
Dec 15, 2017
Not sure what Rodgers has to do with you quoting my post. Tannehill and Mahomes was who I was comparing.

Your obsession with Rodgers is trending towards the same obsession you had with Crudebar
I was trying to acknowledge that even the biggest Rodgers hater here could see that hahaha

Yeah I wouldn’t say obsession with crudebar. 8 accounts in 2 days is pretty ridiculous. It sounds like the only obsession is the one that extorting piece of shit has with this forum

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I was trying to acknowledge that even the biggest Rodgers hater here could see that hahaha

Yeah I wouldn’t say obsession with crudebar. 8 accounts in 2 days is pretty ridiculous. It sounds like the only obsession is the one that extorting piece of shit has with this forum
Extorting what and who ?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Extorting money from me

That’s a part of the reason why he’s not here.
part of the reason ?

Crudebar got banned after the election wagers and Willie's PP all getting blown up..

There was no issue with the election wagers or even Willie's PP until you went to Willie , BAS , myself and who knows all else, inflaming the situation with the accusations that Crudebar was pulling a PP chargeback scam against the posters involved with the election wagers.. Also insisting we shouldn't be paying Crudebar because he was running a scam..

the fact is , you had no idea what you were talking about. You brought misinformation , fake news , whatever you want to call it into something you weren't even involved with..

Willie's PP suspension had nothing to do with Crudebar we now know. You brought your own beef with Crudebar { allegation } into this, ran all of this by BAS , and got Crudebar banned.

Nobody got conned into those election wagers. Everyone that wanted to wager with Crudebar did freely.. Not a single issue was raised while this was going on, until you got involved spreading all of your misinformation. BAS listened to you , Crudebar was pretty much censored shortly after that explaining his side , then he pulled the ' posters can't be making personal wagers card " on him to get him banned.

Even though it's been going on for years here on this forum in one way or the other..

After listening to Crudebars side of this , I'm very suspicous of what really happened with you two. Whatever beef that happened with you both , shouldn't have come close to a ban , especially after hearing about the latest BAS / Defying/ RX contest fiasco.. No one seems to be banned with that situation.

Jul 14, 2007
What is crudebar side of the story as it relates to avacado?

That issue was cut and dry and he is a POS for it. Avacado was gullible and ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun but crude did force him off the site or he would dox

Oct 13, 2021
Burrow is an excellent QB and he reads defenses very well. He makes good reads and decisions and is poised.

It just goes to show that conventional pocket passes (although he can run when he has to) are still more than useful even with all the talk nowadays that teams look for mobile QBs.

I love Lamar Jackson and he's exciting af to watch and seems like a decent guy but he could not read defenses or use the audible well.

I bet Ram$ moneyline big again for the Superbowl, but very good feel good story for the Bengals.

I just think the Bengals run into a buzzsaw that is the D-line of the Rams and that bad Bengals oline will be exposed.

Dec 15, 2017
What is crudebar side of the story as it relates to avacado?

That issue was cut and dry and he is a POS for it. Avacado was gullible and ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun but crude did force him off the site or he would dox
Crudebar’s side of the story is that he is a piece of shit and probably deserves to pushed onto the highway

Simple as that

Redeye is a dumbass for even getting involved with him. Maybe he has to appear to respect Woodstool because he doesn’t want to be viewed as a stiff

Who knows but it is a FACT that Woodstool/Crudebar is a piece of shit. Evidence was clear as day and incriminating. Guilty beyond any reasonable doubt

Dec 15, 2017
Honestly most likely outcome is Woodstool just flat out lied to redeye to make sure he didn’t appear too slimey so that he could get paid

Sad thing about that whole fiasco is that Woodstool claims that Mobdeeper and GB forced him to try to extort me

What a piece of shit

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Crudebar’s side of the story is that he is a piece of shit and probably deserves to pushed onto the highway

Simple as that

Redeye is a dumbass for even getting involved with him. Maybe he has to appear to respect Woodstool because he doesn’t want to be viewed as a stiff

Who knows but it is a FACT that Woodstool/Crudebar is a piece of shit. Evidence was clear as day and incriminating. Guilty beyond any reasonable doubt
doubt you would say that to my face about stiffing , but that can be worked out for another time if you'd like... anything to deflect the real issue here. I didn't get involved with him either.. Just made some friendly wagers.. You're continuing your pattern of going off script, and making stuff up as you go.

