Is the NBA Rigged?


Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
What about the games that were rigged and you didn't detect them because either
A. you did not have a large wager on it or any wager on it
B. the public was nearly split on fav and underdog
C. Something happened in a game (fumble, injury, player not knowing a "fix" is on) and the rigged game goes against the fix.

Im just saying IMO if games were fixed it is too hard to keep it a secret. Why you ask...because people are greedy. When they find somthing they can make 1000 dollars on they then want 10000 then when they find something like that they want 50000 and more people get involved until somone leakes or somone finds out i.e. Donadumbass from the NBA. In other words if gams are rigged too many people would have their hand in the cookie jar to find out. Not to mention I hate to tll you but not everyone loves gambling as much as we do. Believe it or not some players would actually be truthful if they thought there was a fix on....

Dude....I'm not dismissing what you are saying just because I disagree...but you gotta get realistic....Its a cold World...and Criminals run it....this shyt has been rigged for years.....half the time I don't even flinch at it anymore because I'm used to it...and I am on the right side of it more often than I used to be.....Face It...

New member
Oct 28, 2007
Dude....I'm not dismissing what you are saying just because I disagree...but you gotta get realistic....Its a cold World...and Criminals run it....this shyt has been rigged for years.....half the time I don't even flinch at it anymore because I'm used to it...and I am on the right side of it more often than I used to be.....Face It...
I hate to tell you but the world is not ran by vegas insiders (professional gamblers), single men, and college students which make up most of the betting public on any given game. I agree there is a ton of money on the games we bet on every night. And many of these games could be rigged without much notice (other than us ...the ones who bet on every game or most throughout the night) I just find it inconceivable that on a regular basis coaches and/or players put their contracts, money, family, careers, and reputations on the line to make extra bucks mostly for some "gamblers" regardless of the reward. All I am saying is if it was a rampant as you are saying we would know about it. Think of each player. If you have the ability to effect the outcome of a game take for example Dwayne Wade. Why would dwayne wade risk his millions of dollars, family, career, and reputationto make more money? And if Dwayne Wade is not in on it how could a "fixer" know that a Mark Blount would b at th free throw line to miss two fr throws which blows cover. I just dont see it on the large scale like you do. I can see it bing possible i just dont know about the scale of it.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
I hate to tell you but the world is not ran by vegas insiders (professional gamblers), single men, and college students which make up most of the betting public on any given game. I agree there is a ton of money on the games we bet on every night. And many of these games could be rigged without much notice (other than us ...the ones who bet on every game or most throughout the night) I just find it inconceivable that on a regular basis coaches and/or players put their contracts, money, family, careers, and reputations on the line to make extra bucks mostly for some "gamblers" regardless of the reward. All I am saying is if it was a rampant as you are saying we would know about it. Think of each player. If you have the ability to effect the outcome of a game take for example Dwayne Wade. Why would dwayne wade risk his millions of dollars, family, career, and reputationto make more money? And if Dwayne Wade is not in on it how could a "fixer" know that a Mark Blount would b at th free throw line to miss two fr throws which blows cover. I just dont see it on the large scale like you do. I can see it bing possible i just dont know about the scale of it.

Just because you find it inconceivable does not mean it is not happening...This is the problem with the skeptics and the naysayers..because it is not within your belief system, you cannot fathom it....The problem is with your have the problem...

The NBA IS RUN BY THE MOB (Higher Than The Italian Mob whom are subordinate to them) not be naive...Jordan lost his father to the MOB...not a random mugging....that is all over the street in Chi Town and New York....everybody fuckin knew it...(baseball..? lol).....and it has nothing to do with players making money....they don't have a choice...if you are asked to throw a throw a game....period...end of refuse and somebody finds cocaine in your car, or Weed in your shoes, etc etc....

David Stern does not run the NBA, he's Jimmy Hoffa...when are you folks going to get it...

New member
Oct 28, 2007
Just because you find it inconceivable does not mean it is not happening...This is the problem with the skeptics and the naysayers..because it is not within your belief system, you cannot fathom it....The problem is with your have the problem...

The NBA IS RUN BY THE MOB (Higher Than The Italian Mob whom are subordinate to them) not be naive...Jordan lost his father to the MOB...not a random mugging....that is all over the street in Chi Town and New York....everybody fuckin knew it...(baseball..? lol).....and it has nothing to do with players making money....they don't have a choice...if you are ask to throw a throw a game....period...end of story.....

