Jerry Sandusky taking stand in bid to overturn conviction


Jan 19, 2005
I think this needs to be said . I hold no hard feelings against anyone whose gut reaction is call me whatever they want. I get it The allegations of sexual molestation against boys is a horrific crime. That's exactly why this whole case has been so unique

HUGE money involved, media malpractice at its highest level, the destruction of a school, honorable school administrators accused of a cover up, the winningest coach in college football destroyed , political ties to how the story played out , college careers ruined, an on and onIf I was not a PSU grad, I probably wouldn't give a crap either..The problem is, the facts are what the are There was no cover up ( let me know when that trail will happen against Curley Schultz, and Spanier , its only been 5 years ) Jerry deserves a new trial, and is most likely innocent

Jan 16, 2010
Define "weird boundaries".

just seems like a weird way to say some illegal disgusting shit went on without saying it. And boundaries are normally not meant to be broken.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
No way he wins his appeal ,and for some crazy reason he does win , he better run and hide....he's not safe out here either..

Nov 4, 2009
I think this needs to be said . I hold no hard feelings against anyone whose gut reaction is call me whatever they want. I get it The allegations of sexual molestation against boys is a horrific crime. That's exactly why this whole case has been so unique

HUGE money involved, media malpractice at its highest level, the destruction of a school, honorable school administrators accused of a cover up, the winningest coach in college football destroyed , political ties to how the story played out , college careers ruined, an on and onIf I was not a PSU grad, I probably wouldn't give a crap either..The problem is, the facts are what the are There was no cover up ( let me know when that trail will happen against Curley Schultz, and Spanier , its only been 5 years ) Jerry deserves a new trial, and is most likely innocent

When I discovered that Penn State's vetting process to collect a BIG Payday, to get part of the 100 Million $100,000,000 paid out was:

"Step Up, Claim you were victimized & Get Paid"

THAT caused me to doubt the veracity of the claims and especially when combined with how our Media is on such things...being that their MO is to Crucify for Ratings, regardless of what is true...

...but I gotta say, this kid is pretty convincing. I grasp that the belief of some is that he is a "Veteran Accuser" so some think he might be able to pull off lying but this is National TV, the following vid and its hard to call him a liar....

Video is in 2 parts, part 2 should play automatically after part 1 ends....

....this guy, Victim #1, wrote a book also.....yeah that could be "Ghost Written" but he is real convincing.

REALLY convincing. If he lie about all this, man......dude is among the greatest liars to ever walk the earth.

Is this guy (Victim #1) also this guy:


or are these 2 different guys?

Nov 4, 2009
Define "weird boundaries".

just seems like a weird way to say some illegal disgusting shit went on without saying it. And boundaries are normally not meant to be broken.

Yeah boy I noticed that "Weird Boundaries" say and thought:

"MAN, I just read the most out there "Metaphor" whatever that can possibly whatever the term is for when a Janitor is called a "Maintenance Engineer".

Jan 19, 2005
Should be a great read by obviously, another child molester fan, who must be a child rapist himself

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

<meta content="" abp="129" itemprop="image_url"> <meta content="8876661997317409023" abp="130" itemprop="blogId"> <meta content="8316259992850138232" abp="131" itemprop="postId"> The Repressed Memories Of Victim No. 7 In The Sandusky Case

Editor's Note: On May 11, 2017, Dustin Struble is scheduled to testify in a hearing before Judge John Foradora in a Bellefonte, PA, courthouse. He is known as “Victim 7” in the Jerry Sandusky case.

