Latest News on 5 Dimes’ “Tony”


May 1, 2017
Its not really

So this whole situation isn't crazy? Get over yourself

PS - It must be nice to post a lock play and then when it loses, you don't actually lose anything, because you actually didn't bet anything. <:)<:)

New member
Jan 4, 2019
I also would like to know what happened to this guy. Its an interesting but sad story. Hope hes alive.

Oct 3, 2006
for those of you who know a little bit of spanish, apparently they CR authorities caught the band responsible for the kidnap:

[h=1]“Clan familiar” y 2 policías de tránsito participaron en secuestro de dueño de “Sportsbook” |[/h] 6-7 minutes

Dos policías de tránsito fueron la piedra angular en el plan de la organización delictiva detrás del secuestro y desaparición de William Sean Creighton, un estadounidense de 43 años dueño de un ‘sportsbook’ ubicado en San Pedro de Montes de Oca, y quien fue secuestrado el 24 de septiembre del 2018.
En el complejo hecho delictivo participaron 5 miembros de una familia, varios allegados y los 2 policías de tránsito.
Según describió Walter Espinoza, director del Organismo de Investigación Judicial (OIJ), la acción de los oficiales permitió interceptar a la víctima cuando viajaba a bordo de su vehículo por el sector de Granadilla de Curridabat. A partir de ahí ocurrió el secuestro…
De los 12 detenidos hasta este momento, destacan los 3 presuntos líderes que planearon el secuestro. Los tres son costarricenses y huyeron hacia España. Hasta este viernes, permanecían escondidos en la ciudad de Zaragoza: se trata de un hombre, su novia y su madre.
De momento, la víctima del secuestro sigue desaparecida y el OIJ despliega este viernes un allanamiento relacionado con el caso, en el sector La Trinidad de Moravia.
[h=2]¿Quiénes son los presuntos líderes del grupo?[/h] Se trata de un joven de 25 años de apellido Morales Vega. Además, su mamá -de 45 años- de apellidos Vega Aguirre y su compañera sentimental de apellidos Solís Chaves, de 24 años.
Morales nunca tuvo vínculo laboral con la víctima y se cree que seleccionó su objetivo debido a su conocimiento en temas de moneda virtual y apuestas.
Tras cometer el secuestro, Morales huyó a Cuba, El Salvador y España. En Cuba se reunió con su madre y su novia para así viajar al continente europeo.
[h=2]¿Cómo ocurrieron los hechos?[/h] La noche del 24 de setiembre, Creigthon fue abordado mientras circulaba por Granadilla de Curridabat.
Previamente, el grupo secuestrador había vigilado las afueras de la empresa de la víctima para lograr diseñar y ejecutar el plan.
Con la ayuda de los policías de tránsito, 4 sujetos que viajaban en un pick up -incluido Morales Vega- sacaron a la víctima de su carro y lo trasladaron aparentemente a La Trinidad de Moravia.
En ese hecho también participó un hombre de apellido Vega Aguirre, quien es tío del principal sospechoso y hermano de la madre de éste.
[h=2]¿Cuánto pidieron a la familia del extranjero?[/h] En principio, pidieron un rescate por $5 millones. Sin embargo, al final los familiares pagaron alrededor de $1 millón en moneda virtual (bitcoins).
Hubo 2 contactos posteriores al secuestro para negociar el pago. Esos envíos de dinero se gestionaron a través de 3 billeteras virtuales.
La investigación inició el 25 de setiembre de 2018 cuando ya se había pagado dinero, pero la victima no había (ni ha) sido ubicada.
Precisamente, el rastreo de las computadoras dónde se habría recibido el dinero fue vital para amarrar el caso y ligad a los sospechosos.
[h=2]¿Quién es el joven de 25 años?[/h] El líder del grupo es señalado por el OIJ como un joven experto en moneda virtual y asuntos de manejo de apuestas en Internet.
Nunca laboró para Creighton, sin embargo se cree que por su conocimiento en el tema al que se dedica la empresa de la víctima optó por poner la lupa sobre él.
[h=2]¿Por qué habrían llevado la víctima a Moravia?[/h] Ahí reside una mujer de apellidos Aguirre Leal, de 71 años, quien es la abuela de Morales Vega y madre de Vega Aguirre.
Su casa habría servido como primer sitio de cautiverio para retener a la víctima. La adulta mayor también fue detenida hoy.
