I don't know, maybe the best thing you can do is fade my big plays? I'm starting to have a little more faith this might cash, but f*ck I was hoping for more than 8 million last night! f8ckin rednecks, man, why don't they like art-fag movies? Even if this loses I don't know I might hit Texas Chainsaw massacre as well. I read that it's tracking well and it's got a huge buzz number. That one has a more reliable demographic than Kill Bill did... but like you sad before it's October and who knows how much movies are going to make, the only real huge winner in the past was Hannibal with 30+ million. I need to do o.k. in the NFL this weekend or it's going to hurt big-time. I think if you have a lot of patience and stick to what you know you can do o.k. in the box office market, instead of searching for value plays every week or whatever. I try not to let the guys on online message boards get into my head, either, but you already knew that. I wonder if the WSex oddsmaker reads this board, after talking about thier line movement trends they started opening their lines at -150 instead of -115, and sometimes they don't even move. I guess Vegas does the same thing, they might not move the line if they're getting sharp action on the other side of the public plays. Maybe we should find a new forum?