Of course maggot Guesser is lying. He's always lying. He opens his maggot vile sewer rat mouth and spews lies. That's what he is, and who he is. Biggest fucking scumbag in here.
Minnesota State Democrat Candidate Ends Campaign after Defending ISIS on Twitter
From Dan Kimmel For State Representative
Alex Swoyer16 Nov 2015Washington, DC
A Democrat candidate for the Minnesota House ended his campaign, after defending ISIS on Twitter following the deadly terrorist attack in Paris.
“ISIS isn’t necessarily evil,” Democrat candidate Dan Kimmel from Burnsville posted – but then deleted – just two days after the massacre in Paris where roughly 130 people were murdered. ISIS claims responsibility for the attacks.
“It is made up of people doing what they think is best for their community. Violence is not the answer, though.”
“Kimmel, 63, immediately tried backtracking on his wishy-washy rationale, telling furious social media users they misunderstood him,” reported
New York Daily News.
“I deplore the evil acts of ISIS. I do not defend their acts,” Kimmel wrote.
According to the
New York Daily News, Kimmel posted on his website that the tweet “was in response to a statement made during the candidate debates, not in response to the activities in Paris.”
“It was poorly worded and did not convey my intent,” he added, then calling an end to his campaign.
“I am folding up my campaign tent,” Kimmel announced. “I apologize to the volunteers and contributors who have put so much time, effort and money into my campaign.”
Kimmel was up against 22-year-old GOP incumbent, Drew Christensen. Christensen beat Kimmel last year in the same race, according to the