January = Most Expensive January Ever for US Gas Prices - Who To Blame?


New member
Oct 20, 2005
Oh bullshit its just ObaMao taking care of green buddies like Solyndra.

You notice how Death eats a caca and Fletchulence get awfully wordy and full of explantions when it comes to defending ObaMao and oil the recent discovery of global markets.
I can remember when it was its just Bush taking care of his oil buddies.
Of course during the high price of gas period when Bush was Pres. unemployment rate was about 5%.

Its bullshit.Federals tax 33% of every dollar spent at the pump. ObaMao is delighted that he can extort the poor and middle class into funding the Unicorn industrty. All of this while the left claims he is never to blame.

Are you just flat out fucking dumb or are you a severely misinformed partisan prick? Is there anything specific in my "wordy" posts that you disagree with? I can cite the number i gave you the rest of its common sense. The federal tax on a gallon of gas is like 19 cents on every gallon. That would fly in the face of your suggested 33% on every dollar. Go read a book or something Pat, you could use the stimulation.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Are you just flat out fucking dumb or are you a severely misinformed partisan prick? Is there anything specific in my "wordy" posts that you disagree with? I can cite the number i gave you the rest of its common sense. The federal tax on a gallon of gas is like 19 cents on every gallon. That would fly in the face of your suggested 33% on every dollar. Go read a book or something Pat, you could use the stimulation.

Good luck with this guy fletch. He makes fest zit, bfl and russ look like moderates.

Check some of his previous stuff. He was here last month cheering on the Iran President to embarrass and stick it to obama. Quite a patriot pat is.

Sep 22, 2007
Good luck with this guy fletch. He makes fest zit, bfl and russ look like moderates.

Check some of his previous stuff. He was here last month cheering on the Iran President to embarrass and stick it to obama. Quite a patriot pat is.

"He makes fest zit, bfl and russ look like moderates." WHOA!!! That's quite a statement, I've hardly even noticed Patriot Putz, guess I'll make it a point to notice him even less.:ohno:

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"He makes fest zit, bfl and russ look like moderates." WHOA!!! That's quite a statement, I've hardly even noticed Patriot Putz, guess I'll make it a point to notice him even less.:ohno:

Lol...well...maybe not moderates but at least less wacked out.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Are you just flat out fucking dumb or are you a severely misinformed partisan prick? Is there anything specific in my "wordy" posts that you disagree with? I can cite the number i gave you the rest of its common sense. The federal tax on a gallon of gas is like 19 cents on every gallon. That would fly in the face of your suggested 33% on every dollar. Go read a book or something Pat, you could use the stimulation.
Well I never saw these deep explanations on ups and downs on gasoline when GW was president.
It was " bush taking care of all his oil buddies."
But now I understand the left is now admitting lying and distorting the truth about fuel for political reasons back then.
I was just using the hyperbole the left always uses.The righteous indignation the left always shows when the right uses their tactics.
My bad on the 33%.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
He is mostly right, so was Bush. Unfortunately the cost of fuel issue is far more systemic than 1 person. I know that's tough cause its way cooler to just blame Obama....

Krauthammer agrees with you.

Charles Krauthammer responds to President Obama's suggestion that the U.S. turn to algae for energy production.

"I was impressed by the president's analysis of this situation where we have no control over the global price of oil," Charles Krauthammer said. "We're dependent on oil from unfriendlies. And he says, as we heard, drilling for oil to relieve our dependency is not a solution, it's not a plan. He said we have to go to clean energy. He talks about something really revolutionary today. Algae. A $14 million grant for the development of algae. It's not oil. His solution is algae. And because we know that the Secretary of Energy is physicist that won the Nobel Prize, the president knowing this stuff said that one of the reasons we should do this is because we can grow algae here in the United States."

"Now, it happens that algae will grow on anywhere on earth. I looked it up while I was away for those three days. You thought I was sunning myself. I did research. It grows in oceans, in lakes and ponds, in your swimming pool when the pool man is on vacation. In snow, in ice, on soil, on turtles, on sloths, the bark of trees and rocks. Why are we drilling for oil? We are the Saudi Arabia of rocks. We have a mountain range called the Rockies and we are allowing ourselves to be dominated by these oil producers. I think he's on to something here that is truly revolutionary. Why would you build a pipeline, the Keystone pipeline with real oil from Canada to put in real refineries and put in real existing cars when you can do algae?

I think he is on to something. And I think this shows the vision, the hope and change he promised in 2008."

"Tongue out of cheek," host Bret Baier joked.

"I'm sorry that I brought the level of discussion so low," Krauthammer joked back.


