Mike Pereira @MikePereira10m The key is that he got both feet down before the defender knocked him to the ground. That is why he stayed with the call.
Mike Pereira @MikePereira12m Question is going to be did he get both feet completely on the ground before he is hit by 37. If not, then he has to hold on to the ball
phillip has one incompletion, and it stopped a drive on third and short wide open dropped the ball
another drive stopped when he ran on 3rd and came up 6 inches short
since hardwick went out they done zero
Mike Pereira @MikePereira22s
In terms of a play being run, b4 the buzz to the officials, TV doesn't show but any buzz close to coming at the snap will lead to a review
Mike Pereira @MikePereira2m
btw, for those asking why the clock wasn't reset after the review, the rule doesn't not allow for an adjustment unless there is a reversa
Yea, every winter I hate it, every summer I love it, lol. It's awesome in the summer when it's 2 in the morning and still light enough to catch a football.