David Stern does not run the NBA, he's Jimmy Hoffa...when are you folks going to get it...
My perception? we are on a gambling board....where people who post on here are winning and losing thousands (probably way less) every game. So what your saying is for the entire history of games being fixed which apparently is very often Jordan was the only on to face consquences of that magnitude. Believe me I am not saying there has never been a rigged game I would be blind to say "never". In fact playoffs and big games the situation is more likely. With that being think players fear for their lives if/when an opportunity presents itslef is ridiculous. There is NO WAY with the combination of players who could conceivably effect the outcome of the game...relevent to a spread that nothing other than donahoe would come of it. Again to think no game was ever rigged is ridiculous. But to think superstars and the mob are involved in fixing games is also ridiculous and I would say your blief system would not allow you to believe you were wrong about a bullshit game. A game where the underdog covers a spread with last minute free throws. I am not saying it doesn't happen but to think it happens on a regular basis is ridiculous.
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not saying every NBA game is rigged, or even many of them.

But, I believe there are some.

I'm a born skeptic when it comes to this conspiracy shit, but
no one can convince me that that 2002 playoff game
between the Lakers and the Kings wasn't rigged.

There was an immense amount of pressure to bring the finals to LA.

That last play of the game where Kobe cocks his elbow and
smashes it into Bibby's face right in front of the ref with no call was
only one of the many, many plays that the refs F'ed up on in that game.

Bill Walton who was commentating on the game over and over
bitches at the refs. it was so blatant.

Donaghy admitting it under oath just confirms what I already knew
to be true.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
My perception? we are on a gambling board....where people who post on here are winning and losing thousands (probably way less) every game. So what your saying is for the entire history of games being fixed which apparently is very often Jordan was the only on to face consquences of that magnitude. Believe me I am not saying there has never been a rigged game I would be blind to say "never". In fact playoffs and big games the situation is more likely. With that being think players fear for their lives if/when an opportunity presents itslef is ridiculous. There is NO WAY with the combination of players who could conceivably effect the outcome of the game...relevent to a spread that nothing other than donahoe would come of it. Again to think no game was ever rigged is ridiculous. But to think superstars and the mob are involved in fixing games is also ridiculous and I would say your blief system would not allow you to believe you were wrong about a bullshit game. A game where the underdog covers a spread with last minute free throws. I am not saying it doesn't happen but to think it happens on a regular basis is ridiculous.

LOL..See this is EGO vs TRUTH...thats what happening here...I dunno what it is...its like Sports is their wife...and they can't face the possibility that she's been unfaithful...

Its like deep down a lot of folks know its happening but there always a condition..

"Its happening but not all the time"

"Its not everybody"

The point has happened, and it continues to happen...what more needs to be said? What the hell are you trying to defend? I know..its your EGO....Men Love Sports like they love their wives.... I know its hard...but you gotta face it...

the topic of the title Thread is "Is the NBA Rigged" are ranting and raving about it being ridiculous one moment and now you are not saying games aren't rigged but "NO WAY THE MOB IS involved".....and you know this because? Remember, I said this group is much higher than the MOB...or do you think that no such thing exists? That the Mafia is the only kind of Mafia there is?

We can leave that alone...because Belief is now dictating reality...if you don't believe it...theres not much that can be said but you do agree....

THE NBA is rigged?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
And who said all games are rigged? That is not the issue? Why would all games be rigged? And Who cares if not all games are rigged....the POINT IS...

THE NBA has tons of rigged games every any other sport....

New member
Jul 21, 2006
where you lose me loren is where you play the wwe storyline card with this. that a loss here, leads to a loss there, and a loss here, and a loss to the kings here, and bam david stern gets his final.

i just dont buy it personally but thats myself.

New member
Oct 28, 2007
LOL..See this is EGO vs TRUTH...thats what happening here...I dunno what it is...its like Sports is their wife...and they can't face the possibility that she's been unfaithful...

Its like deep down a lot of folks know its happening but there always a condition..

"Its happening but not all the time"

"Its not everybody"

The point has happened, and it continues to happen...what more needs to be said? What the hell are you trying to defend? I know..its your EGO....Men Love Sports like they love their wives.... I know its hard...but you gotta face it...

the topic of the title Thread is "Is the NBA Rigged" are ranting and raving about it being ridiculous one moment and now you are not saying games aren't rigged but "NO WAY THE MOB IS involved".....and you know this because? Remember, I said this group is much higher than the MOB...or do you think that no such thing exists? That the Mafia is the only kind of Mafia there is?