New member
Sep 20, 2000
"I was impressed by the president's analysis of this situation where we have no control over the global price of oil," Charles Krauthammer said. "We're dependent on oil from unfriendlies. And he says, as we heard, drilling for oil to relieve our dependency is not a solution, it's not a plan. He said we have to go to clean energy. He talks about something really revolutionary today. Algae. A $14 million grant for the development of algae. It's not oil. His solution is algae. And because we know that the Secretary of Energy is physicist that won the Nobel Prize, the president knowing this stuff said that one of the reasons we should do this is because we can grow algae here in the United States."
thank you charles for making my point

Feb 22, 2005
Well I never saw these deep explanations on ups and downs on gasoline when GW was president.
It was " bush taking care of all his oil buddies."
But now I understand the left is now admitting lying and distorting the truth about fuel for political reasons back then.
I was just using the hyperbole the left always uses.The righteous indignation the left always shows when the right uses their tactics.
My bad on the 33%.

Now there is extra information we didnt have back then. And now that we do have that extra info, Republican would love nothing more than to blame it on Obama

"Oh bullshit its just ObaMao taking care of green buddies like Solyndra."

Do you know who posted this?

Feb 22, 2005
or this

This is easy.
Its Obamas way of raising taxes.33% of what you pay at the pump goes for fed taxes.
Payroll tax cut?...FUCK YOU!!! I'll make it up and blame it on big oil. PAY!!
There goes pizza night...lmfao you stupid fuckin libs.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Well I never saw these deep explanations on ups and downs on gasoline when GW was president.
It was " bush taking care of all his oil buddies."
But now I understand the left is now admitting lying and distorting the truth about fuel for political reasons back then.
I was just using the hyperbole the left always uses.The righteous indignation the left always shows when the right uses their tactics.
My bad on the 33%.

If you are addressing me blaming Bush for oil or gas prices you need to reevaluate your tactics because i never said on here that Bush was at fault for gas prices. And now because i corrected you im on the left? I support Ron Paul, im about as far to the right economically as it gets. I just dont happen to support big government in the form of controlling what i do with my cock or what a woman does with her body.

Jul 14, 2007
Well I never saw these deep explanations on ups and downs on gasoline when GW was president.
It was " bush taking care of all his oil buddies."
But now I understand the left is now admitting lying and distorting the truth about fuel for political reasons back then.
I was just using the hyperbole the left always uses.The righteous indignation the left always shows when the right uses their tactics.
My bad on the 33%.

Left, Right, Left, Right....The left said this, the right said that....

The whole left/right paradigm thing is a little played out. You've been sold a false bill of goods man...

Turning 19 cents into 33% (roughly $1.20) as Obama just taxing and taxing oil consumption? How paranoid are you?

We have people like this in MA?

Jul 14, 2007
If you are addressing me blaming Bush for oil or gas prices you need to reevaluate your tactics because i never said on here that Bush was at fault for gas prices. And now because i corrected you im on the left? I support Ron Paul, im about as far to the right economically as it gets. I just dont happen to support big government in the form of controlling what i do with my cock or what a woman does with her body.

You are basically Michael Moore in this guys world unless you want to kill Obama tomorrow. So sad some people could be this misinformed....

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Left, Right, Left, Right....The left said this, the right said that....

The whole left/right paradigm thing is a little played out. You've been sold a false bill of goods man...

Turning 19 cents into 33% (roughly $1.20) as Obama just taxing and taxing oil consumption? How paranoid are you?

We have people like this in MA?

File into the trough

...exposing the false right/left paradigm one lie at a time.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
"Oh bullshit its just ObaMao taking care of green buddies like Solyndra."

Do you know who posted this?
I did and i stick by it.
Nobody happier about high gas prices than ObaMao and his enviromental buddies.
They want people to use alternative energy.
They want us in rickshaws while they fly in their jets.

or this

Originally Posted by Pat Patriot
This is easy.
Its Obamas way of raising taxes.33% of what you pay at the pump goes for fed taxes.
Payroll tax cut?...FUCK YOU!!! I'll make it up and blame it on big oil. PAY!!
There goes pizza night...lmfao you stupid fuckin libs.