Investigator and science writer Mark Pendergrast is near completion of a book on the Sandusky case, The Most Hated Man in America: Jerry Sandusky and the Rush to Judgment, which will be published late in 2017. Because he thinks that some of the information he has unearthed is important to reveal now, he has allowed to publish excerpts from it. <o:p abp="151"></o:p>
By Mark Pendergast

Dustin Struble, Victim Number 7<o:p abp="165"></o:p>

Dustin Struble (eventually to be labeled “Victim Number 7”), born on October 10, 1984, was two years older than Zachary Konstas [the boy in the 1998 Sandusky shower incident]. The two had been friends since their Second Mile days. The police contacted Struble in January of 2011, and after his second interview with police, he told them that he was entering psychotherapy on February 22, 2011. Konstas would subsequently ask about Struble’s counseling experience during phone calls. He wanted to know if he had “remembered anything more”, indicating that Struble was in the process of recovering memories during therapy.<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[1]<!--[endif]--> From the context, it is likely that Konstas was also trying to “remember” more during therapy sessions of his own.<o:p abp="177"></o:p>

Dustin Struble grew up with both parents and two sisters in Milesburg, Pennsylvania. He was referred to the Second Mile program by a guidance counselor in 1995 and attended three Second Mile camps for three consecutive summers, beginning that year. He said that he loved the experience, and he got to know Jerry Sandusky, occasionally spending the night at the Sandusky home.<o:p abp="184"></o:p>

In 2004, Struble wrote in his own handwriting on an application for a scholarship from Second Mile, “Jerry Sandusky, he has helped me understand so much about myself. He is such a kind and caring gentleman, and I will never forget him.” Struble attended Penn State football games and tailgating parties every year for fourteen years with the Sanduskys, until he was twenty-five.
<o:p abp="190"></o:p>

On April 11, 2011, Struble testified at the Sandusky grand jury proceeding. He said nothing about bear hugs, hair washing, or being dried off in the shower. He said that Sandusky had put his hand on his waistband, but “I can say he never went the whole way down and grabbed anything.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[2]<!--[endif]--> · He denied that Sandusky had kissed him and said that Sandusky had never touched his privates or fondled him at all over his clothes. Indeed, Struble said that Sandusky had never had any physical contact with him at all in the shower. When he did shower with Sandusky, also present were “other assistant coaches or players or there was a couple random people that were in there from time to time….they would just be passing through and say hi…” <o:p abp="205"></o:p>

After his grand jury testimony, Struble signed a contingency agreement with State College, PA, attorney Andrew Shubin, meaning that the lawyer would only be paid if Struble received compensation. Lawyers in such cases typically receive from 33 to 40 percent of the total payment.<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[3]<!--[endif]--> Before the June 2012 trial, Struble met with Shubin from ten to fifteen times. During his trial testimony, he claimed not to know the contents of the contingency agreement he had signed. <o:p abp="215"></o:p>

As late as January 2012, Struble apparently was still ambivalent about his feelings for Sandusky. That month, when he ran into Todd Reed, a Sandusky protégé and supporter, he told Reed that he and his friend Zach Kontas were both “very shocked” by the allegations and that “Zach was crying on the phone [with Dustin Struble] because he was upset about Jerry Sandusky and this situation….Zach was upset because his mom was pushing Zach to accuse Jerry.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[4]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="224"></o:p>

By the time of the trial, Struble had changed his story, asserting that Sandusky gave him bear hugs, washed his hair in the shower, and then dried him off. He said that he had only disclosed these detailed to his attorneys and prosecutor Joe McGettigan a few months before the trial. Now he testified that Sandusky put his hand down his pants and touched his penis in the car, that Sandusky had grabbed him in the shower and pushed the front of his body up against the back of Dustin’s body, that Sandusky had touched his nipples and blown on his stomach. Now he said that that he never saw anybody else in the shower area, implying that he and Sandusky were alone there. <o:p abp="232"></o:p>

Defense attorney Joe Amendola challenged Struble, asking why he had changed his testimony so radically since the previous year.<o:p abp="237"></o:p>

Amendola: But today now you recall that he put his hand down pants, Mr. Sandusky [did], and grabbed your penis? <o:p abp="243"></o:p>

Struble: Yes. That doorway that I had closed has since been reopening more. More things have been coming back and things have changed since that grand jury testimony. Through counseling and different things, I can remember a lot more detail that I had pushed aside than I did at that point.<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[5]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="255"></o:p>

Struble went on to explain more about how his repressed memories had returned in therapy.

