This is the toughest situation I have seen for some time. The line was hung wrong, a Pinnacle mistake for sure. But what bothers me is that they did not catch it, and let it get hit, and move, hit and move. Think about it, the other lines probably were getting minimal if any action, but this one line is getting crushed. Possibly if not probably by scalpers. What were the people at Pinny thinking while this was going on? Everybody likes the under? What does it take to have someone there look at the line that is getting buried and say, better check if number is right? Luckily I am not directly involved. In my career I have seen Pinny hang numbers wayout, off of everyone else's, immediate scalps. You are sometimes unsure, even in this case, is that number for real? In this cases people hit first, ask questions later. My problem is both were Pinnacle mistakes. Hanging a wrong number is a bonehead move, careless but excusable. Everyone does it. But the second transgression, much more serious is to let it get pounded, for hours, and move it how many times, without a clue. That just makes the first mistake into a huge gigantic mistake. I am not disagreeing with Fezzik, just to disagree, but this one is gray area. A book has to have some accountability. Posting a bad line is forgivable, but to let it get steamed without a clue? Who the hell was minding the store? Pinnacle had better sitdown and figure how to prevent that from happening again. Not a good showing by any means...Best Wishes...OF