Interracial marriage


New member
Sep 21, 2004
it's not your problem,

you guys just look different from the norm, you are going to get looks and comments.
you cannot control how others think or react, you can only control how you think or react.

if you were 80 in a wheelchair married to a 20 year old you would get looks.
if you were 6 feet tall and she was 3 feet tall you would get looks

doesn't matter, black/white, fat/skinny, tall/short, old/young, rich/poor, north/south, smart/retard

i was brought up not to stare or make comments about others that are different than what I am used to seeing on an everyday basis.

it's not my fault when other people were not

Oct 10, 2007
As for not as many White guys/black girls combos, and speaking from experience, trust me the majority of black girls like white guys & would be with them if a particular white male also if had interest...

most white guys would go with black girls but most whites see that as a downgrade. that's why you don't see much of that. family/friends would probably make fun of you and say you're not good enough for a white girl.
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not as old as Spartanfan who started this thread, but my girlfriend is also 18 years younger than I, and it's not always perfect because you have that question in the back of your mind what's going to happen later on as you both age.

As for interracial relationships, my current partner of 2.5 years is Hispanic, the one before her for 5 years was Hispanic (who was same age & went to school with the one I'm with now), the one before her was Puerto Rican, and the wife before than was half caucasian-half Hispanic. So obviously I have no issue with it personally...

Dont worry about later in life. When she gets too old, just trade her in!

Feb 10, 2009
White male, 56, recently married to the most beautiful black female, 38. Live in what used to be a very conservative city located in MI, but in the last 10 years or so it has become less so.
However even with that it seems the level of attention and comments we as a couple seem to generate has become very much an annoyance. Have any of you been involved or perhaps are currently involved in such a relationship and also have to del with such unwanted scrutiny?
Most of the comments and often associated dirty looks seem to come from white females. As much as you like to think that racism has lessened somewhat the fact is it hasn't at all.

completely get what you deal with. I was with a black girl for several years. Granted I was young, so maybe the types of comments / stares / threats are different than what you deal with on a daily basis. Honestly, it's probably the reason we ended. It got the to point we couldn't go out on weekend nights because the harassment was so bad. Week days it seemed like it was less of a problem, again I contribute this to youth. For those that never been in a serious interracial relationship probably don't understand the toll it takes on the couple. Although you think that it's never been worse, I'm sure it has. I feel confident that if I was to do it now, just 10 years later that there would be a little more acceptance.

Don't let it ruin what you have. Although it's an issue that others dont have to deal with, truthfully, it can be something that pulls you two closer. Keep the dialog open, let her tell you places/situation/people she feels uncomfortable with.

In the end, if yall 2 are happy together, don't let bother you.

New member
Feb 10, 2010
.Follow the money....The hottest white women are in Southern California........Everyone knows this.......The hottest black women are in Atlanta in general simply cause the city draws a bigger influence and seen as center of universe to some (music industry and many sports athletes live here) ......In Las Vegas you will see top of the line in all races at tables with high limits as top of the line women follow the money no matter what race.

New member
Feb 10, 2010
completely get what you deal with. I was with a black girl for several years. Granted I was young, so maybe the types of comments / stares / threats are different than what you deal with on a daily basis. Honestly, it's probably the reason we ended. It got the to point we couldn't go out on weekend nights because the harassment was so bad. Week days it seemed like it was less of a problem, again I contribute this to youth. For those that never been in a serious interracial relationship probably don't understand the toll it takes on the couple. Although you think that it's never been worse, I'm sure it has. I feel confident that if I was to do it now, just 10 years later that there would be a little more acceptance.

Don't let it ruin what you have. Although it's an issue that others dont have to deal with, truthfully, it can be something that pulls you two closer. Keep the dialog open, let her tell you places/situation/people she feels uncomfortable with.

In the end, if yall 2 are happy together, don't let bother you.

You get a lot more racism from certain white people in my opinion way more than other races ...However, some white people you get a very positive reaction so it really depends.......And it is one thing to know racism exists and it is a completely different feeling when you actually feel it..........And this applies to both latina and black.......As far as dating Asian it is more accepting in public I think (you get it more from their family instead LOL).