“Through counseling and through talking about different events, through talking about things in my past, different things triggered different memories and have had more things come back, and it’s changed a lot about what I can remember today and what I could remember before, because I had everything negative blocked out. Now with the grand jury testimony was when I was just starting to open up that door, so to speak.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[6]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="269"></o:p>

Further defending his changed testimony, Struble explained: “No, that testimony is what I had recalled at that time. Through – again, through counseling, through talking about things, I have remembered a great deal more things that I blocked out. And at that time, that was, yes, that’s what I thought but at this time that has changed.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[7]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="280"></o:p>

During his testimony, Struble also revealed that he and Zachary Konstas had talked about how the repressed memory therapy was going. “Zach would ask me sort of what happened to me almost -- I feel so that he could confide in me. But he had asked me if I remembered anything more, if counseling was helping, just all kinds of random things.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[8]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="291"></o:p>

When prosecutor McGettigan asked Struble why he hadn’t disclosed Sandusky’s abuse to the police during his first or second interrogation, Struble explained: “I had sort of blocked out that part of my life. Obviously, going to footballs games and those kind of things, I had chose sort of to keep out in the open, so to speak. And then the more negative things, I had sort of pushed into the back of my mind, sort of like closing a door, closing—putting stuff in the attic and closing the door to it. That’s what I feel like I did.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[9]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="304"></o:p>

Dustin Struble was the only alleged Sandusky victim who agreed to speak to me on the record. In October 2014, I spoke with him at length in his home in State College, Pennsylvania, with follow-up by email and phone, and he verified that he had recovered memories of abuse and that he thought the door to his abuse memories was still only part-way open. He remained in therapy with Cindy McNab at The Highlands in State College. <o:p abp="311"></o:p>

“Actually both of my therapists have suggested that I have repressed memories, and that’s why we have been working on looking back on my life for triggers. My therapist has suggested that I may still have more repressed memories that have yet to be revealed, and this could be a big cause of the depression that I still carry today. We are still currently working on that.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[10]<!--[endif]--> <o:p abp="321"></o:p>

I tried to clarify how his memories came back, asking whether that happened during therapy sessions and whether his therapist used any form of trance work. No, he said, “the memories come back instantly but fragmented, almost like a light bulb going off in your mind but with a sick feeling accompanying it. Most of these triggers occur at random places/times and are utterly unexpected. For me it feels like a giant puzzle that I seemingly stumble into key pieces. However, I feel like there are a few more missing pieces that are needed to solve this particular puzzle. When these events happen, I do discuss them with my therapist most of the time.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[11]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="335"></o:p>

Late in 2013, Struble and four or five other alleged Sandusky victims met for weekly group therapy sessions over a three month period, which Struble found particularly validating and helpful in terms of triggering new memories. “That helped me go back and confront memories from the past. It had a big impact on me, hearing people echo what I couldn’t put into words.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[12]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="346"></o:p>

I have to say that I liked Dustin Struble, who had just turned thirty, had bought a new house and car with the compensation money he had received from Penn State, and was planning to get married the following year. Bored at home, he went back to working part-time as a cook at the Eat’nPark restaurant. He considered himself an introvert and still struggled with depression. He used to smoke a lot of marijuana but stopped after he was arrested for selling it, and then he lost most of his friends when the police coerced him into taking part in a sting operation. “I take legal drugs now,” he said. “I was on six but now just four -- Selexa is an anti-depressant, Xanax for anxiety, Aderal for ADHD, and Ambion to sleep at night.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[13]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="360"></o:p>

It was very clear that Struble, a personable but troubled young man, now truly believed that Sandusky had abused him, based on his recovered memories. I asked what he would have told me about Jerry Sandusky if I had asked him in 2010. “I would have said I went to games with him and that we were friends. At that point I was completely shut off to the negative aspects of it, wasn’t even aware of them really.”<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->[14]<!--[endif]--><o:p abp="372"></o:p>

End of excerpt from The Most Hated Man in America: Jerry Sandusky and the Rush to Judgment. Below is an email Mark Pendergrast sent to Dustin Struble a year later, but he never responded to it:<o:p abp="380"></o:p>

