Joe Rogan offers 100K to facilitate COVID vaccine debate on his podcast


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Enfuego, I'm going to say I agree with most of your positions. And while the vaccines may or may not have prevented the spread of Covid, they absolutely reduced the seriousness of the disease

I do not believe the vaccines were harmful, or maybe I should say they did far more good than harm. Just like every medication or medical treatment, there are side effects for some

I oppose mandates

I oppose shutdowns

And masking was a fucking joke, unless you wear proper masks AND EYE PROTECTION

I think science is wrong in denying debate

I think Fauci is a fucking idiot, just another POS political whore

But the vaccines were not our enemy

PS: as crudebar said, who gives a fuck at this point

May 27, 2007
Enfuego, I'm going to say I agree with most of your positions. And while the vaccines may or may not have prevented the spread of Covid, they absolutely reduced the seriousness of the disease

I do not believe the vaccines were harmful, or maybe I should say they did far more good than harm. Just like every medication or medical treatment, there are side effects for some

I oppose mandates

I oppose shutdowns

And masking was a fucking joke, unless you wear proper masks AND EYE PROTECTION

I think science is wrong in denying debate

I think Fauci is a fucking idiot, just another POS political whore

But the vaccines were not our enemy

PS: as crudebar said, who gives a fuck at this point

I give a fuck because this can't happen again and failure to acknowledge the basic foundation of truth surrounding this issue will lead it to happening again. I don't want it to happen again.

PS: I didn't say the Vaccine wasn't effective. I said it didn't prevent the spread of COVID which is what we were told. That's all.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I give a fuck because this can't happen again and failure to acknowledge the basic foundation of truth surrounding this issue will lead it to happening again. I don't want it to happen again.

Sep 21, 2004
Don't you have copying and pasting to do? Surprised you still find the time for this with all the other things you have to do to earn your $500 monthly here....Even though i am pretty sure it's more like $50 weekly. But i have heard others say $500 a month so sure we will use that.

Off you go now to copy the ESPN page and paste it here...

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Mark Cuban tweets support for the Medical Community including Dr Hotez, who is being attacked by Joe Rogan & Elon Musk. They want Dr. Hotez to debate Robert Kennedy Jr. who is an antivaxxer. Cuban blasts Rogan & Musk for trying to bully Hotez. RFJ Jr. Dr. Fauci

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I trust big pharm medications. Hell u get to a certain age and almost everyone is on something.

Its the prices of the medication. Not the medication itself.
Do they heal your blisters? ?

Jesus taught forgiveness, but personally...I think when it comes to this PLANdemic we need a different standard. Ya know, to set an example so this NEVER happens again.

Nuremberg 2.0 - Tribunals

For starters, that fake PCR test (the one they brought it up to 40 cycles to pump up fake "cases")...

Or how about the fact hospitals were getting up to 100K to send people to their deathbeds on respirators...

Big Pharma corruption was off the charts and every sound medical protocol was shredded!

We know the virus came from a lab...the whole thing was a SCAM!

Oh, and not surprisingly, "Covid Declass" didn't happen (due yesterday - voted unanimously by Congress).

Do you see the problem? No?

No, the "debate" is not over.

No, this won't be "water under the bridge"

No, we're not "moving on"

People need to HANG.

No deals.

No mercy.

It cannot happen again.. and THANK GOD it won't!


Dec 15, 2017
The vaccines didn't stop the spread of COVID or eliminate COVID. That's not what they were intended to do

They were intended to slow down the spread of the virus and also lessen the effects of it, which it indisputably did

That said, taking a vaccine should 100% be an individual choice

Just like employers 100% should be allowed to mandate that its employees are vaccinated to enter the work place

This is not difficult

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
calls out Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr. about the vaxx after Hotez makes the very predictable Stalinist claim liberals worship, known as this is disinformation, about a spot RFK Jr. did on Rogan’s podcast.

I would bet our entire deficit that it will be a cold day in hell before Hotez ever debates anyone who doesn’t repeat the approved narrative like a trained seal.

Leftists will never have the guts to debate. They just scream disinformation to shut down all conversations. Then they go on the state sponsored media who never actually talks about the facts. They just parrot back the same useless leftist rhetoric.

You know who doesn’t debate, scream misinformation and then spend billions to censor all dissenting opinions?

Communist losers who know they are stone cold liars.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Not that many things I can think of that I distrust more than Big Pharma.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The vaccines didn't stop the spread of COVID or eliminate COVID. That's not what they were intended to do

They were intended to slow down the spread of the virus and also lessen the effects of it, which it indisputably did

That said, taking a vaccine should 100% be an individual choice

Just like employers 100% should be allowed to mandate that its employees are vaccinated to enter the work place

This is not difficult
Spreading the virus! ?

There was NO VIRUS to spread...not the way you were told... FAKE NEWS!

The PCR "test" was FAKE, PHONY AND FALSE - RIGGED to trigger as many "false positives" to scare YOU into THINKING it was a real "PANDEMIC"

It wasn't.

Unfortunately, their propaganda worked on too many sheep.

Did you ever wonder why so many who "tested positive" for a "deadly virus" barely suffered any symptoms no different than the flu?

You really should research that fake criminal PCR really should. What they did was unconscionable and unforgivable.

See, if the PCR test is a proven FRAUD, then the whole PLANDEMIC is a FRAUD.

You get that, right?

Follow the money.

