Iran Nuclear Deal Reached


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
From a conventional attack certainly. But remember Israel can survive countless wars and never win one. But lose just once and it's population would be massacred. And Israel cannot survive a first strike nuclear attack.

Iran is a maniacal and genocidal regime, hated by its own people. They kill their own on a daily basis, and export murder and terror throughout the globe. Obama is war weary. Kerry is naive. Hagel is retarded. It's a dangerous combo. The way the clerics in Iran treat their own people, call for death to both Israel and America on a daily basis, why would anyone trust them? If the regime was faced with being overthrown why would it hesitate to use a nuke, or sell it to a Shia terrorist group in order to have plausible deniability? If the Saudis are scared enough to align with hated Israel over the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran that should be enough to open Obama's eyes.
All the more reason for Israel to take out Irans nuclear capabilities. I'm sure that Israel has intelligence on how far along Iran is. Iran must not be quite there yet because if they were, Israel would have dealt with them by now.

The Saudis are definitely concerned because life as they know it will cease to exsist if Iran gets nuclear weapons, a fact that Obama seems to have overlooked.

Hell, I don't think Irans biggest ally Russia is particularly keen on the idea.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Zit's vision has set you free. Congrats. It is happening as Kirk prophesized. You can speak out in the open now. The Cult won't harm you.

That doesn't concern me. This does.


Sep 21, 2004
All the more reason for Israel to take out Irans nuclear capabilities. I'm sure that Israel has intelligence on how far along Iran is. Iran must not be quite there yet because if they were, Israel would have dealt with them by now.

The Saudis are definitely concerned because life as they know it will cease to exsist if Iran gets nuclear weapons, a fact that Obama seems to have overlooked.

Hell, I don't think Irans biggest ally Russia is particularly keen on the idea.

Exactly why this has a real chance of working. Because Russia is a strong Party to it, and they are on our side in this case. Same with China. Putin saved Obama's ass on Syria.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Exactly why this has a real chance of working. Because Russia is a strong Party to it, and they are on our side in this case. Same with China. Putin saved Obama's ass on Syria.
Even the Senate knows the current deal stinks.

It looks increasingly likely that any day now, Senate Dems will roll out a new proposal to impose new sanctions on Iran — in defiance of the White House’s request that they hold off, for fear that it will undermine the possibility of a long term deal curbing Iran’s nuclear program.

From the point of view of the White House, there’s good news and bad news in this proposal. The White House doesn’t want any vote on any sort of sanctions measure now, because it fears that it would give the Iranians, and the U.S.’s negotiating partners, reason to believe the U.S. is negotiating in bad faith. Secretary of State John Kerry said today that Iran already knows it will face renewed sanctions if the deal fails — whether or not the Senate votes now — and that any vote would hence be “gratuitous.”

Iran is play BO like a drum. The longer they appear to be negotiating the more time they're buying to achieve their goals.

New member
Aug 22, 2013

You're just not very bright are you? I'm going to state some facts about you, you tell me if I'm right:

1. You are a liberal in your 20's
2. You were educated in public schools
3. You do not have a college degree
4. Your IQ is about that of a retard


Ahh the typical brain dead conservatard response. Don't answer the questions you're asked and then change the subject to something TOTALLY different. Before I answer your questions, let's address the more important question:

How Fucking Stupid Are You, FesteringZit?

Now to your questions....

1. False - Independent in my 40's
2. Partial - Private HS, Public College
3. False - Bachelor's
4. False - Last time I took one was about 3 years ago. Scored 112.

You're 0 for 4, genius.... My turn....

1. You're a conservative in your late 40's, maybe 50 or so.
2. You're a catholic who grew up in New England, but hate the current Pope.
3. Your dad was a HARD CORE republican who worked nothing but white collar his whole life (and you are the same). And neither he nor you could stand those blue collar democrats who were your neighbors.
4. You have no idea what your IQ is.

Oct 12, 2008
cmon, man, I sent him a monies offer to back his mouth, why did you chime in?!?!?

lets see where tough guy goes with this....he went for a walk, I reckon....

New member
Aug 22, 2013
cmon, man, I sent him a monies offer to back his mouth, why did you chime in?!?!?

lets see where tough guy goes with this....he went for a walk, I reckon....

Sorry Ricboff...Didn't see your post. I don't think He ever would have bet you anyways.

Sep 21, 2004
Even the Senate knows the current deal stinks.

It looks increasingly likely that any day now, Senate Dems will roll out a new proposal to impose new sanctions on Iran — in defiance of the White House’s request that they hold off, for fear that it will undermine the possibility of a long term deal curbing Iran’s nuclear program.

From the point of view of the White House, there’s good news and bad news in this proposal. The White House doesn’t want any vote on any sort of sanctions measure now, because it fears that it would give the Iranians, and the U.S.’s negotiating partners, reason to believe the U.S. is negotiating in bad faith. Secretary of State John Kerry said today that Iran already knows it will face renewed sanctions if the deal fails — whether or not the Senate votes now — and that any vote would hence be “gratuitous.”

