I guess I should be honored that you singled me out at the end of the proclamation you just posted.
You genuinely feel that I have an "egocentric attitude" towards you because I'm posting your weekly W-L record? Really? :think2:
There's a practical utility in having an accurate weekly W-L record posted in order to gauge the efficacy of these JJ BASCUS POWER RANKINGS and other variables you use in making your straight play bets, conditional press bets, and exotic reverse bets.
Yes, this site is about sharing information. I agree 100% with that statement.
Part of that information ,which should be available to the Rx membership, is how this process and system you use and put on display performs. I think there are many Rx members interested in seeing this.
There's absolutely nothing belittling or negative about that. It's purely factual based on what's been posted.