kingbill said:I understand Reality has a liberal Bias...
chiefssth said:It's just nice to see some good things from this war because I know for a fact it exists. My cousin got back from Iraq about 3 months ago and he told me that they see a lot more people that are happy to see them than the opposite. I want to see the troops come home now but I just get sick of hearing all the negative only on here.
kingbill said:Fair enough, but Joe C incinuated that the main stream media wouldn't show the positive pictures from the war. They did, the entire first year. The photos the Main stream media wouldn't show photos of the dead babies, burnt with skulls crushed. If they were to show the extremely positive pics they should show the extremely negative ones also, I think they've tried to find a medium.
Maybe if Joe C had said used a title of "hey here are some positive pics from Iraq" instead of trying to politisize it, the negative wouldn't have been brought up.
kingbill said:There we go, agreements can be made, now that the great divider is taking a break. Let JMoney know I said What up Suge
Joe Contrarian said:C'mon, Kingbill, give me some credit. I didn't politicize it. I didn't even mention the 1 million dead Iraqis in Mr. Saddam's Neighborhood. I mean, really. You make it sound like I posted something like this:
Who do you think I am? Turd Spammy?
Death Eats a Cracker said:Joe knows more about evolution then evolutionary biologists. Don't forget that. The reason the pictures aren't showing up is because the internet isn't smart enough to understand what he is typing.
BASEHEAD said:Times change McGeek....didnt Japan attack us-now every other car on a US road is made in Japan or at least a Jap co.? Didnt we fight off the Mexicans once now we welcome them?Did the US fight a war against its staunchest ally in the WOT, the British? Perhaps if we were certain Saddam was engaged in genocide at that point we wouldnt have been so passive.
Of course it didnt stop in 88 or 89 or 90 or 91 or 92 or get the point.The genocide stopped in 2003.
Why try to mitigate what Saddam has done? What purpose does it serve?