We can leave that alone...because Belief is now dictating reality...if you don't believe it...theres not much that can be said but you do agree....

THE NBA is rigged?
No the NBA is not rigged. The NBA includes 30 teams consisting of anywhere between 13-15 players (healthwise), including 30 coaches, 90 assistant coaches, and 66 referees.

is the National Basketball Association rigged th answer is no. No matter how skewd your view is because you WANT to believe in a higher source influencing games and being able to make it possible down to th last .5 point on some games so that we have an excuse for when we handicap it wrong.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
thats another thing. there has to be a reason why they would fix it.

donaghy did it because he admitted he was a compulsive gambler and it was easy for him because he was a ref. ok, one guy.

i think if it were fixed, donaghy would never have been caught. him being caught proves to me he was a lone wolf.

and i threw aside fixing games to get a top matchup because the nba doesnt need it. this is a monster league not only in the US, but surpasses even the NFL globally in viewership.

the nba doesnt need a matchup, which is the only fix that i could imagine, not these games with a bad call here and there somebody whines about.

HUGE following in Asia, i'll argue its the second biggest team sport in america, if not, right there with mlb, large following in south america, especially brazil, argentina and is big time in western europe, and even that is expanding.

the nba doesnt need to fix games.

if it were the nhl, then id say you could have a better argument.

kings/lakers 2002 does anyone know if donaghy was reffing those games?
Sep 21, 2004
No the NBA is not rigged. The NBA includes 30 teams consisting of anywhere between 13-15 players (healthwise), including 30 coaches, 90 assistant coaches, and 66 referees.

is the National Basketball Association rigged th answer is no. No matter how skewd your view is because you WANT to believe in a higher source influencing games and being able to make it possible down to th last .5 point on some games so that we have an excuse for when we handicap it wrong.

Go watch game 6 2002 kings / lakers.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
No the NBA is not rigged. The NBA includes 30 teams consisting of anywhere between 13-15 players (healthwise), including 30 coaches, 90 assistant coaches, and 66 referees.

is the National Basketball Association rigged th answer is no. No matter how skewd your view is because you WANT to believe in a higher source influencing games and being able to make it possible down to th last .5 point on some games so that we have an excuse for when we handicap it wrong.

But you believe there have been rigged games?

And I don't want to believe the games are fact I think YOU want to believe they aren't.....because it means your being played for a fool....I've never handicapped a game where I didn't consider the fix....check my history...

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
where you lose me loren is where you play the wwe storyline card with this. that a loss here, leads to a loss there, and a loss here, and a loss to the kings here, and bam david stern gets his final.

i just dont buy it personally but thats myself.

You wanna know...something....I started betting on half time plays because of YOU...NO SHITTIN....I remembered how you used to hit those 1st half/2nd half plays like you already saw the game and came back in time to let us know...hahaha...I swear to Christ...but what a colleague of mine put me on to...was that some of the games are rigged and that some teams literally stop playing because they are trying to appease the spread....I studied it for about a year....and noticed in some of the games you capped...the NCAA was a joke....It was happening night after night.....its too obvious...

Rx Member
Oct 18, 2008
Here is the list of games that have been allegedly fixed <hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> -Sonics/Suns- Game 7 1993 WCF. 64 FT attempts for the Suns.

-Bulls/Knicks- Game 5 1994 ECSF. Hubert Davis takes a shot with seconds left(a 3 I believe), Scottie gets all ball, and gets called for the foul. The Knicks won on free throws. Had the foul not been called, the Bulls would have gone up 3-2 and they won game 6. It changed the whole series.

-Bulls/Nets- 1/23/98. An alley oop is thrown to Jason Caffey with one second remaining. Jayson Williams jumps, but does not touch the ball. Goaltending is called and the Bulls win.

-Lakers/Kings- Game 6 2002 WCF. 40-25 free throw attempts in favor of the Lakers, including Bibby getting elbowed in the face AND getting the foul. The Kings would have won on free throws, and since they were up 3-2, would have played the Nets in the Finals.

-Mavs/Kings- 2/11/05. Seconds left, Bibby takes a layup, it hits the backboard, Erick Dampier knocks it away, ruled a clean block. Mavs win and the refs have to be escorted out by security.

Are there any others?

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
thats another thing. there has to be a reason why they would fix it.

donaghy did it because he admitted he was a compulsive gambler and it was easy for him because he was a ref. ok, one guy.

i think if it were fixed, donaghy would never have been caught. him being caught proves to me he was a lone wolf.

and i threw aside fixing games to get a top matchup because the nba doesnt need it. this is a monster league not only in the US, but surpasses even the NFL globally in viewership.

the nba doesnt need a matchup, which is the only fix that i could imagine, not these games with a bad call here and there somebody whines about.

