January = Most Expensive January Ever for US Gas Prices - Who To Blame?


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I don't think SD, fletch or myself is rushing to defend Obama's energy policy (or any presidents energy policy for the last 35 years) Just saying some of the stuff you said was off the wall. You basically said Obama WANTS high prices. WTF would he want high prices? High gas prices probably one of the main ways he won't get elected if it chokes the economy.

BO is accomplishing his goals. Gas prices are only one of them.

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Energy secretary Steven Chu

“So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

“That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.” President Obama

Oh the irony of the bankrupt remark.

Then there was Carol Browner, President Obama’s top adviser on energy and climate change.

Under her tenure, the federal government created nationwide fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks, and the EPA instituted regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. If it weren’t for Congress defeating Cap and Trade imagine where we would today.

And let us not forget BO’s Green Jobs czar, Van Jones, who called Congressional Republicans "assholes".

BO’s environmental base may be the one’s who unwittingly seal his fate.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
You basically said Obama WANTS high prices. WTF would he want high prices? High gas prices probably one of the main ways he won't get elected if it chokes the economy.

I'm telling you he wants high gas prices and high energy prices.
From his mouth to gods ears...


He's always wanted high gas prices to push his green energy agenda.
Just the other day he was talking about algae being the solution to our energy plans.
Get your rickshaw ready.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
Please explain how Obama is to blame for the rise in gas prices in The Netherlands.


New member
Oct 20, 2005
All the while, Iran's dearth of refining capacity (that the sanctions were thought to have been targeting) and the need to import 40% of their gasoline was being addressed and dramatic changes were being implemented. Iran has spent and will continue to spend billions on modernizing their current refineries while putting into motion the building of seven new refineries. As a contrast, the US hasn’t built a new refinery in 36 years (that plays a big role at what you pay at the pump).


I suppose it Obamas fault we havent built any new refineries? Since he such a green loving liberal, i get it... but whats the excuse for the last 5 or 6 other POTUS? This type of logic can be fun and retarded at the same time.

Feb 22, 2005
The reason they have not built them is because oil has been cheap for most of that time with supply being abundant. No need to increase the supply, hence making the price even lower.
Plus at one time (quite a while ago) they did start building some and but then the price dropped a lot, so they lost a lot of money, so now they are cautious about building new ones
Besides there is still plenty of oil to go around

And while "Crazy Libruls" are crying about destroying of the environment, they have not stopped any new refineries from being built

New member
Sep 20, 2000
My contention is that every American man, woman and child will have full knowledge of facts like the ones you display , through TV,radio,internet, door to door pamphlets to make sure Dear Leader is insulated of any blame due to the increase in crime from the high price of staples and commodities like bread,baby formula,produce, milk, sugar,electricty etc. from highest oil and gas prices in US History.
Not to worry there is always algae.
To bad you guys never cut GW the same slack or defense.(and I don't mean "you guys" personally)

Where the fuck was this guy when he had the senate and house to come up with an energy policy that HE promised.
I knew GW did not control the oil market and I know BO doesn't but fuck him.He and his media repeated the lie enough Alinsky style till people believed it while Bush was pres.And so will I.
And you can see through those video clips how he plans to regulate and extort energy companies and put people through a lot of pain to reach his objectives.And maybe 50 years from now we might be thankful for.And if anybody comes up with a permanent solution to energy it will be the oil companies.

Feb 22, 2005
"And if anybody comes up with a permanent solution to energy it will be the oil companies. "


New member
Sep 20, 2000
What do you think these multibillionaires are stupid?

June 30, 2011

Oil and gas industry investments in alternative fuels

Why would an industry with its roots in fossil fuels look to other sources of energy?

By Martha Young

The oil and gas industry regularly receives negative press for its business practices, yet the media consistently fails to suggest viable, affordable alternative solutions to using the fossil fuel industry’s products. That’s because today there are no good solutions that are affordable to the general consumer.
The alternative energy spectrum of solutions continue to require massive investments in research and development, engineering, scalable manufacturing, interoperability, environmental assessment and connectivity into the power grid. Once installed, there are on-going costs associated with managing and maintaining the solution. Establishing uninterruptable, utility-grade alternative power sources is not a trivial undertaking, nor is it easily affordable.
Conceptually, using alternative energy sources is a good idea. The science is irrefutable regarding environmental and health related impacts associated with coal-powered facilities. For the naysayers, go to SkepticalScience.com for clarity. However, the bottom line, especially in the current economy, comes down to dollars and cents.
The average consumer doesn’t have the wallet capacity, nor do the utility companies. The federal government has tapered direct investment and is significantly reducing its loan guarantee program. Wall Street and the capital markets have a limited stomach for the current levels of risk associated with commercializing alternatives.
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado, has even gone so far as to request cutting the funding for NREL, the Golden-based federal laboratory established to assist in the technology transfer and commercialization of promising alternative energy solutions. Those 5500 jobs aren’t in his district, nor are the 500 Vestas manufacturing positions in Pueblo. What is this man thinking? But I digress.
Money. Where is investment capital available to move alternative energy solutions forward to commercialization? Two key industries: high technology and oil and gas. High technology investments will be covered in the next article.
The oil and gas industry has been experiencing record profits. Some of those profits have been invested in alternative energy R&D, partnerships with research institutions, and test facilities for scalability and commercialization.
The following table illustrates which alternative energy technologies the top six oil and gas companies have been investing billions of dollars over the past three years.