Mientras eso sucedía, el carro de la víctima era transportado por otro de los secuestradores -de apellido Ford- quien lo abandonó tras un choque en San Isidro de Heredia.
[h=2]¿Qué hacían en España los presuntos secuestradores?[/h] Se cree que los principales sospechosos se mudaban constantemente entre distintos lugares. Allá tenían en su poder miles de euros en efectivo y documentación que los relaciona con el envío de dinero electrónico y la minería de los ‘bitcoins’.
[h=2]¿Qué hacía la madre del presunto líder?[/h] Se cree que tuvo un papel activo en el delito, pues habría dado seguimiento a la víctima en las afueras del “sportsbook”.
También, habría recibido parte del dinero virtual como pago para la supuesta liberación.
[h=2]¿Dónde se hicieron los allanamientos?[/h] Se hicieron 9 acciones que permitieron la captura de igual número de imputados en sitios como Cartago, La Unión, Guadalupe, Moravia, Santo Domingo de Heredia y Limón. En Zaragoza, España. se detuvo a tres personas.
[h=2]¿Qué se encontró en los allanamientos en Costa Rica?[/h] Armas de fuego, celulares, tabletas, computadoras, vehículos, tarjetas SIM, papeles con anotaciones y vouchers de compras; además de dinero en efectivo en dólares.
El pick-up que se habría usado para secuestrar al estadounidense fue decomisado días atrás.
[h=2]¿Y lo hallado en España?[/h] En Zaragoza, se ubicaron al menos €4.000 en efectivo, tarjetas utilizadas para transacciones de moneda virtual, un libro de contabilidad y dispositivos electrónicos.
[h=2]¿Quiénes son los 12 detenidos?[/h] Morales Vega: 25 años y presunto líder del grupo. Detenido en España.
Vega Aguirre: 45 años, madre de Morales y otra de las líderes. Detenida en España.
Solís Chaves: 24 años, novia de Morales Vega.
Vega Aguirre: 46 años, tío de Morales y hermano de Vega Aguirre. Presunto secuestrador.
Aguirre Leal: 71 años, abuela de Morales y madre de los Vega Aguirre. Habría puesto su casa en La Trinidad de Moravia para trasladar al secuestrado.
Sanabria Abarca: mujer de 35 años, presunta secuestradora. Con antecedentes por robo agravado.
Martínez Chacon: de 39 años, supuesto secuestrador.
Sánchez Gamboa: 45 años, supuesto secuestrador.
Medrano Vargas: 34 años, oficial de Tránsito, quien habría ayudado a detener el carro donde iba la víctima.
Jirón Lopez: 36 años, oficial de Tránsito, quien habría detenido el carro donde iba a la víctima.
Ford Dowman: 37 años, presunto secuestrador que se encargó de llevarse el carro del extranjero.
Rivera Masís: 64 años, presunto participante en la retención del estadounidense.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
were the cornerstone in the plan of the criminal organization behind the kidnapping and disappearance of William Sean Creighton, a 43-year-old American owner of a sportsbook located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca, and who was kidnapped on September 24. of 2018.
In the crime complex, 5 members of a family, several relatives and the 2 traffic policemen participated.
As described by Walter Espinoza, director of the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ), the action of the officers allowed intercepting the victim when he was traveling aboard his vehicle in the Granadilla sector of Curridabat. From there the kidnapping occurred ...
Of the 12 detainees so far, the 3 alleged leaders who planned the kidnapping stand out. The three are Costa Ricans and fled to Spain. Until this Friday, they remained hidden in the city of Zaragoza: it is a man, his girlfriend and his mother.
At the moment, the victim of the kidnapping is still missing and the OIJ deploys this Friday a raid related to the case, in the La Trinidad de Moravia sector.
Who are the alleged leaders of the group?

This is a 25-year-old named Morales Vega. In addition, his mother -of 45 years- of Vega Aguirre surnames and his sentimental partner of surnames Solís Chaves, 24 years old.
Morales never had a working relationship with the victim and is believed to have selected his target due to his knowledge of virtual currency and betting issues.
After committing the kidnapping, Morales fled to Cuba, El Salvador and Spain. In Cuba he met with his mother and his girlfriend to travel to the European continent.
How did the events happen?

