Cutting back on Military spending would be beyond the dumbest thing any President could do right now.
Our military should already be ATLEAST 3 or 4 times bigger than it already is. If our military was that fucking large we would never have to use it! Shrink our military? You might as well wave the green flag for WW3 to start!
Military spending is another classic example of liberals not being able to use logical thinking processes.
Sekrah, you know, don't you, that with this statement you have totally disqualified yourself?
America's military expenditures are already almost as high as those of all other countries in the world
combined, and they make up about a quarter of the American budget. And you are calling for the expenses to be tripled or even quadrupled? Math and common sense are not your strengths, obviously.
Our military is in NOWHERE NEAR IN POSITION to potentially fight 5 fronts in Venezuala, Iran, Russia, North Korea, China if the situation ever came to that.
Well, perhaps the U.S. is really not strong enough to fight simultaneously
in Russia and
in China and
in North Korea and
in Iran and
in Venezuela. But can you tell me what event could necessitate that America
invades all these countries?
There can be little doubt that the U.S. armed forces could easily
defend America against an attack even in the highly unlikely event that all those countries should form an alliance.
Sekrah, you seem to be the last person that should question anyone else's logical thinking.