And of course make sure to deny your kids attendance at anything remotely cultural - such as the symphony, opera, musical theatre productions etc
Those places are just teeming with The Gay
Thanks Barman,
I've been performing in various bands since junior high - I guess
music productions are ok unless it's not musical theatre huh?
Good to know.
We may never know about those very vulnerable years as a teenage boy.
You could well have had numerous gay directors, assistants, student teachers, substitute teachers etc. And the only reason they didn't molest you is because you were too wily for them or more likely they were molesting one of your classmates and the kid was too frightened to tell anyone in authority.
i can almost see him toking in between posts
We may never know about those very vulnerable years as a teenage boy.
You could well have had numerous gay directors, assistants, student teachers, substitute teachers etc. And the only reason they didn't molest you is because you were too wily for them or more likely they were molesting one of your classmates and the kid was too frightened to tell anyone in authority.
Actually to be honest, I had a faggot try and molest me once when
I was about 13 years old.
I'm sure some of you guys will try and make jokes about it, I fully
expect that.
So, I speak from personal experience when I speak of these things.