July 2, 2015, email Hi, Dustin – I am so glad that you are willing to read Victims of Memory and I mailed it to you today by priority mail. I hope it gets there before you leave for your honeymoon. In my cover letter, you’ll see I suggested that you start with Chapters 2 and 3, but I’m thinking that Chapter 1 is also very important because it explains how the repressed memory fad began in the 1980s and what the most important books supporting the idea of repressed memories were at that time, such as The Courage to Heal, so I suggest you start with it. Here are some quick summary points for you to consider:<o:p abp="388"></o:p>

Sigmund Freud made this theory up (of repressed sexual abuse memories) in 1895, then changed his mind about it two years later, but the theory just won’t go away. Most people still believe that humans can “repress” traumatic childhood memories and then “remember” them years later.<o:p abp="393"></o:p>
In fact, memory science tells us that people tend to remember traumatic events better than other events in their lives. They may not remember them in perfect detail, but they do not completely forget abusive incidents that were perceived as traumatic at the time.<o:p abp="396"></o:p>

Repressed memory therapy became a fad in the USA around 1988-1998, but it was debunked by memory scientists, researchers, professional associations, and many court cases. <o:p abp="401"></o:p>

But repressed memory therapy did not go away, it just went quietly underground. Many therapists still believe in this theory and encourage clients to “remember” and believe in illusory abuse memories. These therapists are not “bad” people. They truly believe they are doing good. <o:p abp="409"></o:p>

People can come to believe in very detailed memories of sexual abuse even though the abuse never occurred. Often therapists or their clients build on things that really did happen, such as a shower or wrestling around or a bedtime goodnight, and they get people to visualize additional things that did not happen during that shower, wrestling around, or saying goodnight, etc.<o:p abp="414"></o:p>

All memory is imperfect and subject to distortion, even without influential therapy. We all tend to revise our memories to fit our current beliefs and emotions. That could account for Mike McQueary’s changed memory of the shower scene, ten years after the fact, when he visualized seeing Jerry Sandusky behind a boy against the wall, when in fact that is not what he told Dr. Dranov or his father at the time of the incident. At that time, he just said he heard slapping sounds that he interpreted as being sexual, then saw Jerry and a boy walking out of the shower.<o:p abp="421"></o:p>

I know that you remain convinced that seeing the mesh shorts and t-shirt triggered a real repressed abuse memory, as did seeing a man with lots of curly grey chest hair. And this “explains” why you hated chest hair and shaved yours when you were in your late teens.

But consider that there is an alternative explanation that involves self-fulfilling expectations. You were in a state of extreme emotional agitation and were convinced that Jerry must have abused you, and you had come to believe in the theory of repressed memories. In such a state of heightened expectation, it is not surprising that were “triggered” by mesh clothing. I don’t know why you shaved your chest hair, but this is the sort of “proof” that isn’t really proof, such as the woman I wrote about in Victims of Memory who didn’t like pickles and took that as evidence that she had been raped because pickles were like penises.<o:p abp="433"></o:p>

The bottom line is that it is unlikely that people can or do “repress” traumatic memories. They remember them all too well. They may not remember incidents in great detail, but they certainly do not consider someone to be a good friend and then discover, to their horror, that this person had sexually abused them for years without their conscious awareness.<o:p abp="439"></o:p>

There are many other well-researched books about the issue of repressed memories, such as Remembering Trauma, by Richard McNally, The Myth of Repressed Memory, by Elizabeth Loftus, Making Monsters, by Richard Ofshe, and Try to Remember, by Paul McHugh. Also, Daniel Schacter has written some good books on memory in general, such as The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Remembers and Forgets.<o:p abp="445"></o:p>

Take care, Dustin, and good luck on your journey towards truth and healing.<o:p abp="449"></o:p>
--Mark Pendergrast<o:p abp="451"></o:p>

<o:p abp="455"> </o:p>For more information on Pendergrast and his books, see
<!--[if !supportFootnotes]-->

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
ridiculous that brucefag has to cut and paste articles from the same two clowns, Zeigler and Pendergrast, over and over, and acts like this is some new believer. Talk about your selective reading ;)

fucking asshole. only 4 people that believe this shit are our resident rapist creeper, bruce, his two favorite authors (zeigler and pendergrast), and State Penn's newest board member, Jay Paterno.