Hospitals were reimbursed for every false "positive", then patients were coerced into taking toxic Big Pharma drugs like Remdesivir (more corrupt Big Pharma reimbursement). Once patients got even more sick, they were placed on a respirator - the ultimate hospital lottery ticket, but death sentence for Covid victims.

In other words, if you went to the ER with a head injury from a motorcycle accident, but "tested positive" (the first test they ran when you were rushed through the doors on a gurney!) were pretty much fucked, detained and under the STRICT CORRUPT WHO/CDC protocols = death sentence.

Whereas safe, effective proven drugs like HCQ, Ivermectin, or even simple common sense flu-fighters like vitamin D and Zinc were strictly verboten.

Fake PCR test = Fake PLANDEMIC

So, to review:

"virus came from a bat" = SCAM
"masks protect you" = SCAM
"Social distancing" = SCAM
"Stand 6 feet apart" = SCAM
"2 weeks to flatten the curve" = SCAM
"Global Lockdowns" = SCAM
"Mail in ballots" (due to their PLANDEMIC) = SCAM
Censorship against REAL doctors and scientists = SCAM
Fake PCR Test = ABSOLUTE 100% SCAM!
The WHO/CDC hospital protocols = Holocaust!
Unproven/untested "safe and effective vaccines" = Holocaust!

Covid was a holocaust...and should be treated like one.

If we said "Never Again!" to the Nazis, we sure as hell need to say the same to modern Nazis like Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the WHO, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and the rest of the Covid Cabal.

"I listened to my doctor!" ?

Your "doctor" is OWNED by Big Fucking Pharma...and it's a Big Fucking Problem!

It's all in the DECLAS...information you little gullible guinea pigs are not allowed to see.


Sep 21, 2004
Do they heal your blisters? ?

Jesus taught forgiveness, but personally...I think when it comes to this PLANdemic we need a different standard. Ya know, to set an example so this NEVER happens again.

Nuremberg 2.0 - Tribunals

For starters, that fake PCR test (the one they brought it up to 40 cycles to pump up fake "cases")...

Or how about the fact hospitals were getting up to 100K to send people to their deathbeds on respirators...

Big Pharma corruption was off the charts and every sound medical protocol was shredded!

We know the virus came from a lab...the whole thing was a SCAM!

Oh, and not surprisingly, "Covid Declass" didn't happen (due yesterday - voted unanimously by Congress).

Do you see the problem? No?

No, the "debate" is not over.

No, this won't be "water under the bridge"

No, we're not "moving on"

People need to HANG.

No deals.

No mercy.

It cannot happen again.. and THANK GOD it won't!

You're a court jester.

You don't live in reality. You live in a bubble of which you wish reality was...

You and vittered are so similar. Both live in a land of fantasy in only which your mind grants you power.

Jun 4, 2018
calls out Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr. about the vaxx after Hotez makes the very predictable Stalinist claim liberals worship, known as this is disinformation, about a spot RFK Jr. did on Rogan’s podcast.

I would bet our entire deficit that it will be a cold day in hell before Hotez ever debates anyone who doesn’t repeat the approved narrative like a trained seal.

Leftists will never have the guts to debate. They just scream disinformation to shut down all conversations. Then they go on the state sponsored media who never actually talks about the facts. They just parrot back the same useless leftist rhetoric.

You know who doesn’t debate, scream misinformation and then spend billions to censor all dissenting opinions?

Communist losers who know they are stone cold liars.
Truth ? ^^^^^ ?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You're a court jester.

You don't live in reality. You live in a bubble of which you wish reality was...

You and vittered are so similar. Both live in a land of fantasy in only which your mind grants you power.

Ah yes, name calling. You really think I give a shit, little tennis rube?

You're just as dumb as you are intellectually lazy... too embarrassed to admit you blindly fell for EVERY LIE during their fake engineered hysteria and propaganda campaign.

"Trust the Experts" ?
"Follow the Science" ?

It turns out all you had to do was FOLLOW THE $$$! (When has it NOT been about the $$$?)

If you had just stopped and researched their little fake PCR test, from which all their hysteria, fraud and tyranny and genocide originated, you would have known instantly their entire PLANDEMIC was an engineered SCAM, beginning to end.

You thought the virus came from foul bat meat in a fish market...scientifically laughable! I said it came from a Feb of 2020.

Fake PCR test = fake PLANdemic

Case closed.

Sorry cruderube, but you didn't "follow the science". And that little faggot bandana your Aunt Martha made for you during "Covid" won't save you from a virus or blisters. Hysterical!

Instead of blindly following criminals, maybe you should actually talk to people who have been litigating Big Pharmaceutical Evil for decades. Maybe you should listen to REAL experts like...RFK Jr dropping one "vaccine" truth bomb after another.



Sep 21, 2004
Ah yes, name calling. You really think I give a shit, little tennis rube?
Same name calling as Vit---back when he couldn't post a single bet while i posted single bets of thousands of dollars regularly. Both of you believe you have this knowledge or simply want others to believe it and both of you never have a clue---ever.

Amazing how similar you two are....

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Same name calling as Vit---back when he couldn't post a single bet while i posted single bets of thousands of dollars regularly. Both of you believe you have this knowledge or simply want others to believe it and both of you never have a clue---ever.

Amazing how similar you two are....
You sound heavily vaccinated, recently boosted, and perhaps a bit clotted up.

Sep 21, 2004
You sound heavily vaccinated, recently boosted, and perhaps a bit clotted up.
Lame attempt at humor. But i'll give you credit for the attempt.

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