a little clout. Not like they gotta live in those neighborhoods.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'll say it again, kneeling and paying lip service to "social justice" (whatever the hell that is!) is one thing, leading the cavalry is something entirely different.

Kobe was a basketball guy, never an activist. Yes, when pressed he praised Kap, but what else was he supposed to say?

Guys like Popivich and Cuban had more to say on "non-basketball" issues when Kobe was still playing. Kobe just didn't say much about anything, not in his dna.

Also, Kobe was smart - clear hypocrisy when you can't shut up about "humans rights" while your entire uniform and equipment is manufactured by child labor in countries with no human rights. Kobe wouldn't hang himself out to dry like that.

LeBitch is a special kind of stupid. Have you checked his Twitter feed over the last 24 hours? Totally unhinged!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just think where LeFlop would be if he was 5'8 and not 6'8. Fck him!

He'd be 6 feet under or in prison.

If I were Adam Silver or the BLM mansion queen, I'd be furious right now. He's going to take them both down in one shot!

Takes a special talent to be that toxic and destructive.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
If you ever rape someone in your life, you’re a piece of shit. Getting older and wiser doesn’t wipe out that fact. LeBron has said some very dumb things politically but he has never done anything remotely close to what Kobe did.

As basketball players, they’re both ambassadors — despite the fact that Lebron is the overwhelmingly better player historically

Like you know what happened in that room. It's more likely she entered that room for consensual sex than he raped her. After the sex was over, she wanted to snuggle and he threw her out. She became a scorned bitch and a gold digger. And that's me giving her the benefit of a doubt. She may have been gold digging from the very beginning

I don't know what really happened, but my scenario is much more likely than yours

Stated differently, if you don't want to get shot by law enforcement, DON'T LUNGE AT PEOPLE TRYING TO STAB THEM

It's not rocket science either

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