Rob, I disagree with the premise of your argument and the conclusions you reached.
Based on his history, Obama is less likely to cut taxes, and more likely to increase them.
Based on his history, he's literally an earmark whore for god's sake, he's far less likely to control spending.
I don't believe anybody can or will cut taxes, but I do know Obama will raise many taxes, especially on the wealthy and on business. Problem is, it's the wealthy and the businesses that create jobs. If they have less money, there will be less jobs, period.
So all these promises about cutting taxes and fiscal responsibility coming out of the Obama camp is campaign bullshit. It's not anywhere to be found in his genetic makeup.
As for the military, I can honestly say the Generals at West Point have a different view than you do. To me, Obama is a smooth talking baby lost in the big bad woods.
Drilling here and drilling now is a very important part of any energy package. Once again, it's not practical to talk about energy independence without talking about the bridge to get us there. Problem is, many people on the left want higher energy costs to reduce consumption because they believe in man made gorebull warming.
Smarter? being a good speaker doesn't make you smarter. Common sense is very important in the real world too.
Biden is a smart politician, doesn't make him a smart man. He's says more stupid stuff than any major party candidate ever has, he just gets a free pass.
Your comment about McCain's service inflicted disability is idiotic bullshit.
defeating al-q is more important than capturing OBL. We are defeating al-q in Iraq. Don't even pretend BO will be more pro-active in the war on terror now.
BO, a liberal's liberal, is trying to sound like a Republican to win the GE. Nothing more, nothing less.