

New member
Apr 4, 2005
He did say he paid in one of the threads. He claimed he paid 3 days late because the check from another poster didn't clear, and the guy is trying to get paid again, or something like that.

I forget which post/forum it was

New member
Jun 1, 2006
All I know is there is no way Journeyman doesn't come back, this place is his life.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
This is Dub's roommate! He is curently locked down on a drug charge. He did nothing more than than refer Journey to an honorable local Agent in a big network that pays after being asked. He sent 3 posters Cigarman's way: xxxxxxx: xxxxxxxx and Journey. He felt all were good for the credit. I am currently settling his affairs as it looks like he won't be back any time real soon. Cigar has always been good to us and its time to post that Journey also owes someone 6 dimes and is in default. His job was secure if both were paid and stiff gets bigger. Dub is in troubles but leave him out of this.
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Sep 21, 2004
He did say he paid in one of the threads. He claimed he paid 3 days late because the check from another poster didn't clear, and the guy is trying to get paid again, or something like that.

I forget which post/forum it was
Doesn't matter what he said elsewhere. Anyone that says what he said about teasers is a stiff. Only a stiff would claim something so weak that is obviously a lie.

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
The JMan Story

First off I apologize in advance to the RX for posting this topic in the main forum but this topic is getting so much play I thought it may be OK.

JMan is one of the shadiest characters on the forums. He used his mod status to get credit, and it's not just with one guy. He's way over his head and pay day is next week.

Here are some of the old JMan stories

Old Ballgame
posted December 08, 2003 05:28 PM
Funny stuff, Journey.

Let's remember to add you to the list:

1) The one who tried running a scam with a $100 flyer, then wished cancer on Peep for calling you on the scam.

2) The one who outdid William Jennings Bryan and Senator Joseph McCarthy for ineptitude in the kangaroo trial of Sick Gambler.

3) The one who's been begging Shrink for a mod job for the past year (and hasn't enough of a clue to realize it'll never happen because Shrink doesn't want a total space cadet for a mod).

4) The one who made up stories about being owed by BetMega and Yahoops.

5) The one with the imaginary infant daughter that he used for a sympathy ploy to ask for money.

6) The one who tried to scam Pino from Safari Casino

7) The one who tried to advance in a small contest somewhere else on a technicality.

8) The one who starts 20+ threads a day here with titles like "How do you row a boat?"

All of the above are documented. If I had time, I could probably dig up another twenty or thirty beauties of yours.
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<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
flyer scam[FONT=&quot]<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
<table style="width: 100%; margin-left: 15pt;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 0.75pt inset ; padding: 2.25pt;"> Basically it was "send me $100 for flyers" and you were supposed to hand out these flyers to sell something and make money. But he wouldn't say what that something was until you sent him the $100. Yeah and I've got a bridge to sell you too. Then when Peep told him to quit scamming here he got all pissed off and forced Peep to ban him. Now he's over at MW whining about how the Rx wouldn't let him run his scam and already they're calling him a pain in the ass. Maybe there's a few posters over there who will send him $100. He better work fast because I hear there are bookies after him.[FONT=&quot]<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
<table style="width: 100%; margin-left: 15pt;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 0.75pt inset ; padding: 2.25pt;"> Journeyman had one of his PATENTED contests in the offshore forum 3-4 weeks back where the winner of a 5 team parlay would receive a sports pager that he no longer needed!

Well I won the contest and he said that he would ship out the pager after I sent him my address. Well that took about 2 days, but that was 3 weeks ago now. Well he never sent the pager to me! And now he says that I am ungrateful for the contest!! How can I be ungrateful for something that I never received???

Since then, Journey has sent me around 6 emails cussing at me because I made a post about this on the rx! Am I worng about this?? I mean should I be ungrateful for something that I never received???? I mean he has absolutely NO PROOF that he ever sent anything to me!![FONT=&quot]<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
Drunk Guy[FONT=&quot]<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
<table style="width: 100%; margin-left: 15pt;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 0.75pt inset ; padding: 2.25pt;"> As much as dr. po96 may be a pain in the ass, that's no excuse.

