Kudos To Olympic


New member
Feb 1, 2005
I have had oly for years and loved them and no problems yet...but multiple people I know were recently forced to call in their plays for playing moves.
Sep 21, 2004
Yes, The SHRINK does not like me posting here. You know what, I do what I want, when I want. I told him up front, I post where I want. Ken knows that. Congrats on your mod job SS. I think that is your calling.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
nimue77 said:
I have had oly for years and loved them and no problems yet...but multiple people I know were recently forced to call in their plays for playing moves.

Yes, I also am on the phone only plan. It is similar to freezing a bet mid bet and deciding what line to give. Sometimes I find a stale number not moving on the screen and still do not get it. Not too happy about that.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

New member
Jul 20, 2002
No drama please..

Please let's not hijack this thread. Regardless of what amount Ted won - I believe his point is what an excellent out Olympic is. Five figures is an expression many use when mentioning a large payout. Personally I really don't care if the withdrawal was for $1000 or $10,000.

Kudos to Olympic for being the great book that they are. wil..:103631605

Frog email me at wilheim@therx.com for the shirts. I still got em...

Sep 20, 2004
You could request 5 figures and have it broken down over several days...congrats to OMT
Sep 21, 2004
No one I know says I got a 5 figure payout for 4 figures. No one is debating whether Olympic is a great out or not. It is just getting tougher to get down. But let Ted explain it himself. Not into candy coated excuses for someone who is blantantly lying. As far as I am concerned, that is a blatant lie. You can attempt all of the diversions you want, 5 figures is not 4.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
Journeyman said:
You could request 5 figures and have it broken down over several days...congrats to OMT

What part of the claim do you not get? He said 5 figures in 10 minutes. Not several days. Why do you continue to make excuses for this assclown? Let him defend himself. If he does not like what I say, prove me wrong.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Maybe he meant high 4 figure, could be a typo.

Frog, doing any better on your NBA picks across the street? Last I checked, you had to take a break from the ass kicking you were taking.

Sep 21, 2004
Come on Ted, all the mods in the world making excuses for you won't work. You made a fraudulent claim, and I am calling you on it. No one I know, and no posters here, have ever had this special 5 figure priveledge you claim to have. It is there in writing, not one of your Holiday Inn posts. Just because you stayed there does not mean Olympic makes exceptions for you. Next time do your research, obviously you have never even tried to make a 5 figure withdrawal from Neteller. Or you would have known of the limitations before making such a claim. I grow weary of all the mods rallying to your defense. Just admit you lied. Simple concept, make a claim, back it up. As usual you are the talk but not walk plan.

Best Wishes...oF :howdy:
Sep 21, 2004
bigbet1234 said:
Maybe he meant high 4 figure, could be a typo.

Frog, doing any better on your NBA picks across the street? Last I checked, you had to take a break from the ass kicking you were taking.


He lied, plain and simple. Yes, I cooled off, and stopped posting. Last time I checked I was still up, so hardly an ass kicking. Screw all this bs. Why can't he face the music himself, instead of hiding. He sure was posting a lot in this thread, until he got called out. Maybe he meant this, maybe a typo, what a load of crap.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004

How has the NBA been treating you? I stopped posting across the street when you did, as I think that you are the only other one that is on my level in terms of NBA handicapping. There is no real reason to post there now, as I dont think many there know much about the league. Also, the place is like a ghost town for the most part. No one really appreciates the winners you give them. However, I have been posting here and having a great season thus far. Sitting at 65% through 30+ plays. Would love to see you back posting here, but there is OK also if that is what you are getting paid to do. Hope you have been doing well. :103631605