Iran is play BO like a drum. The longer they appear to be negotiating the more time they're buying to achieve their goals.

Nope, they won't. Already exposed this as a lie when you, or someone else posted about Steny Hoyer leading this supposed Senate Dem proposal, and showed proof that was a lie from his own staff. Since BO/The US wasn't the only party to this, he, nor anyone else, was played like a drum by Iran.
Sep 21, 2004
Ahh the typical brain dead conservatard response. Don't answer the questions you're asked and then change the subject to something TOTALLY different. Before I answer your questions, let's address the more important question:

How Fucking Stupid Are You, FesteringZit?

Now to your questions....

1. False - Independent in my 40's
2. Partial - Private HS, Public College
3. False - Bachelor's
4. False - Last time I took one was about 3 years ago. Scored 112.

You're 0 for 4, genius.... My turn....

1. You're a conservative in your late 40's, maybe 50 or so.
2. You're a catholic who grew up in New England, but hate the current Pope.
3. Your dad was a HARD CORE republican who worked nothing but white collar his whole life (and you are the same). And neither he nor you could stand those blue collar democrats who were your neighbors.
4. You have no idea what your IQ is.

Your results:

1. True
2. Very False - Although I don't like any of the Popes, ever.
3. Very False - My dad was a lifetime Democrat when he voted, but he quit voting 30 years ago out of cynicism
4. Very False - Keep guessing

1/4 and the 1 was a freebie considering I've posted my age on here zillions of times.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

New member
Aug 22, 2013
Your results:

1. True
2. Very False - Although I don't like any of the Popes, ever.
3. Very False - My dad was a lifetime Democrat when he voted, but he quit voting 30 years ago out of cynicism
4. Very False - Keep guessing

1/4 and the 1 was a freebie considering I've posted my age on here zillions of times.

Hmmm....So 3 was not even partially true? You don't work a white collar gig? Then again with as much as you post here you might be independently wealthy and retired now...Interesting...I'd say 110 for IQ despite asking you how stupid you are...LMAO

For the record I haven't been here long enough to see you post your age.

Sep 21, 2004

From the article:

A bipartisan group of Senators is close to an agreement on tougher Iran sanctions in opposition to the White House

But sources told CNN the group still has work to do to finalize its plan.

A Senate deal would include a new round of sanctions to begin in six months.

Yep, just another lie. There's no Senate Dem Proposal, there's still work to do to finalize any plan, and the most important one, it wouldn't take effect for 6 months, the same length as the current agreement with Iran. So If Iran fails to live up to their end of the bargain, there will be increased sanctions. That's exactly what the agreement with Iran states. Kerry is exactly right in his assessment.

Aug 6, 2006
All the more reason for Israel to take out Irans nuclear capabilities. I'm sure that Israel has intelligence on how far along Iran is. Iran must not be quite there yet because if they were, Israel would have dealt with them by now.

The Saudis are definitely concerned because life as they know it will cease to exsist if Iran gets nuclear weapons, a fact that Obama seems to have overlooked.

Hell, I don't think Irans biggest ally Russia is particularly keen on the idea.

Dave if they do they will wait until the last possible second. And regardless they will be wholly condemned by the world when they do it. The world doesn't seem to like it when Jews defend themselves. Israel as you know bombed Osirak, the nuclear reactor built for Saddam by French PM Jacque "The Cock" Chirac. Got a lot of grief for it, turned out Israel was correct in doing so right blah blah blah. The Left in Israel is nuttier than the Left on this board; trust me.

The Saudis are already in trouble because many other nations are discovering large areas of natural gas and on their way to energy independence. The Saudi-Iran battle can be broadened to Sunni vs Shia. Extremists on those two sides are enemies of civilization, but while they love mass slaughtering innocent non-Muslims they never pause from their bloodthirstiness long enough to stop killing each other. And among them are so many splinter groups you can't even keep track. Just today I read news that an al Queda faction migrated from the Sinai into Gaza.

The Russians will do what they always do. Play all sides and stab everyone in the back.

Aug 6, 2006
  • Obama: A Verifiable, Diplomatic Solution for Iran Is Preferred
    President Barack Obama told the Saban Forum at the Brookings Institution on Saturday: "It is in America's national security interests, not just Israel's national interests or the region's national security interests, to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon....The best way for us to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapons is for a comprehensive, verifiable, diplomatic resolution, without taking any other options off the table if we fail to achieve that."
    "It is important for us to test that proposition during the next six months, understanding that while we're talking, they're not secretly improving their position or changing circumstances on the ground inside of Iran. And if at the end of six months it turns out that we can't make a deal, we're no worse off, and in fact we have greater leverage with the international community to continue to apply sanctions and even strengthen them."
    "Iran is engaging in a whole bunch of other behavior in the Middle East and around the world that is detrimental to the United States and detrimental to Israel. And we will continue to contest their efforts where they're engaging in terrorism, where they're being disruptive to our friends and our allies."
    "Israel cannot contract out its security. In light of the history that the people of Israel understand all too well, they have to make sure that they are making their own assessments about what they need to do to protect themselves. And we respect that." (U.S. State Department)