Royal Dutch Shell


Total Petroleum


(CCS = carbon capture and sequestration)

The oil and gas industry has made significant investments in research and development, and implementation of alternative energy solutions. Why would an industry, with its roots in fossil fuels look to other sources of energy?
  1. One key to the answer will be found in nomenclature. The oil and gas industry should be viewed as the energy industry. When viewed through a new lens, it makes perfect sense for these players to want to continue to grow their businesses in support of meeting global energy demands.
  2. The players in the energy industry are aware of an increasing global population with energy requirements in excess of what can be provided under traditional means.
  3. All of the super players acknowledge climate change as a serious issue in their annual reports and corporate social responsibility reports and the need to reduce greenhouse gases. They are diligent in monitoring and measuring their own CO2outputs and have been taking measures to reduce their carbon footprint.
  4. This particular industry has been experiencing record profits year over year. They have the capital necessary to make significant investments in promising technologies.
  5. This particular industry has invested trillions of dollars over its 150+ year history in plant and equipment, pipelines, container vessels, tanker trucks, land leases, specialized engineering and other assets. All of these assets are readily transferable to other methods of producing energy.
  6. The players in the traditional energy market have decades of experience in helping to define and shape public policy specific to energy production and distribution. This experience is rich and deep.
  7. Traditional energy producers have a fiduciary responsibility to their stakeholders. By investing in alternative energy there is a significant potential for increased revenue streams through research and development efforts as well as successful spinoffs.
  8. The extraction industry has a global presence. Through its geopolitical influences the industry is able to assist governments in emerging markets in making long-term energy decisions that are best for the constituents, the country and the planet.
To review the complete research on oil and gas investments in alternative energies, go to IDC Energy Insights.
Good ideas are only good when they can be implemented. It will take billions, if not trillions of dollars to migrate the global economy from fossil fuels to alternative energy solutions. Rather than grousing about the oil and gas industry while continuing to consume its products at increasing levels, consider applauding these players for the extensive efforts and investments they continue to make it bridging the chasm from traditional energy sources to alternative energies.

About Martha Young

Martha Young is principal at NovaAmber, LLC, a business strategy company based in Golden. Young has held positions as industry analyst, director of market research, competitive intelligence analyst, and sales associate. She has written books, articles, and papers regarding the intersection of technology and business for over 15 years. She has co-authored four books on the topics of virtual business processes, virtual business implementations, and project management for IT. Young can be reached at myoung@novaamber.com or on Twitter @myoung_vbiz

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I knew GW did not control the oil market and I know BO doesn't but fuck him.He and his media repeated the lie enough Alinsky style till people believed it while Bush was pres.And so will I.

So, because "them" (the media) puppet-ed a lie over and over again for political gain, you will puppet the same lie for political gain and do it willingly? This is basically a giant, blinking, pulsating example, of just how and why things are so fucked up. Im not going to ridicule you Pat, im actually going to thank you for your (ironically enough) honesty. I wish others were like you in admitting such thoughts that many if not not the majority have.

Jul 14, 2007
My contention is that every American man, woman and child will have full knowledge of facts like the ones you display , through TV,radio,internet, door to door pamphlets to make sure Dear Leader is insulated of any blame due to the increase in crime from the high price of staples and commodities like bread,baby formula,produce, milk, sugar,electricty etc. from highest oil and gas prices in US History.
Not to worry there is always algae.
To bad you guys never cut GW the same slack or defense.(and I don't mean "you guys" personally)

Where the fuck was this guy when he had the senate and house to come up with an energy policy that HE promised.
I knew GW did not control the oil market and I know BO doesn't but fuck him.He and his media repeated the lie enough Alinsky style till people believed it while Bush was pres.And so will I.
And you can see through those video clips how he plans to regulate and extort energy companies and put people through a lot of pain to reach his objectives.And maybe 50 years from now we might be thankful for.And if anybody comes up with a permanent solution to energy it will be the oil companies.

lol. You talk about the right like its a sports team and your on it. I'm going to lie for the right because the left lied! WTF are we 12?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
This is basically a giant, blinking, pulsating example, of just how and why things are so fucked up
Well you know Bush got the blame on high gas prices. Obama should get the blame on his watch.As Obama has cornered and distorted the term "fair share". I want to make sure that Obama recieves his "fair share" of the blame.