I posted above. "my bad" I made a mistake.
However if paying 47 cents a gallon isn't enough for you (average state and federal) Be patient it will rise.
..and so long as I'm riding in the rickshaw and not pulling it.I don't give a fuck.
..and the pizza night that ObaMao the candyman just gave you,make sure you save the crust because there won't be any Social Security to buy any food when your eligible.There should be plenty rickshaw pulling jobs by then.
I'll be riding in the rickshaw and paying with my social security.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
I did and i stick by it.
Nobody happier about high gas prices than ObaMao and his enviromental buddies.
They want people to use alternative energy.
They want us in rickshaws while they fly in their jets.
or this

Originally Posted by Pat Patriot
This is easy.
Its Obamas way of raising taxes.33% of what you pay at the pump goes for fed taxes.
Payroll tax cut?...FUCK YOU!!! I'll make it up and blame it on big oil. PAY!!
There goes pizza night...lmfao you stupid fuckin libs.
I posted above. "my bad" I made a mistake.
However if paying 47 cents a gallon isn't enough for you (average state and federal) Be patient it will rise.
..and so long as I'm riding in the rickshaw and not pulling it.I don't give a fuck.
..and the pizza night that ObaMao the candyman just gave you,make sure you save the crust because there won't be any Social Security to buy any food when your eligible.There should be plenty rickshaw pulling jobs by then.
I'll be riding in the rickshaw and paying with my social security.

Im not sure what to make of this pile of shit you threw up there above, its kind of hard to understand what you are trying to do here. Quote people and respond? Them internets can be tricky, eh old timer? Do you realize what most of the world is paying for gas??? We have it much better then most. 47 cents per gallon is nothing. Do i like it now, but isnt that tax supposed to be used for your roads?? I dont even know what rickshaw means, im guessing a tractor trailer?? Whatever it is, does rickshaws have wheels? Im sure they drive on roads, how do you suppose those get paid for? If you think Social Security is going to be not funded your batshit crazy. I dont see us shutting down the department of defense because we cant afford it, do you? We will do what we been doing, starting back in the early 80's... print our debt away. Social security will be funded, as long as you have trees. Any other straw men you need exposed? And saying we get taxed 33% off every gallon wasnt a mistake, it was totally laughable and then you tried to push it off on the O-man. Its a sad day when i find more in common with liberal democrats then Republicans anymore, but this site is a microcosm of the absolute sheer ignorance out there.

Jul 14, 2007
I did and i stick by it.
Nobody happier about high gas prices than ObaMao and his enviromental buddies.
They want people to use alternative energy.
They want us in rickshaws while they fly in their jets.

or this

Originally Posted by Pat Patriot
This is easy.
Its Obamas way of raising taxes.33% of what you pay at the pump goes for fed taxes.
Payroll tax cut?...FUCK YOU!!! I'll make it up and blame it on big oil. PAY!!
There goes pizza night...lmfao you stupid fuckin libs.

I posted above. "my bad" I made a mistake.
However if paying 47 cents a gallon isn't enough for you (average state and federal) Be patient it will rise.
..and so long as I'm riding in the rickshaw and not pulling it.I don't give a fuck.
..and the pizza night that ObaMao the candyman just gave you,make sure you save the crust because there won't be any Social Security to buy any food when your eligible.There should be plenty rickshaw pulling jobs by then.
I'll be riding in the rickshaw and paying with my social security.[/QUOTE]

You post sober? Just curious...If not its cool, shit I wish I was drunk half the time I'm reading these threads too.

ObaMao lol....Like I said, you've been sold a false bill of goods my friend. Obama leaving the White House isn't going to make gas prices cheaper unless there are long-term systemic solutions to our energy problems in place.

33% of gas to taxes, lol.... Why even keep posting after that? Not like you were off by a little but rather it just showed a complete lack of understanding on the issue.

This is why middle of the road objective people like me hate voting republican these days, cause you are basically aligning with old, crotchety paranoid white dudes like this guy.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
ObaMao lol....Like I said, you've been sold a false bill of goods my friend. Obama leaving the White House isn't going to make gas prices cheaper unless there are long-term systemic solutions to our energy problems in place.

33% of gas to taxes, lol.... Why even keep posting after that? Not like you were off by a little but rather it just showed a complete lack of understanding on the issue.

Hey dipshit, I told you twice in this thread and admitted posting wrong info on the 33%. And posted a more accurate figure of 47cents on a gal.

Let me tell you what I do understand on the issue. Obama promised and campaigned on comprehensive all the above energy plan.He hasn't done shit.
Now gas prices are about to reach lifetime record highs with no end in sight.
Why does Obama hate the poor?

Jul 14, 2007
Hey dipshit, I told you twice in this thread and admitted posting wrong info on the 33%. And posted a more accurate figure of 47cents on a gal.

Let me tell you what I do understand on the issue. Obama promised and campaigned on comprehensive all the above energy plan.He hasn't done shit.
Now gas prices are about to reach lifetime record highs with no end in sight.
Why does Obama hate the poor?

I don't think SD, fletch or myself is rushing to defend Obama's energy policy (or any presidents energy policy for the last 35 years) Just saying some of the stuff you said was off the wall. You basically said Obama WANTS high prices. WTF would he want high prices? High gas prices probably one of the main ways he won't get elected if it chokes the economy.

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