Joe, accurately pointing out voter trends makes you a racist to the scum of this forum
Romney won each and every voting demographic / breakdown of people earning > 50k (which is right around the median, about 5k > average)
which means Obama dominated the < 50k demographics, especially the high school drop out and impoverished demographics
it's true, it's fact, it's undeniable. The scum of this forum must belong to the high school dropout / impoverished demographic, they're that uninformed and they're that delusional
you're such a douche, at least I attempted to prove my point and used real life facts
you just say something, don't prove jack fucking shit, and then say "I don't understand". If I had a state by state breakdown of your base, I'd be happy to show how the electoral college swings. I have already stated such. But based on my passed experience in dealing with you and your posse, you'd still be in denial, you'd still throw some idiocy out there and act as if you made a point
do you actually think the demographic breakdown would be significantly different in swing states? states Obama carried by less than 4% so it would take a smaller change to turn the state?
link something for once in your life
I "missed the point", Jesus Fucking Christ why on earth do I bother? too damn funny
If these two shouted that they love govt programs and were at the occupy wall street protest....the usual people would have made multiple threads about it in the poly forum. Since these murderers are far right loons, they post nothing and are outraged that politics are brought into it. Amazing hypocrisy.
BFL: And then he went on this infamous negative roll, and surrendered his poly posting privileges for a year.
Duchess: But instead of enjoying the gift of a year away from you far right lunatics he posts in other rooms.
BFL: And look at me, preparing to slide my hand up your skirt. And they call me a coward!
I think you are both right and wrong. I have no dog in this fight, but if you remove the under $25K vote, which isn’t exactly the $23K, you are removing roughly 13.5% of the total vote. Of that vote, Obama claimed an approximate edge of 64-34. It certainly appears as if Florida (29) and Ohio (18) would have flipped to Romney giving him an additional 47 electoral votes. Florida and Ohio were above the 13.5% at 14.7% and 16.1%, respectively, but were also a bit tighter on the split at 61-37 and 63-35. Obama only won Florida by 73,109 and would have lost under $25K votes of approximately 751,915 to Romney’s loss of 456,079 for a difference of -295,836. In Ohio, Obama won by 103,481 and would have lost under $25K votes of approximately 535,904 to Romney’s loss of 297,724 for a difference of -238,180.
This would leave Romney ahead 253-240 with 45 electoral votes in question in Iowa (6), Nevada (6), Pennsylvania (20) and Virginia (13). I suspect Obama would have actually held all four states to still claim the presidency, but it surely would have been very close. Iowa, Nevada and Virginia appear as Obama would have certainly held, but Pennsylvania would have been close, but likely still to Obama. The popular vote would have been nearly 50-50.
Most of the time your parody just confuses me.
While we're on the subject of negative rolls..hope your bases have improved this year
If been in many of those areas, Yankee Stadium, Arthur Ave, the Bronx Zoo are all in the Bronx for example. I feel safe there at the times I'm there and where I'm at, but I'd never leave my car unlocked, and if I lived there I'd never leave my home unlocked
stuff I do on a regular basis
and as much as I may enjoy Yankee Stadium, there is nothing to do in the immediate area following the game. You have to drive or hop on the subway to go to a bar or dinner
If you take away those on welfare, those considered living in poverty and high school dropouts....and you don't count their votes...obama is still president.
You might not think so because it hurts your case but it's true. For a single person 11k a year is considered poverty and a family of four it is about 23k. Most of those in that demo don't vote and are children. Take those away and obama still wins....and wins easily.
You're not understanding. If you go state by state and take away those considered living in does not change a state over to red. Obama is still president if every single poor person doesn't get a vote.
You actually swung and missed and threw the bat in the process. We are talking poverty level which is 23k...not 29k.
Go to ohio and take away the vote of those in it in florida. Romney is still conceding on election night.
Your attemptss are ridiculously inaccuarte because your claiming numbers based on less than 30k. Those making 24-29k are not considered poverty. So your entire attempt to prove your point is based on false info.
Do yourself a favor...educate yourself on who votes and check the breakdown of votes for those in poverty in swing states. Maybe next time you won't look so foolish in predicting election. What will be the excuse in 2016? Minorities again?
Linked shit plenty of time and that sends you into hiding. Rasmussen ring a bell? How about when I linked all the storms/hurricanes that you said stopped happening after katrina? I will hold you up for a couple more rounds on this one
The entire premise of those numbers are wrong
In Wrong Way's own state, in which he doesn't know a single Obama voter, Obama didn't need a single vote from anyone making less than $100k to win. That's how dumb Willie is.
+28 Units. It's really sad you have to shoot a back-handed insult toward me because my harmless humor confuses you. Throughout the years I've treated you fairly and with patience, which you should easily recognize.