HUGE following in Asia, i'll argue its the second biggest team sport in america, if not, right there with mlb, large following in south america, especially brazil, argentina and is big time in western europe, and even that is expanding.

the nba doesnt need to fix games.

if it were the nhl, then id say you could have a better argument.

kings/lakers 2002 does anyone know if donaghy was reffing those games?

There are dozens of reasons why games get rigged...and the NBA doesn't govern itself....Skating, Boxing, Baseball, Basketball.......sooner or later you gotta face it.....its the reason why I never bet Totals....cuz I know the

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Here is the list of games that have been allegedly fixed <hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> -Sonics/Suns- Game 7 1993 WCF. 64 FT attempts for the Suns.

-Bulls/Knicks- Game 5 1994 ECSF. Hubert Davis takes a shot with seconds left(a 3 I believe), Scottie gets all ball, and gets called for the foul. The Knicks won on free throws. Had the foul not been called, the Bulls would have gone up 3-2 and they won game 6. It changed the whole series.

-Bulls/Nets- 1/23/98. An alley oop is thrown to Jason Caffey with one second remaining. Jayson Williams jumps, but does not touch the ball. Goaltending is called and the Bulls win.

-Lakers/Kings- Game 6 2002 WCF. 40-25 free throw attempts in favor of the Lakers, including Bibby getting elbowed in the face AND getting the foul. The Kings would have won on free throws, and since they were up 3-2, would have played the Nets in the Finals.

-Mavs/Kings- 2/11/05. Seconds left, Bibby takes a layup, it hits the backboard, Erick Dampier knocks it away, ruled a clean block. Mavs win and the refs have to be escorted out by security.

Are there any others?

multliply that by about 100...

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The amount of money it would take for a group to control the NBA and entire teams is so fuckin large that it would be literally impossible to keep hidden. U guys need to take off your armadillo hats and come out of the basement!!

In the past 30 years u have one example of an addicted gambling ref! U have 0 examples of players, coaches, owners, etc!!

U give examples of 5 games and really 1 game as ur main example ( lakers kings ). There have been approximately 20,000 games in the past 16 years. Your sample size is approximately .00025% of games which to me speaks speaks wonders for the officiating!!!

The NBA has way to much to lose to try to fix games as a whole! Why on earth would the boring ass spurs EVER make the championship. U guys need way more evidence to even raise a doubt in my mind!! To me there is a large correlation between addicted gamblers and conspiracy theorists! So best advice is to stop gambling!!

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
The amount of money it would take for a group to control the NBA and entire teams is so fuckin large that it would be literally impossible to keep hidden. U guys need to take off your armadillo hats and come out of the basement!!

In the past 30 years u have one example of an addicted gambling ref! U have 0 examples of players, coaches, owners, etc!!

U give examples of 5 games and really 1 game as ur main example ( lakers kings ). There have been approximately 20,000 games in the past 16 years. Your sample size is approximately .00025% of games which to me speaks speaks wonders for the officiating!!!

The NBA has way to much to lose to try to fix games as a whole! Why on earth would the boring ass spurs EVER make the championship. U guys need way more evidence to even raise a doubt in my mind!! To me there is a large correlation between addicted gamblers and conspiracy theorists! So best advice is to stop gambling!!

Ummm...but its not hidden...we know.

Do You Really Think The Good Guys Win In Real Life Too?
May 16, 2006
Not only LA vs Sacramento also see LA vs Portland game 7. Infamous Portland collapse aided by officials.

Suns vs Spurs, Spurs vs Mavericks (year they played Miami)

MIAMI HEAT GETTING EVERY CALL STARTING Game 3 (see Wade). Most lopsided officiated finals I've personally ever seen (more so than Chicago over Utah and thats saying something). Remember I'm a Heat Fan

Any Bulls game when Jordan played, ask B. Russell if Jordan didn't push off.

See Michael Jordan retirement from basketball to play baseball cover up

Do I really need to provide links

How about I stick to money=corruption (rigged games)

Its a fantasy world we live in kids, just accept it =]
Last edited:

Dec 10, 2004
I remembered 1 game long time ago between Mavs/Lakers in regular season. Lakers down by 16-18 pts with 1 minute left. Kept fouling and 23 pts scored for the total to go over.

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