the worst extended period of economic growth in recorded history
if the labor participation rate remained the same, unemployment would > 8% today (a political death sentence when success mattered)
Healthcare system in decline because of Obamacare
racial tensions increasing, condoning violence against the "systematic" racism of police officers
national security a mess, porous borders
selectively enforcing the laws of the land
the world ablaze, decon 3, Russia walking all over us in the international arena, hundreds of thousands of people dying
dividing us on race and economics, "punish your enemies"
telling minorities selfish, racist white men are holding you down
bashing our country while traveling abroad, bashing your political adversaries while abroad, diminishing the integrity of the White House in every imaginable way
undeniable collusion between our press and the democratic party, shameful
an epic colossal clusterfuck in every imaginable way, but success and character and integrity and honesty just don't matter anymore
Michelangelo: Anyone who thinks like this is part of the problem.
Get out of your little head and look at the big picture.
Race relations are at a frightening pitch.
If cops continue to get massacred and they are somehow not accorded "extra rights" like soldiers have in war, you will soon see a completely lawless society in the inner cities. What does that mean to the rest of us? I don't know but we need to think about that. It won't be good.
What if the rebels burn the major cities down? May not affect you directly but you can be sure that many, many innocent people will suffer as a result.
What if the far reach of ISIS or open borders or improperly vetted refugees find their way to blowing up a couple of offshore oil rigs, or refineries. The price of gas would skyrocket, crippling industries and individuals who rely on gas for transportation or heating fuel.
What if they took down a few key power grids or took out several key bridges. Think about the far reaching ramifications and hardships.
How about Obamacare? They are proud that they signed up all the non-contributors while the working man gets squeezed to near breaking in many cases.
No matter how well you are doing individually if the society collapses around you, you will be F*kd with the rest of America. And the "society" is much worse off than eight years ago. Much worse.
None of those things were going down in price before the ACA, by the way.
you guys clearly dont remember how awful things were 8 years ago.
Consumer Confidence would be a great indicator of how the general feeling was back then.. it was 55%.. the sky was falling, no jobs to be hand, no one would hire, everything economically felt like pins and needles.. today its 90%
Grass isn't always greener.. and your forgotten memories of how bad was in 2008 is irresponsible
100 out of 100 economist would say things are better today than 2008
We got to figure a way to get my man Trump in so he can show me how I can get away with paying income tax. I would kiss his feet. I need him. Dow Jones when Obama took office was 7,949. now its 18,145. im living good
After having eight years of Barack Obama as president it is a physical impossibility for any American to be better off. If they say they are, they are wrong. If they blame themselves instead of the government for their problems, they are un-American
you good with that?..........the Dow since 2008 has made a few folks very happy. You still firm on your stance that that those are happy .......,... 'they are wrong'? .....I got a hunch that their bank accounts arent sayin' so...that they are cool with the status quo?.....
that bad for America?
I think the country is all ready better off than it was 6 weeks ago---