Jerk Thompson


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Oct 21, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The only one I am losing in is one I never paid attention to until a month before the season, so it's understandable for the first part to be rocky, but just like in baseball, you know I'll turn it around eventually <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I'd say all in all I spent 1 to 2 hours per day depending on the amount of games. I don't need any more than that. There is such a thing as going overboard when capping. The results have been in my favor for the good part of a year. No reason to change a formula that is a proven winner. You never answered my question by the way. Rattler, same goes to you.

I told everyone about the NHL being new to me beforehand. I didn't just start saying I was the greatest NHL tout around. I informed people beforehand that it was my first year and it would take me a little while before I fully figured things out. I wasn't about to lie about that. They know.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Are those your two key factors you use when researching games? Or do you have many more factors you use in those "1 to 2 hours" you spend per day doing this "professional" capping? If there are more you use, please inform me of them because I am curious of your methods ... hopefully that is not top secret or anything. Also, you say you are doing so well in the other sports to make up for the NHL. Here is your tracking record incase you forget:

NCAAF: 22-34 -14.98 units
NFL: 29-33 -6.37 units
NBA: 65-60 +4.31 units

Those are not very good numbers are they Jake?
Sep 21, 2004
very perceptive. only people who actually play the games they post are held accountablefor their record. why do think someone is always correcting panther, jake and several more jokers on here in regards to their record? it's because they don't know what their record is, they only keep track when they win
Anybody paying for picks, needs a physical and mental examination.

And "NO" its not an Investment.

On a given day, Team "A" can beat Team "B". You have 50% chance on winning. Anyone can flip a Phucking Coin. Thats what the final "Tout" prediction is.

"A coin flip" /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Or, As Urchin says The "WAG"
JESports, the tracking record is off. I posted 2 weeks of NCAA Football here. The first was after 4 straight winning weeks and was ill advised, as I totally got my ass handed to me. I posted again last week and went 4-1. Just made a bad decision to post my card after doing well, and it bit me in the ass, thereby making the poor record that is in the tracking results. I have my NFL total as +1.97 units on the year, and my NCAA as +2.64 on the year. Granted, my NFL record I use is including preseason and TRK's does not. NFL is one of my worst sports. I'd say on the year in the regular season I'm down a few units. True. I'm hoping to rebound after taking 2 weeks off to figure the game out. Hopefully the new way I am capping NFL works well. We'll see...

Big Lou - 1-2 hours total. I don't need more time than that. I know too well the ill-effects of over-analyzing stuff. I think I've found a pretty good middle ground at 1-2 hours.

vegasguy39 - tell me what the odds of me flipping a coin and being up over 40 units since the beginning of the MLB season? I'd love to see those odds. And if you want to think selling picks is not an investment, than you surely will include stock brokers in the same category. It's the age old argument right there. Stock brokers and touts are essentially the same thing, except to the misinformed. You have bad ones and good ones. The good ones win you money. So far I have been a good one. It is an investment. I have to disagree with you there.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You say that your "tracked" record of 22-34 loosing 14.98 units is only for two weeks? You made 56 picks in two weekends of football?

In another thread you posted this "I'll be the first to admit waiting for the start of next year MLB would have been the best way to go about it, but it wasn't best for me financially." ... Do you put actual money on your own plays Jake?

"My customers don't visit a website. I send them an email each morning with the picks. Website hasn't been updated in a month, true. It's a bitch to update. I'll try and get around to it." ... How do you tell the world about your winning 40 units then or are all your customers current/previous RX visitors?
JE, for the most part my customers are from therx or MW, and possibly from free picks. I cap every single NCAA game out there, and bet where I see value. I narrow it down for my clients to the ones I like best though as I don't expect them to bet all the games and it would be rather rude of me just to send them 40 NCAA games. Yes I put money on most of my plays. NCAA is the one place where I only bet the top 10 each week as betting 40 plays would pretty much tank the money I set aside to bet with.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
so are you saying that you were mistaken when you said that you made those 56 NCAAF picks in only two weeks ... or are you saying that since you capped EVERY game in those weeks of football, you decided you would just throw up 56 of them to be "tracked" for record keeping purposes but only bet on your favorite top ten of those yourself ... you are digging a hole man
JESports, in all honesty, I'm not sure. The first posting I made here was the week I got my ass handed to me, and then the one last week were I had 5 plays. It's doubtful I had 50 plays on week, but to the best of my knowledge that is all the NCAA I have posted here. Maybe I posted the first week or somethin. Not sure. I really have no idea on this one.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you state "nfl is my worst sport". you also said that about hockey.


only a total jackass would give you any money.

i truly doubt there are any customers at all.
if there is more than one or two,we as a society are much more stupid than i suspected.

Anyone else find it somewhat ironic that a person that chose the name "slugster" and who has the capitalization and puncuation of a 3rd grader thinks that he has the right to call someone else stupid?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jake, you should not criticize (note correct spelling on a word you frequently botch) other people's punctuation (another one you missed), capitalization, grammar, etc. You have many limitations in those areas yourself. Your website looks like it was written by a 4th grader. You use the word "payed" over and over. /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif Most 4th graders know how to spell "paid". Maybe you should pay a little more attention in your college classes and spend less time in the Rubber Room. /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif

I think people here would respect you a lot more if you stopped acting like you have everything figured out at age 19. No one at age 19 has it all figured out, and that applies to gambling and life in general. Claiming that you do have it all nailed simply exposes how naive you are and how much you have to learn. I don't think any 'capper will be successful over the long haul unless you can acknowledge that you have a lot to learn. I mean this in a positive way. Open your mind to the possibility that you have much to learn and many ways you can improve. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
>No one at age 19 has it all figured out

I did! I knew EVERYTHING that needed to be known when I was 19... Or so I thought.

"The more I know the more I know not."

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
>You use the word "payed" over and over

"payed" may be archaic but not improper.

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
K, I'm a dipshit. Admittedly. But a dipshit that knows how to cap. Like it or not. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

New member
Sep 21, 2004
excellent write up! somehow i know the boy won't pay any attention to the words of wisdom that you tried to share with him.

jake, my 6 year old daughter was able to spell "paid" on the first try. where in the hell did you go to school that you can't spell an elementary word like that?

a know it all 19 year old professional gambler/college student/tout/overall expert.

what a joke. i can only laugh my ass off at you JACKASS.

get back to capping your games for 10 minutes each,jake. your two teenage customers are waiting.

/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif


New member
Sep 21, 2004
College hoops, today. Check out Mr.Noble. LOL. We believe you Jake, you rushed over to post on the RX before you could catch a line which looked too good to be true right?

Give me a break. Your customers should come first shouldn't then? Why didn't you have the noodles to check if the line even existed before rushing over to the RX and posting your latest discovery of a 'great line'?

Too good. Customers..right.

Let's not criticize Snake's "client list". LMAO /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

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