Not surprised that you didn't address my whole post either. tough to answer those points I guess playing the victim as you have.

Any evidence presented by you so far is more on the he said she said variety. which in the long run , who really cares , and it doesn't matter..

Why should anyone believe you anyway ? the other allegations made by you weren't true ? No chargebacks by Crude with Willie's PP account which was none of your business anyway. I did read your side of things to be fair..

I've had a hard time keeping up with all of your handles over the years, so will admit , I'm not clear about all the drama. But , I'm just assuming for the sake of this discussion, your issues with Crude happened long before the election wagers blew up.

I'm just trying to figure out how your beef with Crudebar caused Crude to get banned almost exactly the same time you got involved with some of us ,with the Willie's PP suspension... which never materialized.

Willie's PP wasn't even an issue until you got yourself involved

Dec 15, 2017
doubt you would say that to my face about stiffing , but that can be worked out for another time if you'd like... anything to deflect the real issue here. I didn't get involved with him either.. Just made some friendly wagers.. You're continuing your pattern of going off script, and making stuff up as you go.

Not surprised that you didn't address my whole post either. tough to answer those points I guess playing the victim as you have.

Any evidence presented by you so far is more on the he said she said variety. which in the long run , who really cares , and it doesn't matter..

Why should anyone believe you anyway ? the other allegations made by you weren't true ? No chargebacks by Crude with Willie's PP account which was none of your business anyway. I did read your side of things to be fair..

I've had a hard time keeping up with all of your handles over the years, so will admit , I'm not clear about all the drama. But , I'm just assuming for the sake of this discussion, your issues with Crude happened long before the election wagers blew up.

I'm just trying to figure out how your beef with Crudebar caused Crude to get banned almost exactly the same time you got involved with some of us ,with the Willie's PP suspension... which never materialized.

Willie's PP wasn't even an issue until you got yourself involved
I didn't address it because it's all bullshit

He got banned at the time of the election because he broke a forum rule, but the mods were made away of who Crudebar is via IP address.

I don't care how your wagers went. The length of ban that is justified for the elections wagers is meaningless, because he is already serving a "life sentence" for what he did to me.

There's no "he said she said". I forwarded the mods of this site probably 30-40 emails showing who he is and what he did. They saw the evidence, matched the IP addresses with both Woodstool and and crudebar.

He contacted my employer, and they gave me the IP matched the ones for Woodstool and crudebar.

Funny you mention ghosts.....yeah, I made ghosts because I was petrified of that guy. That was the whole point

I really don't give a fuck about the wagers like I said. I thought it was the right thing to let people know who that guy before he exchanges personal information with other posters. I also wanted to make sure he was off the site for good. Mission accomplished.

Jul 14, 2007
RE I don't really care about this and I wouldn't even bother to post on it when I clicked the site if it wasn't so dead today (probably gonna be ghost town when NFL ends) but CB and that goon squad got Avacado contact info when they had their PP settleup. Once that happened, they basically told him he can't post here anymore or they're gonna dox him for what they believed were some racially insensitive things said. He was done as StanfordSam once that happened and they even made him make an apology post to them (which BAS deleted as he knew it was extortion)

He tried to comeback once under a different name and did a poor job disguising it, they told him he better GTFO or it is a problem, then he left again. Finally I blew Crude up myself because I was sick of his shit around election time (don't think many of us were in a good mood in Nov 2020, given everything from that year, that's for sure), then BAS banned him.

Obviously you can question his judgement, even his backbone on some level I suppose, but he is telling the truth re that situation with him and Crude.

Like a month before Crude tried to get me to bet him too, he would've tried to do the same to me if he could. Luckily for him, I wouldn't do something like that. Crude if you're reading this, I would've killed your whole family so nice fade.

