Jerk Thompson


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think you probably have saved some of your followers some money; not made them money, but saved them some as you've been around 50% winners, you practice good money management and only charge for winning days/weeks/months.

But you have become a joke simply through your comments here:
1. "I started this business and not one of my clients is complaining." (What poor bastard would admit paying a non-professional, kid with a track record of one good season in his first and only season of bases).
2." all I spent 1 to 2 hours per day depending on the amount of games. I don't need any more than that. There is such a thing as going overboard when capping." (So with pro and college foots, pro and college baskets and hockey in full swing, you spend much less than 1/2 hr per day per sport. You'll certainly never be accused of going overboard in time spent capping. That is truly laughable, Jakester).
3. "Website hasn't been updated in a month, true. It's a bitch to update. I'll try and get around to it." (So those glorious football winning percentages/units that you use to draw in customers are out-and-out lies).
4. "...considering I'm up some 40 units since the start of the MLB season." (Since you were up 37 units in one lucky year (your first ever) of bases, you admit you are up a whole +3 units in all other sports. Your followers must be quitting their jobs and betting the ranch on your picks).

Jakester, if we can find an agreeable middleman to hold the money, I'll put up a dime vs your nickel--my bet being you won't be positive overall in foots (pro and college), baskets (pro and college), and NHL by the end of the 2002/2003 seasons. Only stipulation I can think of right now is no wager more than a 2-unit bet.

I really respected you at one time, a smart kid with good discipline--now you are a run-of-the- mill tout jokester, Jakester.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
This is my first post in the RR so go easy on me.

After reading this I could only think of what I told my son when he was 19:
It's easy to have all the answers when you don't understand any of the questions! Jake, one day, if you get some wisdom, you will understand what I just said.

Best of luck to you, Bricklin
This is what I have been thinking for some time...You may need the money but you have went about this all wrong. But even worse everytime I read one of your comebacks I cringe...You keep putting your foot in your mouth, your not thinking things out very well before you respond...Now for most people that doesn`t matter but since you are using this forum as a business vehicle, you need to wake up...I`ve lost alot of repect for you, I`m sure you could care less...But just think of what most people are saying, you were as likable a poster back in the summer , and its sad to see what has turned out to be your real motivation here...I called it back when it all started...You are too cocky and too hardheaded...You don`t respect anyone else`s opinion, you don`t know it all Jake...You have to get that thru your young thick head! Forget the tout business, stop wasting your time! Gets some money together and play your picks when bases rolls around! Your crediblity here to sell picks is done! Olddog, who I believe you said was a mentor has even stepped up against you!

Show me don`t tell me, I`ve heard it all before.
Great first RR post. Believe it or not the RR is about keeping it real, Posters down here speak the truth

New member
Jun 21, 2001
I was thinking the same thing as you. Every time he responds all I could think of is how young this kid is and how he thinks he already has all the answers. He would do better to keep quiet and just cap instead of responding to every single person who posts something. But that's the great part of being 19!

Big Lou

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