I'm not the one with the microphones or the barrels of ink.Look at what they have done to distort the contraception issue and the Catholic church. The media has created a completly false narrative by reporting that basically republicans and the catholic church are against womans health.What could be a bigger lie than that?When the real issue is the goverment forcing a religious institution to provide something they don't believe in.After Obama has given thousand of waivers to favored union cronys and different states.He can't give a rider to the catholic church on this issue.Stomping on the constitution so he can create a political football that the media gladly carries for him.

Jul 14, 2007
Well you know Bush got the blame on high gas prices. Obama should get the blame on his watch.As Obama has cornered and distorted the term "fair share". I want to make sure that Obama recieves his "fair share" of the blame.

I'm not the one with the microphones or the barrels of ink.Look at what they have done to distort the contraception issue and the Catholic church. The media has created a completly false narrative by reporting that basically republicans and the catholic church are against womans health.What could be a bigger lie than that?When the real issue is the goverment forcing a religious institution to provide something they don't believe in.After Obama has given thousand of waivers to favored union cronys and different states.He can't give a rider to the catholic church on this issue.Stomping on the constitution so he can create a political football that the media gladly carries for him.

Of all the things people blame George Bush for (a terrible president by pretty much any reasonable measure) I think gas prices is pretty damn low on the list. And if gas gets to 4.50 per, don't worry Obama will get that blame. The only reason he really isn't right now is because this isn't new anymore. $4 gas isn't a novelty since we had it in 08, $5 gas will be though.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
The discussion of whether BO is or is not responsible for the high gas prices is irrelevant. What is relevant is it happened on his watch and he will get the blame.

And while that does nothing to increase my faith in my fellow man, it does give me a warm fuzzy feeling that stupidity is a double edged sword.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
The only reason he really isn't right now is because this isn't new anymore. $4 gas isn't a novelty since we had it in 08, $5 gas will be though.
Yup, and this won't help employment.
Theres going to be a lot of unrest in this country.
And as the good Rev. Wright likes to say."Americas chickens are coming home to rooooost!!

New member
Oct 20, 2005
The discussion of whether BO is or is not responsible for the high gas prices is irrelevant. What is relevant is it happened on his watch and he will get the blame.

And while that does nothing to increase my faith in my fellow man, it does give me a warm fuzzy feeling that stupidity is a double edged sword.

Are you lying too for revenge sake?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Are you lying too for revenge sake?

Lets make something clear here. I'm not lying for revenge sake I'm just mirroring what they do.Blame the game not the player.
I'm following the words of Dear Leader himself."If they bring a knife,you bring a gun."
Anything that pisses libs off more is when you play like they do, they howl and cry foul. They act like afghany muslims after they've had a defaced koran disposed of.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Here you go fletch. One of your leaders just set the record straight. This should put an end to the discussion.

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on the rising gas prices across the country:

“Independent reports confirm that speculators are driving up the cost of oil, hurting consumers and potentially damaging the economic recovery. Wall Street profiteering, not oil shortages, is the cause of the price spike. In fact, U.S. oil production is at its highest level since 2003, and millions of acres have been cleared for additional development.

“We need to take strong action to protect consumers from this speculation. Unfortunately, Republicans have chosen to protect the interests of Wall Street speculators and oil companies instead of the interests of working Americans by obstructing the agencies with the responsibility of enforcing consumer protection laws. They have also repeatedly opposed our efforts to end billions of dollars in outdated taxpayer subsidies for oil companies enjoying record profits.

“We support efforts by the Obama Administration to expand domestic energy resources, including natural gas and renewable sources like wind and solar that create jobs in America and will end our dangerous dependence on foreign energy supplies. This can be achieved because today, the United States currently has more oil and gas rigs at work than the rest of the world combined, and imports of foreign oil have decreased.

“We call on the Republican leadership to act on behalf of American consumers and join our efforts to crack down on speculators who care more about their profits than the price at the pump even if these spikes harm the American consumer and our economy.”

Blah, blah, blah. OOH RAH!

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