You're riding for a cancel culture doxer that tried to ruin someones life basically for fun, find a new slant.

Jul 14, 2007
Also, while we're shooting the shit I mean Defy lent BAS $, BAS for whatever reason (health, spending, gambling, who knows?) didn't pay....Should he keep his job? I dunno, I can see both sides to that story. Maybe not.

But it isn't really the same thing as getting someones contact info and calling their employer, harassing them, telling them their time posting is over and threatening to ruin their life because a few of their comments on a message board hurt your feelings.

Perhaps BAS shouldn't have a presence here (meh, who cares? place is dead, there's like 8 of us lol) but to say BAS has a presence so Crude should isn't apples to apples.

Jul 14, 2007
part of the reason ?

Crudebar got banned after the election wagers and Willie's PP all getting blown up..

There was no issue with the election wagers or even Willie's PP until you went to Willie , BAS , myself and who knows all else, inflaming the situation with the accusations that Crudebar was pulling a PP chargeback scam against the posters involved with the election wagers.. Also insisting we shouldn't be paying Crudebar because he was running a scam..

the fact is , you had no idea what you were talking about. You brought misinformation , fake news , whatever you want to call it into something you weren't even involved with..

Willie's PP suspension had nothing to do with Crudebar we now know. You brought your own beef with Crudebar { allegation } into this, ran all of this by BAS , and got Crudebar banned.

Nobody got conned into those election wagers. Everyone that wanted to wager with Crudebar did freely.. Not a single issue was raised while this was going on, until you got involved spreading all of your misinformation. BAS listened to you , Crudebar was pretty much censored shortly after that explaining his side , then he pulled the ' posters can't be making personal wagers card " on him to get him banned.

Even though it's been going on for years here on this forum in one way or the other..

After listening to Crudebars side of this , I'm very suspicous of what really happened with you two. Whatever beef that happened with you both , shouldn't have come close to a ban , especially after hearing about the latest BAS / Defying/ RX contest fiasco.. No one seems to be banned with that situation.

Agree w/ everything bolded in this post....When Avacado cameback he threw around accusations he had no clue about (likely out of emotion and hatred for Crude) and the reasoning on all of them was pretty thin. I personally doubt he pays out (how much was it, 4-5k?) but once he wins kinda hard to cancel everything.

Only thing I'd say is he didn't get banned for any of that stuff, he got banned for being Crudebar/Woodstool and previous issues (stuff w/ Avacado extortion/harassment)

But not sure how you think he should comeback given that behavior. I don't care either way but that was bad for him to do.

Jul 14, 2007
Also 1 last thing, when I said what up woodstool, you extort any posters lately and all that. I didn't know he would get banned and it would create a hassle, lol. No one gets banned here, the OP is on like his 8th name and has stiffed/threatened to dox. GB had rope forever, etc

Just figured it was some shit talking, blowing his cover so he would stop trolling me. Then boom, he was dusted. Sucks for him.

Dec 15, 2017
Agree w/ everything bolded in this post....When Avacado cameback he threw around accusations he had no clue about (likely out of emotion and hatred for Crude) and the reasoning on all of them was pretty thin. I personally doubt he pays out (how much was it, 4-5k?) but once he wins kinda hard to cancel everything.

Only thing I'd say is he didn't get banned for any of that stuff, he got banned for being Crudebar/Woodstool and previous issues (stuff w/ Avacado extortion/harassment)

But not sure how you think he should comeback given that behavior. I don't care either way but that was bad for him to do.
Well he did partially get banned cuz p2p wagers was against the rules apparently. At least that’s what was said. It was also said he was getting banned cuz of his history with me.

I never knew how all of this was settled wager wise until now since it got moved off the board. I personally had PP issues because of crude. If Willies account had nothing to do with that then great.

I definitely had motivation to get him outta here. No doubt

Jul 14, 2007
Yeah meh, not trying to criticize but not the most obvious rules at this place. When posters made wagers, usually there was the obligatory buyer beware/caveat emptor writeup. Never a ban for it, weird to give that reasoning (especially since he wasn't the only 1 betting lol wtf)

Think he moreso got banned for all those emails and all that extortion, if he did it once who knows if he would do it again. Possibly causing a major headache for the site.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I didn't address it because it's all bullshit

He got banned at the time of the election because he broke a forum rule, but the mods were made away of who Crudebar is via IP address.