When you run an open contest, you don't get to decide afterward whether you like the person or not, whether he deserves it or not, just give them the damn prize.

regarding "moderating": a lot of mods seem to forget that, if they are being compensated for "moderating duty", that they need to take their personal biases out of it and do what is right for their employer (the forum). PO69 has been in post up contests there (so he has supported advertisers) and also contributes to the forum. He is as much a "customer" as anyone else on the website.

Whether a mod personally dislikes someone, or personally disagrees with someone, should not factor in to their "moderating decisions (contests, bannings, etc). But it does, more often than not.

Would there be the same problem if Fishhead had won the contest?

And, hell, J-man was at one time a "problem poster" himself... [FONT=&quot]<o:p></o:p>[/FONT]
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>


RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
This is Dub's roommate! He is curently locked down on a drug charge. He did nothing more than than refer Journey to an honorable local Agent in a big network that pays after being asked. He sent 3 posters Cigarman's way: xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxx: and Journey. He felt all were good for the credit. I am currently settling his affairs as it looks like he won't be back any time real soon. Cigar has always been good to us and its time to post that Journey also owes someone 6 dimes and is in default. His job was secure if both were paid and stiff gets bigger. Dub is in troubles but leave him out of this.

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New member
Jul 20, 2002

If you live in CR how do you know this Cigarman guy?

I was given his phone number and he was vouched for by an extremely veteran and respected Rx poster, actually by 3 posters regarding his reputation (only one gave his number).

Or how can you vouch for his version of what Jman owes is true.
Several well established posters know what went down and all have told me the very same story seprately.

And why would the RX get involved anyway with some corner bookie's collections, he doesn't even post here so its not like he had some reputation or credibility.

Because The Rx doesn't feel we can in good conscience employ a moderator who is also a known stiff, so we put the deal together to pay off the debt in small monthly payments that obviously are dependent on Journeyman actually have a paycheck to take the monthly payments out of. That is no longer the a case and a definite deal breaker.

So if some bookie calls you on account of some other poster here, would the RX help him collect or is it only because Jman admitted playing with

The Rx. would try to help out it's employees if they asked to be helped in that kind of situation. Rick did not want to fire JM or he would not have made the deal to satify the debt with Cigarman. Regular posters are another story. I will always try to help a poster but there is little I can do with locals as this case prooved.

And where is Dubpoet in all this? He has no comments on who Cigarman is?

I heard a rumor that Dubpoet is in Durance Vile (google it) but I am not sure how true it is.

And if no one has met Jman in real life does that include Cigarman too? So did he let some guy (Jman) who he doesnt know and cant contact in person play on credit and then goes back to his employer (the RX) to rattle his cage and try to collect.

First of all Cigarman never contacted The Rx. he just posted to JM to call him about three times with the last one an obvious message to JM to get off his rear and make a call. That is when I got the number for Cigarman and started the process to resolve the matter without a big on the forum hassle, obviously I failed miserably. JM begged a popular poster who was already playing with CM to vouch for him and he did. He regrets it now a lot.

I hope that helps.


New member
Apr 4, 2005
Not sure the post under the name Dubpoet shouldn't be edited. I doubt the two other posters want their names/links spread on a public forum.

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Can someone confirm the Journey owing 6 dimes to someone else
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New member
Jan 21, 2002
glad to see you back raiders!

always one of my favorite posters.

I was wondering how many of these old stories people remember, I have been around for a long time, and have seen all these.

Sep 21, 2001
I don't mind JM but nobody's personality changed more the day he became a mod - two totally diferent cats.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Can someone confirm the Journey owing 6 dimes to someone else

If that is true then look out. This place went nuts on Gyno for a $100 debt, can you imagine what will come out of the woodworks for a 6 dime stiff job.
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RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
yea thanks for the reply Wil. Sounds like a few people got burned relying on people vouching for guys they don't know. Funny, I do remember you are one guy who posted that a lot - about not making deals on line with people you don't know

I'm digesting that post about Dub being busted for drugs and the 6K to to the other guy now, this gets more bizarre by the minute
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in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
dont piss raiders off...ever. he will come after you and never quit.

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005

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