New member
Feb 5, 2007
It appears alot of the instances imo of course that black chicks with white guys are kinda grade a choice cut...however in the case of white chick black guy your dealing with girls who aren't even remotely attractive...

exception to every rule of course but just an observation im sure others have noticed

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
1. White girls... easy to handle. .
2. Black girls... tough to handle

Sep 18, 2006
It appears alot of the instances imo of course that black chicks with white guys are kinda grade a choice cut...however in the case of white chick black guy your dealing with girls who aren't even remotely attractive...

exception to every rule of course but just an observation im sure others have noticed

Been in the restaurant business since my dad started taking me with him at age 10 & my observation in in 30 years has been that when I would see a white male with a black female, they were both usually educated & well spoken......

But 90% of the time I would see a black male with a white female, the white girl was always overweight & the girl always paid the check.

In those situations, the black male is known to dominate the white woman......he would never get away with that crap with a black woman.........

These ate my observations & I have talked to other business owners that are friends of mine which see the same thing.

I'm not saying all black makes treat white woman this way because they font, I have a good friend that's black (but acts white :) & married a white woman & have some beautiful kids. He treats his wife very nice but he doesn't fall into the stigma & doesn't act the part as well.

Do any of my observations make me racist? I hope not & if my observations bother anyone, well, it wasn't intended & my observations shouldn't bother anyone, they are real life situations.

Sep 21, 2004
Do any of my observations make me racist? I hope not & if my observations bother anyone, well, it wasn't intended & my observations shouldn't bother anyone, they are real life situations.

Your observations make you a racist if you make blanket assumptions about individuals because of their skin color and "race" (whatever that is) and don't bother to look at them as fellow human beings.

So yeah, based on your rather 2 dimensional analysis above, I'd say your observations make you a racist.

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Computer, I don't think you are racist by the comments that you made. To me it appears as though you were just posting what you observe.

Sep 18, 2006
Your observations make you a racist if you make blanket assumptions about individuals because of their skin color and "race" (whatever that is) and don't bother to look at them as fellow human beings.

So yeah, based on your rather 2 dimensional analysis above, I'd say your observations make you a racist.

LoL......gotta love freedom of person sees it one way while another sees it another.

It seems I hit a nerve on your thing I've realized is you can not please everyone.

I will not sit here & be politically correct on stating what I observed in front of my eyes, no matter how bad some view my opinions.

Sep 18, 2006
Computer, I don't think you are racist by the comments that you made. To me it appears as though you were just posting what you observe.

LoL.....oh I know, can't please everyone with the truth. The truth actually hurts more than lies sometimes.
Dec 11, 2006
Someone said it earlier. Many black women would love to be with a white guy. I (white) dated a black woman for seven years. The only problems I had were with a sister's boyfriend and my parents. Nobody in the outside world ever gave either of us any shit. I wouldn't have taken to that well. Maybe they sensed that. I don't know. What I do know is that you need to be secure in who you are. Otherwise your biggest problem could be yourself.

In the end I had to break it off. Our cultures were just too different. She didn't take to that well. Broke her up bad. Love can be tough, but I think losing her white guy was extra tough on her. That woman would have walked through hell for me.
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
1. White girls... easy to handle. .
2. Black girls... tough to handle

I kindly disagree tate.

I haven't dated a black girl, but what I admire about them is that they don't play any mind games or hard to get games like white or hispanic girls.

They are usually straight to the point and up front about everything.

Also any of them take care of their men financially as well and don't even seem to have a problem with or complain about it...

Sep 21, 2004
LoL......gotta love freedom of person sees it one way while another sees it another.

It seems I hit a nerve on your thing I've realized is you can not please everyone.

I will not sit here & be politically correct on stating what I observed in front of my eyes, no matter how bad some view my opinions.

If my answers frighten you sir, I suggest you stop asking scary questions

New member
Feb 5, 2007
I kindly disagree tate.

I haven't dated a black girl, but what I admire about them is that they don't play any mind games or hard to get games like white or hispanic girls.

They are usually straight to the point and up front about everything.

Also any of them take care of their men financially as well and don't even seem to have a problem with or complain about it...

I disagree...they are more stressed which leads to them flying off the handle all the more easily

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
we get it from time to time as well. my wife considers herself black but is often mistaken for latino so sometimes people make off color comments not realizing they are directly insulting my wife, kids, family, etc.

i mostly get comments from groups of young black dudes who are jealous that she chose me (she is pretty fine if i do say so myself) and looks from old while dudes who are afraid to say anything

Some of us old white dudes aren't afraid to say something. Some of us are just jealous.

Glad to hear you are happy with a woman no matter the color.

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