Wow. U just repeated what has been said about you and what is hilarious are some buds that i have shared ur posts with that have laughed their ass off. I truly would love to know what you do for a living and if you made it out of high school Keep typing away on a forum that u think u really make statements and anyone gives a schit. Apparently no one has in ur real life.
Uh no, I said they may feel as if it's not a racist statement and I'm not going to judge them.
No I meant regarding your opinion on the working class vote as the white vote.
You don't agree with Akphi and engage him about trivial topics on end. Mostly arguing semantics but you won't answer a simple question like this?
You called him an argumentative blowhard. Not sure why you now expect a thoughtful response.
He didn't respond because he didn't feel like arguing something he probably doesn't even agree with. He just disagreed with the premise because of the parties involved in the dispute.
Trust me he has been called much worse than that and responded to people on this board.
He didn't respond because he didn't feel like arguing something he probably doesn't even agree with. He just disagreed with the premise because of the parties involved in the dispute.
Trust me he has been called much worse than that and responded to people on this board.
Also if you read the post you could clearly tell I used that as a qualifier to show I wasn't trying to take any side but that I believed in this instance it was perplexing him and others didn't agree with me. It was cut and dry to me. I said they were both that as a way of saying "I've got no horse in this race but...."
Yes, by you. Let's not waste anymore time.
I understand why you said it, but qualifier or not, I can't understand why you are surprised by the outcome.
lol this isn't the first time we've talked. He didn't say he is over talking to me because we argue too much (I barely ever debate him on here recently)
He said it because he probably has no intention of debating the point I was making. I doubt he even cares besides the fact he had to be on the opposite side of AK.
This isn't what he said.
That's exactly it, his main target is to be on the opposite side of me and wants to just troll me. Any other rationale doesn't make sense.