Sep 21, 2004
I hate to say this but in all honesty once I overcame the constant RX attacks I settled in nicely here. The SHRINK has gone down the posting path I would never take, and I think the site suffers terribly from his open door policy to all posters. I expressed my concern from jump, but he runs the show. My personal take is the drama queens like Raiders and JJ, BTJ get some hits, but it chases the solid posters away. Guys like Green Doberman and Krackman. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. This place over edits and deletes, the EOG is on the other extreme. He took the right path with the selective books, but I know a lot of posters who just think EOG is JJ and Beantown Jim's world. That is not a good thing. As far as posting picks, those days could be just about gone. I just can't pull off a tofu in good faith, congradulating everyone who won, when I gave out a dud. I never claimed to be a diplomat, I am mostly just a mean FROG. But my claims can always be verified. I am still the modern day Diogenes, looking for the honest forum. Still looking. The BCN event here was an eye opener. I need a forum that backs up it players. That is the bottom line. No advertiser at EOG ever cancelled a legit bet of mine and got away with it. Let's put it this way, I like the posters and people here. Always have. But popularity does not pay the bills. I need some insurance against books stiffing me. The SHRINK and The General have always got my disputes settled right. If I could turn back the clock, I would make it like before, even if The SHRINK and all of the mods attacked me here. It was a hoot. I miss that. Sadly, this is what it has come down to. As my prediction of enemy sites has been fulfilled. A blind man saw that coming. I should not be in the position to take sides of gambling forums. The only sides I want are ones that win. But I hate to hijack Ted's thread of tall tales. Fool me once...

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

I hope to get paid here soon, for my 3500+ posts. Two shirts. One to vaunted treehouse. I have never been on a payroll here, or there.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
come on now,

in regards to BCN we stopped allowing them to be an advertiser after the mess....

as for SHRINK & Generals track record.... they were unable to do anything for BetPanam customers so they do not have a perfect track record either....

employees at the RX bend over backwards for the posters...
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2004
Stopping BCN from advertising here, or they refused to reup, either version did not get my bets reinstated. And I never claimed they had a perfect track record overall, just with me. You can stop with the us against them slant SS, because I am not into taking sides. This place has it good points, and so does the EOG. I know that is not company policy for either sites employees, but I work for neither. I can only relate my personal experiences and feelings. I did not come here to get involved in your us against them mentality. I got involved because Ted made an apparent bogus claim that made it look like he was getting special treatment from Olympic, better than the written rules that the rest of us are subject to. I did the same thing at EOG. Some issues transcend the petty forum wars.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

SS, as far as posters here, they come to the EOG and say you just bend them over.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Thread officially hijacked - going to the Rubber Room for further discussion.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
You can stop with the us against them slant SS, because I am not into taking sides. This place has it good points, and so does the EOG. I know that is not company policy for either sites employees, but I work for neither. I can only relate my personal experiences and feelings. I did not come here to get involved in your petty us against them mentality.

:lolBIG: I was simply replying to your insinuation that that crew mediates disputes better than this crew...
Sep 21, 2004
No problem SS, I understand. Thread was moved to rubber room anyway. That is the rep the RX has now. They look for reasons to take stuff out. That is why I no longer post here, the stifling oppression of free speech. No one hijacked any thread, and it is supposed to be a forum of open discussion, which is just lip service here. Oh well, I miss you guys anyway. Take care.

Best Wishes...OF :howdy:

Tofu called or E-mailed and complained to wil.

Yes -10.00
No +9.50

New member
Oct 23, 2005
Omniv Frog

I don't doubt Old Man Ted. The guy is too professional and humble to make up a story. Remember that rules are meant to be broken or there are exceptions to every rule. Getting more than 8 dimes in a day from Olympic is no big deal.

I got 500 Dimes in neteller from Olympic last year, all paid in 1 day.
Yes that is 1/2 a million. The General oversaw that transaction.
Exceptions are made.

Pour your misery down on me
May 20, 2004
ted`s one of the nicest guys on the forums,i dont think he would lie

New member
Sep 21, 2003
No problem SS, I understand. Thread was moved to rubber room anyway. That is the rep the RX has now. They look for reasons to take stuff out. That is why I no longer post here, the stifling oppression of free speech. No one hijacked any thread, and it is supposed to be a forum of open discussion, which is just lip service here. Oh well, I miss you guys anyway. Take care.

Kool, its all good,

I respectfully disagree on your evaluation of how we moderate the site, however. We do beleive in free speech but we do not like clutter.... most of our posters feel the same way as 95% of the time when we edit or move a thread, it is at the request of a poster who has reported an offending post to us.....

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