I don't care how your wagers went. The length of ban that is justified for the elections wagers is meaningless, because he is already serving a "life sentence" for what he did to me.

There's no "he said she said". I forwarded the mods of this site probably 30-40 emails showing who he is and what he did. They saw the evidence, matched the IP addresses with both Woodstool and and crudebar.

He contacted my employer, and they gave me the IP matched the ones for Woodstool and crudebar.

Funny you mention ghosts.....yeah, I made ghosts because I was petrified of that guy. That was the whole point

I really don't give a fuck about the wagers like I said. I thought it was the right thing to let people know who that guy before he exchanges personal information with other posters. I also wanted to make sure he was off the site for good. Mission accomplished.
no one new about this forum rule or enforced it for that matter over the years with other similar types of wagers... why weren't the rest of us banned then ? we were also involved. Willie was holding money for all of this ...he wasn't banned... I got the impression once the mods got involved , that we could finish all of this up as long as it was off the forum. Something seems off with the whole thing..

I'm not an arbritator for either of you with your past beef. , so in the scheme of things it's irrelevant.

But after reading the recent BAS /Defying/ Rx contest funds issue , according to BAS, supposedly their issue is an off forum issue where there are no repercussions or banning coming. Which everyone here seems to be disgusted with. Why would your allegations get someone banned that was an off forum issue in itself ?

I have no beef with Crudebar, don't think anyone involved with the election wagers had a beef with him either.. Everyone has settled there bets with him.. No issues outstanding. For him to get banned for an issue with you, while they let this other fiasco go isn't right imo.

BTW , was this so called extortion attempt by Crudebar just done on a message board ? lol I would hope for your cause, an extortion attempt is something stronger than a message board extortion.

and to start your whole feud with Crudebar , isn't it true you were the one that was stiffing Crudebar with all of your losing bets , you then went to send the cash, I guess to Woodstool at the time by PP ? Then shortly after , you contacted PP that you sent the money by mistake , and then did a chargeback ?

You then could show everyone you sent the money , and at the same time not show anyone what you were really up to.

I don't know if any of this is true or not , but when you make the claims and allegations you made with Willie's PP account , and that doesn't materialize , you can't blame me or anyone else for questioning you , right ?

PP has alot of grey area where either side can scam the system.. I was a bigtime EBAY seller back in the day.. Biggest problem I had was the PP scammers pulling that kind of shit. This is part of the 'he said she said' narrative I was referring to..

Dec 15, 2017
Yeah meh, not trying to criticize but not the most obvious rules at this place. When posters made wagers, usually there was the obligatory buyer beware/caveat emptor writeup. Never a ban for it, weird to give that reasoning (especially since he wasn't the only 1 betting lol wtf)

Think he moreso got banned for all those emails and all that extortion, if he did it once who knows if he would do it again. Possibly causing a major headache for the site.
Also did I flat out accuse him of anything with respect to election? I may have, though I don't remember. I think I basically said to stay aware from that guy/not interact with him because of my past with.

His account had been flagged and caused me issues back in 2018. I think because of that I thought that could be happening with the election wagers. But if it didn't, then that's great.

Sure it would be nice to see someone like that never get paid. Hell, it would be nice to see someone like that get thrown off a bridge. But meh idc what happened with the actual election results.

The guy deserves to be banned for life no matter what. I don't understand why anyone thinks otherwise.

Dec 15, 2017
BTW , was this so called extortion attempt by Crudebar just done on a message board ? lol I would hope for your cause, an extortion attempt is something stronger than a message board extortion.
Uhh....there were dozens of emails proving that he extorted me. And it was proveable that it was him.

He also contacted my past employer. The mods saw this.

Why would I make something like that public when I can just handle it the right way? The mods saw the incriminating evidence and decided to ban him.

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