    See also Obama Puts Odds of Iran Nuclear Deal at 50-50, or Worse (AP)

Aug 6, 2006
Netanyahu: International Community Must Demand a Change in Iran's Policy toward Israel (Prime Minister's Office)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Saban Forum of the Brookings Institution on Sunday via video

  • "The Middle East is undergoing great turmoil, great violence, great instability. But in this turbulence, the special bond between Israel and the United States is the crucial anchor of stability....I want to thank President Obama for his commitment to our strong alliance. He has repeatedly said that Israel must have the right to defend itself, by itself against all threats....On President Obama's watch, defense, security and intelligence cooperation between the United States and Israel has reached new heights."
  • "We can have different perspectives. I understand that the United States is a global power with global responsibilities. And President Obama understands that the Jewish state is a beleaguered democracy in a hostile region, threatened like no other country on earth."
  • "The core of this conflict has never been borders and settlements. It is about one thing: The persistent refusal to accept the Jewish state in any border. The real key to peace is Palestinian recognition of the right of the Jewish people to national self-determination in this part of the world. This conflict didn't begin because we denied the right of the Palestinian people to a state of their own. We agreed to that in 1937....And in the 20 years since the Oslo accords, every time we've offered a historic peace with a Palestinian state next to a Jewish state, the Palestinians still refused."
  • "Any kind of peace...must withstand the forces of terrorism and the ravaging forces of radicalism and all the forces backed by Iran and others that will try to unravel the peace....So there must be iron-clad security arrangements to protect the peace, arrangements that allow Israel to defend itself by itself against any possible threats. And those security arrangements must be based on Israel's own forces. There is no substitute for that."
  • "Our best efforts to reach Palestinian-Israeli peace will come to nothing if Iran succeeds in building atomic bombs. A nuclear-armed Iran would give even greater backing to the radical and terrorist elements in the region....This same regime supplies its terrorist proxies, Hizbullah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, with thousands of rockets, rockets that are aimed at Israeli civilians, rockets that are precision-guided munitions that are increasingly lethal and deadly. This is a regime committed to our destruction. And I believe there must be an unequivocal demand alongside the negotiations in Geneva for a change in Iranian policy."
  • "We share President Obama's preference to see Iran's nuclear weapons program end through diplomacy. But for diplomacy to succeed, it must be coupled with powerful sanctions and a credible military threat....We should not assume that more and tougher sanctions won't lead to a better deal."

New member
Nov 10, 2010
If Iran achieves nuclear weapons then Saudi buys nuclear weapons from Pakistan. So you then have Iran,Saudi and Isreal all nuclear powers. HELP.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
A major concern is the inevitable eventual victory for the Taliban in Pakistan and the formation of the Islamic state of Pakistan. A ISLAMIC TERRORIST STATE WITH A MASSIVE NUCLEAR ARSENAL. AN ARSENAL THAT IS BEEN RAPIDLY INCREASED YEAR UPON YEAR.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Russia has massive Muslim problems itself. The Iran deal suits Russia, because it enables Iran to continue to support Syria, a war that is busting Iran financially and militarily , it is this that drove Iran to con the West, not the West's sanctions .

Russia likes Iran fighting on the side of its big buddy Syria.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Dave if they do they will wait until the last possible second. And regardless they will be wholly condemned by the world when they do it. The world doesn't seem to like it when Jews defend themselves. Israel as you know bombed Osirak, the nuclear reactor built for Saddam by French PM Jacque "The Cock" Chirac. Got a lot of grief for it, turned out Israel was correct in doing so right blah blah blah. The Left in Israel is nuttier than the Left on this board; trust me.

The Saudis are already in trouble because many other nations are discovering large areas of natural gas and on their way to energy independence. The Saudi-Iran battle can be broadened to Sunni vs Shia. Extremists on those two sides are enemies of civilization, but while they love mass slaughtering innocent non-Muslims they never pause from their bloodthirstiness long enough to stop killing each other. And among them are so many splinter groups you can't even keep track. Just today I read news that an al Queda faction migrated from the Sinai into Gaza.

The Russians will do what they always do. Play all sides and stab everyone in the back.

So what else is new? It's been 68 years since the "bomb" was used and it was only used to save American lives and end a war.

It has never been used to start a war. If Iran does in fact get the capability and uses that capability life around the world will cease to exist as we know it. I can't fathom in this day and age it happening, yet here we are.

The leadership around the world with very few exceptions has gone bat shit crazy. Ye reap what ye sow.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]US and UK suspend non-lethal aid into Syria[/h]

[h=2]Equipment and supplies for opposition blocked after Islamic Front rebels take control of Free Syrian Army bases.[/h]

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