sick fucks...all 4 of them. They make Sandusky appear sane

Jan 19, 2005
ridiculous that brucefag has to cut and paste articles from the same two clowns, Zeigler and Pendergrast, over and over, and acts like this is some new believer. Talk about your selective reading ;)

fucking asshole. only 4 people that believe this shit are our resident rapist creeper, bruce, his two favorite authors (zeigler and pendergrast), and State Penn's newest board member, Jay Paterno.

sick fucks...all 4 of them. They make Sandusky appear sane

You forgot these two


FIS Special Agent John Snedden

and Ralph Cipriano

Jan 19, 2005

Do you think Sandusky is innocent? I.e. do you believe he has never molested anyone?

I do, but at the very least the guy deserves a new fair trial . The alleged 'cover up' and any guilt by Joe or any of the administrators is just a myth and already been proven so

The Paterno statue should be put back up, and apology given to the family, and man should be properly honored

This is a very complicated case . Anyone who takes the time ( and I have no idea why you would ) to learn the facts about what transpired at PSU , would soon get very angry at how this mess could happen

Stop with the " im a pedophile "supporter bullshit, and read through the information yourself, and you decide .

This story has politics , media malpractice, the destruction of a football legend, scumbag lawyers, poor abused kids( not by jerry but abused) that came from broken homes that are now millionaires, a corrupt vindictive spineless BOT .

What it lacks is evidence

RIP Joe Sense January 2015.pdf
Sep 21, 2004
I do, but at the very least the guy deserves a new fair trial . The alleged 'cover up' and any guilt by Joe or any of the administrators is just a myth and already been proven so

The Paterno statue should be put back up, and apology given to the family, and man should be properly honored

This is a very complicated case . Anyone who takes the time ( and I have no idea why you would ) to learn the facts about what transpired at PSU , would soon get very angry at how this mess could happen

Stop with the " im a pedophile "supporter bullshit, and read through the information yourself, and you decide .

This story has politics , media malpractice, the destruction of a football legend, scumbag lawyers, poor abused kids( not by jerry but abused) that came from broken homes that are now millionaires, a corrupt vindictive spineless BOT .

