Is this going to be televised or on pay for view-can people place a wager on this "Superbowl Final Battle."
In addition I would like to know rosters of each "team."
The real contagion is PANIC
It will all end soon (see post 14)
As I stated today, that post and ones like it, imo are the most important.
Also to be serious and to be sure that I understand you correctly, can we assume that once the "Final Battle" plays out SHORTLY and the good guys annihilate
the bad guys, that that will augur in the New Society where everyone loves another, that all countries unite to form one wonderful world in which to live where
wars disappear and things like famine, disease, murders, crimes, divorce, political and social unrest completely disappear and/or is there more to it
and/or am I misinterpreting something?
I ask this question not in sarcasm but in order to fully understand where you are coming from and what you believe.
Your overall interpretation is correct.
The final battle is in its completion stage now.
The outcome will shock almost every person in the WORLD.
It WILL be a "mic drop".
New systems are already being installed.
Lets all hope that this comes to pass.
If what you say/imply about who the patriots and traitors are is true, I will gladly admit my error in judgment, which would be a pittance in comparison to the
New World's Society and the Love and Goodness they offer.
Although I am "not quite" an expert on this and am perhaps a bit naive, for me one of the most important things which can be done right now
is to "fast track" some of these medications which have proven to be successful with other viruses.
if I had the Virus and was on death's doorstep because nothing else had worked, I would like to think that I would have nothing to lose by trying
one of these proven treatments with other viruses and sign a waiver to go ahead and try it even if the treatment was still in the rigorous testing
phase re: its effectiveness with the coronavirus.
Actually I believe that is the plan. The govt has ordered the drugs and have been using them. This is only possible because Trump enacted the "Right To Try" law not too long ago.
If that is the case, then I applaud Trump.
Imo anyone should have the right to try something which could save their life even if untested as long as they agree by signing a waiver that the
doctor, hospital, etc. would not be held accountable if the person died by trying this medication.
Again though I am speaking as a lay person only with no medical or legal expertise and am perhaps simplifying a complicated matter too much.
Just wanted to say I feel kinda bad for bashing on you and SBD as much as I did a few days ago. Although I dont agree with the new age religion thing You have a right to your choices and opinions. That other guy that attacked you the past few days was just an evil piece of shit!
And it goes without saying that I agree with you about the person you are referring to with the vile attacks on me and lies especially my wife.
Hopefully he will eventually change his ways both for his own good and that of humanity.
When you talk the talk you should walk the walk
Asking someone how trumps dick tastes and posting prayers in the same thread says it all about you. Practice what you preach or be the piece of shit you are. Those feelings are mutual hypocrite