On the night of September 24, Creigthon was approached while driving through Granadilla de Curridabat.
Previously, the kidnapper group had guarded the outskirts of the victim's company to design and execute the plan.
With the help of the traffic police, 4 individuals traveling in a pick-up, including Morales Vega, removed the victim from his car and apparently moved him to La Trinidad de Moravia.
In that event also participated a man named Vega Aguirre, who is uncle of the main suspect and brother of his mother.
How much did they ask the family from abroad?

In principle, they asked for a ransom of $ 5 million. However, in the end the relatives paid around $ 1 million in virtual currency (bitcoins).
There were 2 contacts after the kidnapping to negotiate the payment. These money transfers were managed through 3 virtual wallets.
The investigation began on September 25, 2018 when money had already been paid, but the victim had not (or has not) been located.
Precisely, the tracking of the computers where the money would have been received was vital to tie the case and bind the suspects.
Who is the 25 year old?

The group leader is appointed by the OIJ as a young expert in virtual currency and online betting management issues.
He never worked for Creighton, however it is believed that because of his knowledge of the subject to which the victim's company is dedicated, he opted to put the magnifying glass on him.
Why would they have taken the victim to Moravia?

There lives a woman with last names Aguirre Leal, 71, who is the grandmother of Morales Vega and mother of Vega Aguirre.
His house would have served as the first captivity site to hold the victim. The older adult was also arrested today.
While that happened, the car of the victim was transported by another of the kidnappers - surnamed Ford - who left him after a crash in San Isidro de Heredia.
What did the alleged kidnappers do in Spain?

It is believed that the main suspects were constantly moving between different places. There they had in their power thousands of euros in cash and documentation that relates them to the sending of electronic money and the mining of the 'bitcoins'.
What was the mother of the alleged leader doing?

It is believed that he played an active role in the crime, as he would have followed up with the victim outside the sportsbook.
Also, I would have received part of the virtual money as payment for the supposed release.
Where were the raids made?

There were 9 actions that allowed the capture of an equal number of defendants in places such as Cartago, La Unión, Guadalupe, Moravia, Santo Domingo de Heredia and Limón. In Zaragoza, Spain. Three people were arrested.
What was found in the raids in Costa Rica?

Firearms, cell phones, tablets, computers, vehicles, SIM cards, annotated papers and shopping vouchers; in addition to cash in dollars.
The pick-up that would have been used to kidnap the American was confiscated days ago.
And what was found in Spain?

In Zaragoza, at least € 4,000 was placed in cash, cards used for virtual currency transactions, an accounting book and electronic devices.
Who are the 12 detainees?

Morales Vega: 25 years old and alleged leader of the group. Stop

New member
Jun 1, 2007
What Jay6s posted is fresh updates. There will likely be some breaks in the case soon.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
so there is no body and no one knows where he is?

Oct 3, 2006
so there is no body and no one knows where he is?

that is correct as of right now, none of the articles I've read have mentioned anything about the whereabouts of Tony or the body, for now, the only news outlet reporting about this is, in case anyone here wants to be checking the latest news

Dec 12, 2006
Perhaps someone can imbed the video. It does play if you hit the link. ABC news did a story on Tony.



Jan 15, 2005

Today Creighton’s body was allegedly found, and as per our sources the strong suspicion is that he was a victim of a kidnap- for- hire scheme hatched by someone very close to him. Cause of death is yet to be established. Creighton’s wife allegedly had the ransom money wired to a family member of hers, reportedly the lesser $750,000 request.

The OIJ will be investigating further, and report their conclusions in the coming week. Fellow sportsbook operation owners in Costa Rica have expressed their sadness and regret at Creighton’s tragic death.

*** Despite our best efforts with this very sad and confusing case The Costa Rica Star has NOT yet received any confirmation from a public official that Creighton’s body has been found and identified***

On Januray 11th 2019 10 people were arrested in Costa Rica and one in Spain in connection with Creighton’s dissapearance. The Judiciary Police (OIJ) are still investigating.

Sep 21, 2004
I was asked to keep quiet about this, so I have. But if/when it’s confirmed that he’s dead, I’m going to have a couple questions of my own.

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