What it lacks is evidence

RIP Joe Sense January 2015.pdf

[FONT=&quot]During his court appearance Tuesday, McQueary testified that he came into the Lasch building's locker room and 'heard showers running, heard slapping sounds, ...The slapping sounds alerted me that more than just a shower was going on."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Through a mirror, "I saw an individual behind a minor individual in the shower," he added.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Were you able to identify who that individual was?" Ditka asked.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Jerry Sandusky," McQueary replied.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"it was Jerry right up against the boy ... skin to skin?" the prosecutor continued.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Yes," McQueary said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He said he was "shocked" and moved to get a better look. He said he slammed a locker door to make noise and hopefully stop what was going on.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I looked in the shower one more time and Jerry and the boy were now separated. Jerry was looking directly at me," McQueary said. He said neither of them uttered a word.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After seeking advice from his father, John, and a friend, Dr. Jonathan Dranov, he called head football coach Joe Paterno the next day and went to Paterno's home.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"We sat at the kitchen table, the coach and I. I tried to tell him the best I could what I saw," McQueary said. He said he believes he got the message across, that he told Paterno that Sandusky was naked in a shower with a boy amid slapping sounds.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He described Paterno's demeanor as "saddened."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"He kind of slumped back in his chair, put his hand up to his face. He certainly knew it was serious, important," McQueary said. "He said, 'I need to think about it and tell somebody'."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]McQueary said a week to 10 days later, Curley summoned him to a meeting where he told Curley and Schultz what he'd seen. "I told them I saw Jerry molesting a boy, that what he was doing with a boy on a Friday night was over the line," he said. He said he never described the Sandusky shower incident as "horseplay."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"You made it clear that what you saw was a sexual incident in that shower?" Ditka asked.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Without a doubt," McQueary said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"They said they would look into it and investigate it. They would take is seriously," he said of the result of his meeting with Curley and Schultz.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Another week or so went by before Curley called to tell him that Sandusky was going to be banned from bringing children into Penn State's athletic facilities and that they were going to report the incident to officials at the Second Mile charity for disadvantaged kids that Sandusky founded, McQueary said[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Yet he said he still saw Sandusky in the athletic facilities after that, and didn't hide his disgust at the situation. After Sandusky was arrested a decade later, and it became clear that he was a main witness in the case, Penn State officials took his keys and banned him from campus buildings, McQueary said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]McQueary has taken a pounding from critics leading up to and even after Sandusky's convictions for molesting 10 boys. He recently won a multimillion verdict in a lawsuit he filed over his treatment by Penn State leaders.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Silver didn't heap any abuse on him during cross-examination that lasted only a few minutes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Instead, Silver focused on what McQueary told Spanier about the shower incident.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Dr. Spanier never talked to me about any of that," McQueary said.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Nobody ever told you to keep your mouth shut?" Silver asked.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"No," McQueary replied. "I've never had a conversation with Dr. Spanier about that."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]When Silver asked if he is sure he told Curley and Shultz that he believed he saw Sandusky sexually abusing a boy, McQueary replied, "That's the message that I certainly gave, that it was sexual."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Silver then asked if he directly told Curley and Schultz "that you saw Jerry Sandusky molesting a boy."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"I can't tell you if I used those exact words in that sequence," McQueary replied.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]McQueary's father, John, testified that he spoke with Schultz about the shower incident later after an unrelated business meeting. "He sort of leaned back in his chair," the elder McQueary said. "He said, John, to be honest we heard rumblings of this before."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Earlier in the trial, prosecutors presented testimony about a 1998 report of a possible molestation by Sandusky in a shower room at Penn State. No charges immediately resulted from that investigation.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]On cross-examination, John McQueary said he considered Schultz to be "honest and open." He said he never spoke to Spanier or Curley about the Sandusky incident.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Dranov testified that he was at the same business meeting with Schultz. He said Schultz told him "the university was quite concerned (about the shower incident report), that President Spanier was concerned as well."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Did Graham Spanier in any way, shape or form prevent you from reporting this matter to anyone?" Silver asked.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"Not to my knowledge," Dranov said.[/FONT]
May 4, 2005
How fucking sick and stupid of a human being do you have to be to think it's okay for a grown man to be showering with a little kid at night when no one else is around. Like that's some normal fucking activity.

Mar 5, 2009
How fucking sick and stupid of a human being do you have to be to think it's okay for a grown man to be showering with a little kid at night when no one else is around. Like that's some normal fucking activity.

Just another day at PSU

Jan 19, 2005
No it hasn' are an all time liar....really bad....I'm just relieved no one believes you.

No , its a fact no conspiracy

"Over five years after the story exploded and became the most controversial scandal in the history of college sports, former Penn State University President Graham Spanier was finally acquitted today of the “conspiracy” charge against him, but convicted on only one of two charges of “endangering the welfare of a child"

The other proof was when the real investigation, that was done by
former special agent of the Federal Investigative Services who, on behalf of the Federal Government, did a comprehensive analysis of the situation, and came to exactly the same conclusion.

Stop screaming Im a child molester enabler for 30 seconds, and listen to the interview

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
The only real facts....Curley, Shultz, Sandusky, and Spanier convicted ... McQueary vindicated. those are actual facts you psycho child molester loving freak. And Joe Pa would be behind bars if the pussy didn't croak too soon. The cult will continue to live on because of nutters like you and JayPa and the isolated disgusting cunts in central PA that believe Nittany Lion Football is the most important thing in this world. You all suck, collectively, and you've not learned a thing which is incomprehensible to most of us normal folks.

Last week, Curley, 62, and Schultz, 67, each pleaded guilty to the same misdemeanor charge Spanier was convicted of.
"They consciously turned their backs and the abuse continued," Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said Friday. "These leaders endangered the welfare of children by both their actions and inactions. There are zero excuses when it comes to failing to report the abuse of children to the appropriate authorities."

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
we really need to rename "The Rubber Room" to "Brucefan protecting Child Molester U" because that is exactly where this thread is his last half dozen attempts to cut and paste articles from the same 3 freaks

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